

~~~~~~~~~Jay's POV~~~~~~~~~

I've been going to daycare for almost a week now and have been having an absolute blast! Spencer, Viccy, and I have become almost inseparable. Everyday I'm there we practically run to one another, hug, and run off to play after I tell Mommy bye and get my goodbye hug and kiss. Mommy's been talking to Spencer and Vanny's daddies and decided that they'd be coming over for a playdate and sleepover on the weekend!

"Are you ready to see your friends, baby?" Mommy asks me as she changes my messy diaper.

"Uh huh! I's so e'cited! We gets to pway aaaawll day!" I say excitedly, squirming on my changing table.

Mommy chuckles. "Inside voices, pumpkin" she says, patting my fresh diaper.

"Sowwy mama" I say, shrinking a little.

"It's okay sweetheart" she says, kissing my forehead as she lifts me off the changing table and sits me on the floor.

She grabs my khaki shorts and holds them open for me, allowing me to step into them and pulling them up to button and zip them.

"Arms up, baby" she says, lifting my yellow shirt that has a big blue star in the middle and blue sleeves with yellow stars on them.

She slipped the shirt over my head and arms after I lifted my arms, giving me a kiss on the nose.

"Alright bubby, go run and play, they'll be here soon" she says as she clips my paci to my shirt and gives my padded butt a pat.

I do just that, running to the living room and playing with my toys on the floor as Blue's Clues plays in the background. Before long I hear the doorbell ring. I hopped up and started running to the door but Mommy stopped me.

"No Jay, you let Mommy answer the door. You don't know who's at the door so you let Mommy answer so you can be safe" she says as she kisses my forehead, opening the door to Josh and Spencer.

"SPENCER!!!" I squeal, running up and hugging them.

"JJ!" they squeal in return as they hug me back, both of us bouncing in each other's arms.

"You two are just too precious" Mommy says before talking to Josh for a minute, getting an idea of what she needs to do to watch Spencer before he leaves.

Spencer and I run over to my toys and start to play. After a while they're another knock on the door. Mommy goes over and opens it, nearly getting knocked over by an over excited Vanessa.

"JJ!!!" She yells, tackling me with a hug.

"Oof! Vanny!" I hug her back, Spencer coming to join the hug pile.

"How much sugar has she had?" Mommy asks Al.

"Apparently, far too much" he chuckles.

The adults talk for a minute before Al too leaves, leaving Mommy with the three of us as we sit on the floor playing with my blocks.

"Okay kiddos, you guys play for a bit while I go clean up some. If you need me, come get me" she says before leaving the room.

~~~~~~~~~Liz's POV~~~~~~~~~

As I clean I can hear the kids shuffling around in the living room and talking loudly while they play. Jay never made many friends after we graduated, his only 'friends' being his co-workers whom he'd talk to during work but not really at all outside of that, so him actually having fun hanging out with someone brings so much joy to my heart. While I finish up last night's dishes I hear Jay start to yell, followed by a loud 'ow' and crying. Concerned, I ran in to see Spencer on the ground sobbing and Jay clutching his favorite rocket toy, looking stunned and on the verge of tears himself.

"What happened in here!?" I ask, looking over at Jay who looked immensely guilty.

"I-I....S-Spencer was pwaying wif m-my wocket an I wan'ed to pway wif it buh dey no lets go so I....I push dem an dey falled an an...." he started to stutter out as he broke down crying.

"James, we do not push people in this house" I say as gently yet firmly as possible as I walk over to him, holding out my hand for his rocket, which he gives me with some hesitance.

I hold out my other hand for his, which he takes. I look at Spencer to see that they aren't badly injured.

"Spencer, Vanny, I'll be right back, okay?" I say, getting little nods from them both, Spencer's sobs having diminished as they whimper a little.

I take Jay to his nursery, standing him in the corner, putting my hands on his shoulders and leaning down to meet his eyes. "Now Jay, what on earth made you think that pushing Spencer was okay?" I ask him, tears still running down his face, making it extremely hard to be strict with him.

"I-I-I dunno...."he says, looking down at the ground in shame as he whimpered and sobbed.

"Jay, look at me" I say, gently raising his head with my hand till his eyes met mine again. "Was that okay to do? Was that nice? Was that being a good boy?"

"N-no...." he said through sobs.

"Then are we gonna do that again?" I ask.

"N-no M-Mawmy" he says through tears. "I-I sowwies, Mawmy."

"Now Jay, you're gonna sit in this corner for ten minutes. When those ten minutes are up you are gonna go apologize to Spencer, is that clear?" I ask, getting a nod from him. "No, use your words baby."

"Y-yeah Mawmy" he says sadly.

I put his paci in his mouth, turning him around so he's facing the corner and set a ten minute timer on my phone before walking out of the room. Walking back into the living room, Spencer is still on the floor, eyes red from crying with Vanny hugging them. I go to comfort them and cheer them up. Before long my timer goes off and I return to the nursery to find Jay still in the corner sniffing.

I walk over to him, gently turning him around and looking him in the eyes again. "Have we thought about what we did wrong, Jay?" I ask him.

"U-uh huh" he say sniffling.

"Are we ready to go apologize?" I ask as I rub small circles on his back.

"Y-yeah Mawmy" he says.

I take his hand and lead him back to the living room where Spencer and Vanny are still playing. "Spencer, Jay has something he wants to say to you." I say, letting go of his hand.

Jay takes off running towards Spencer, hugging them as he sobs. "I-I sowwies I push chu. I was mean an nu mean hurt chu" he says as Spencer hugs him back.

"Is otays, I fowgives chu, JJ" they say as they hug.

"You kids gonna play nice now while I finish cleaning up and making you little munchkins food?" I ask, getting affirming nods and hums from the three of them before returning to the kitchen.

~~~~~~~~~Jay's POV~~~~~~~~~

Spencer, Vanny, and I decided to stop playing for now and sit down in front of the TV instead, cuddling our stuffies as we watch some cartoons. Spencer suggests watching Bluey, so I ask Mommy if she can put it on for us, which she happily does. As we watch I start to really get into it, all of us singing and dancing along with the silly little theme song each time it plays. At one point Mommy brings us a big blanket, draping it over the three of us, making sure we're all comfy before returning to the kitchen again.

By the time Mommy came back we had uprooted the cushions from the couch and had gone and grabbed a bunch of pillows and more blankets from my nursery, taking the big blanket from before and draping it over the couch and other furniture to make a big pillow fort, which made Mommy chuckle at our ingenuity.

"Well it looks like I got a group of little builders on my hands, huh?" She says as she peaks up under the large blanket. "Can I join?"

"Sowwy Mawmy, nu 'dults allowed" I say as the three of us giggle.

"Aww, so it's a kids only club, huh? That's a shame" she chuckles. "Well I think you three should come out of the clubhouse for a bit cause dinner is done."

The three of us crawl out from inside our fort and follow Mommy to the dining room, Spencer and Vanny sitting in normal chairs and Mommy placing me in my highchair.

"Sorry I only have the one highchair, kiddos" she says, getting reassured that it's okay.

She goes around, clipping bibs around all our necks before placing animal themed segmented plates with pigs in a blanket, mashed potatoes with gravy, and mac and cheese in front of us, giving us each a baby fork and spoon to eat with and sippy cups of juice. By the time we're done we've all made our faces a messy, making Mommy giggle as she helps wipe us clean.

After dinner was over we rushed back to our fort, mommy stopping us just short of it and telling us that we should maybe get changed into our pajamas first. She helps us each individually change into our Pj's, changing my diaper in the process and let's us get back to our fort, continuing our Bluey marathon. After a couple more hours we were all exhausted, barely able to stay awake as mommy had us go brush our teeth. The three of us returned to the pillow fort, cuddling up with our stuffies and each other as Mommy tucked us in, telling us all goodnight as we drifted off to sleep.