Henki Business It is a true story about my perspective of the past and prior to post seeing the Netherlands Kingdom I learned working for a Polish recruitment agency in a Netherlands company. A storyteller storyline of a case of his visit on vacation and business trip to a nation the plot developed itself. It was a never unexpected journey but I never knew it would happen. The story of what you expect and what you see. Author had in mind to write the Henki Legal title but due to coherent and pragmatic reasons he chose to call it a business, a very bad business. He was never pleased nor never hoped to write about this beautiful tulip nation.
I decided to leave work at a coffee shop and with my Polish girlfriends left to work in the logistics industry. It was a nice life before the news broke out.
"The UK NHS ordered a child to die and be brought back from the Spanish Kingdom from effective cancer treatment because it is their law. They announce a child died and it must die.
Yes it is true.
How about when my child died from their coronavirus vaccine?
Yes it did. The doctor had to send my wife to surgeon to cut my child out because coronavirus virus vaccine allergic reaction was too dangerous for both of their lives.
How about the insurance company paid over two million dollars for medical expenses to have a treatment for a five dollars worth coronavirus jab.
Yes it is true. How much is a worthy and effective treatment to murder children in women or kill their ability to have children.
Thank you Great Britain!
Thank you Britain and mad King of Britain with your unconvicted sex case paedophile brother for paying your mother's crown head Great British Pounds for all over the world to have children murdered.
This is a colourful world in my own colourful words. This is not a United Nations problem in the New York City building.
Do we uphold fundamental Human Rights article one, two, three and five? I think we do not.
My director?!"
I read the news article when I turn on my TV.
"How about the Bangkok Mayor in Bangkok Airports who is King's paedophile? The ill masturbation to withdraw satanic practices. Yes it is true what I found in my luggage.
How South Korea's Company is useless in Thailand Kingdom and honest Japanese Motor Companies like it are suffering from the Bangkok Conglomerates. Yes it is true the car cost more than TV but Japanese citizens are treated like prostitutes to Koreans in Thailand Kingdom.
They should learn that cars 'kamo' are imperial symbols.
How about Police in Lithuania monitoring and selling their citizens' secrets to the Kremlin? Yes it is true.
How about from 30th to 31st of July my pregnant wife cheated on me with her government work colleague away in a project I was waiting for her in a hotel? Yes it is true in Thailand's Korat Government Sex Scandal.
The airport theft from luggages, the Kingdom of Thailand Airport luggage psychopath, a native Thai masturbating in foreigners luggages? Yes it is true the ill Thai and their Royal practices welcome foreigners."
I swapped to an English news channel to see more of this. When I light my second cannabis pre roll.
"I will need you to write about an industrial incident. Our victim experienced a second degree intestines trauma at work from the employer overseeing the health and safety in the warehouse.
He had to lift over one hundred tons of freight by hand and his manager was a racist. His wife is Asian. He is caucasian male.
The company manager claims no responsibility and said they never bribed the Republic of Lithuania health and safety inspector.
The victim claims their health and safety tests were fake and the company manager was racist ordering him to overwork.
You will be European Union Health and Safety inspector Stanislav Kazol from Bratislava? Who is researching three cases about industrial incidents and one case about racism at work to analyse and support our cause.
"The cases are relevant."
You should find relevant cases to build four singular paragraphs and make a one case with references.
I just learned I was watching a courthouse drama. When I learn news on other channels.
"The National Treasury case from QC Elizabeth England Special Prosecutor, DESA United Nations New York building is making a public announcement:
We have four paragraphs to investigate tax fraud and economic corruption in government and politics.
The case is the Republic of Lithuania collected taxes from their business abroad and overfilled their national budget changing their ability to use European Union funds, Paris Financial Club and IMF access.
"Maybe they collected taxes illegally from volunteers and businesses voluntarily sending funds to VMI (their tax office), national bank and national budget to increase the government revenues value to borrow? We do not know."
The Special Prosecutor continues next to her envoy.
"But we know their lawmakers were careless with international laws and made a huge amount of flaw laws for businesses to avoid taxes abroad. The Republic of Lithuania could collect taxes and manipulate IMF or European Central Bank systems to borrow what the nation cannot afford."
It was noticed by Audrius Razma, the UN DESA Special Inspector in 2022 working in Sweden, Angelholm Greenhouse collecting evidence about a tax fraud business.
"He noticed the business director Silkinis knew the franchise scheme he bought. You can create for self-employed businesses an exchange of goods and services contract pretending you are in a business with the b company but not employed under employment contract to avoid Swedish government taxes."
It was the case he noted with an Android Tech company in the United States of America. They employed trainees avoiding US IRF employing full-time workers.
"But it was not the case, he noted. The Republic of Lithuania government should recount their last five years tax revenues because they collected taxes illegally."
It was DESA's final verdict.
The Republic of Lithuania committed international tax fraud.
Special DESA Inspector Audrius Razma made his public announcement:
The National Treasury Case
Name: Audrius Razma
Date: 01.12.2023
"The case was reformulated with a law media journalist and in case found inadmissible the European Commission has powers and laws to act on behalf of a victim.
The taxpayers."
Our case is the Republic of Lithuania collected taxes from their business abroad and overfilled their national budget changing their ability to use European Union funds, Paris Financial Club and IMF access or ECB.
But we know their lawmakers were careless with international laws and made a huge amount of flaw laws for businesses to avoid taxes abroad. The Republic of Lithuania could collect taxes and manipulate IMF or European Central Bank systems to borrow what the nation cannot afford.
He was a victim of a business tax fraud working in Angelholm Greenhouse but not employed.
The evidence was presented to the Ministry of Labour lawyer and they found a case where he signed a labour contract there employer in the Kingdom of Sweden had to pay taxes.
It was the case he noted with Android Tech company in the United States of America. They employed trainees avoiding US IRF employing full-time workers.
But it was not the case, he noted. The Republic of Lithuania government should recount their last five years tax revenues because they collected taxes illegally.
The Republic of Lithuania committed international tax fraud.
The Republic of Lithuania has been involved in several counts of tax fraud cases and economic corruption in politics and government operations in the recent past. This context presents press and media case appeal as showcased in the provided scenario herein."
I nearly threw my high heel after girls night out when I saw this news flash.
"How many refugees from Belarus and Ukraine in the Republic of Lithuania were turned to sell their body for sex because the welfare was cut for political reasons? In true prostitution these women became prostitutes to feed their children?"
I said to myself. "What afock?" My mind was too high to understand the media and shows on TV flipping channels. I laid my head on a sofa.
We had planned a busy day tomorrow and my morning gym routine was a must. In this cursed King's Kingdom of Tulips I had two sexual assaults when I decided to leave my job in a coffee shop to do logistics. I was underpaid and men workers stole from my purse.
The men in the Netherlands are too much for an honest woman to handle in Deckermanns logistics business.
I am so underpaid I am almost shouting for somebody to help me not minding the other employees stealing from my purse.
When I closed my eyes on my velvet purse as a pillow I let my hand slide.
The warm wool blanket slid open for me to see in the morning my breast was hanging out my silver night dress.
The man from Poland walked away and spat looking at me.
It was the reality of the Tulips nation.