
Hello Husband!

Dying after witnessing her husband and step-sister's affair while pregnant was never on her plan. Locked up in an old mansion with the whole family exiled her, Chana clearly saw how her step-sister cruelly determined the end of her life.  Forced to drink a glass of poison to death, which also made her loose her son.  Struggle between life and death, she knew that all the pain in her life had been arranged in such a way by his husband and her step-sister as well as her entire family.  Betrayed and killed by all the people she love. Disappointed and demanding happiness and revenge, she is reborn exactly  one month before the wedding. Canceling the marriage, cut off family ties, unmasking her rotten step-sister to exposing all their schemes, she also asserts all the rights  she should have as the eldest daughter of the family. In this life, she will avenge the death of her son and all the pain she received and return it to them multiple times.  However, she becomes entangled with a cold-blooded pervert who claims responsibility for the night they spent together as the result of her shattered plan. Chana was in a dilemma because that man kept pushing her into a relationship that traumatized her to death. "Which part of your body haven't I touched? How dare you try to run after you took away my virginity! Are you just going to enjoy it irresponsibly?" "But, sir, I also give you my first time. Can we just think of it as an one night stand?" That man smiled, "How dare you ask such an important thing to be a one night stand. I'll make sure you're stuck with me for the rest of your life."

Ellina_Exsli · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Old Mansion.

chapt 2. Old mansion

Slowly, Chana opened her eyes and found a dark and unfamiliar room. She frowned as the air seemed to carry too much dust to breathe. She moved her hand and touches the light switch near the bed to turn it on, only to find out that the lamp isn't working.  She looked around the room, towards the dark corner filled with spider webs. There was a cockroach passing by, then a mouse was crawling on the floor, and it doesn't seem to care about her appearance at all. She wasn't afraid with such creature, so I didn't matter for her. Looked at the other side, she found a closed brown door which she believed to be the bathroom. Next to the door were two large closets covered with thick dust so that the door glass couldn't be seen.

She sat down carefully, noticing that the room she was in was completely unfamiliar. This is neither a room in her house nor is it her apartment, let alone a room in his family's house. So, where is she now? The pain in the back of her head reminded her of something, and when she touched her aching hear, she was silent. A scene flashed in her mind, it was too bad that she hardly trying to keep her anger that was about to explode. The incident a while back was now clearly depicted in her mind.

"Logan, let go of me," asked Chana, who felt the hair on her head pulling hard.

"Sis, you don't think you'll be able to go out and complain about everything you see, do you?" Chassy smiling, putting on her clothes that were scattered on the floor calmly and hugged Logan's body from behind. "I'm worried she will be jeopardizing our relationship."

Logan nodded. "Forgive me, Chana. I don't want to do this but my image in public is very important, you know. Soon there will be selection of the family successor that will inherit all the wealth of your family, and I don't want grandpa to think bad at me. That's why I have to lock you up so that everything you see doesn't scatter out."

Chana cries. "Logan, you bastard! Let me go! Logan, Logan, Logan!"

Chana can only fight back before accidentally hitting her head too hard until she fainted. Logan grabbed her body with a little worries, knowing that her wife was pregnant. He puts Chana slowly on bed and wanted to call doctor, but a soft voice behind him rebuked him.

 "Brother, are you sure you will call a doctor for her?"

 "She's fainted."

 "And you will let her tell everyone? Don't forget, she knows everything too early. Moreover, she's just fainted and not dead. It's more important to hide her now."

Logan nodded but he was quite hesitant. "Won't the baby will be in trouble?"

 "She will be alright. Trust me. Now we just have to hide her until the right time."

 "But, Chassy-"

 "Brother, do you really love me?" Chassy sulked. "I thought you loved me so much that you wanted to live with me. I guess I am wrong,"

 "Chassy, it's not like that". Logan hugged Chassy and spoke in flattering tone. "You know very well how much I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you and tell the world that we're a perfect couple that made by heaven. But Chana is pregnant, and I can't just let her be."

 "If the baby isn't yours, then you must be prepared for the worst," she replied, hugging him back.

Logan nodded. Of course, if the baby isn't his, then Chana was nothing. He couldn't even imagine the punishment his wife deserved to deceive him during these years of marriage. But for sure, he will choose Chassy and make sure Chana gets what she deserves. He wouldn't let Chana off that easily for having dared to play with him.

 "Well, shouldn't we keep her SAFE?" Chassy reminded again. " She will wake up soon, and it will be difficult for us."

Logan nodded in agreement. He picked up Chana's body and soon left the apartment to an old mansion owned by Chana's family that was no longer in use. A very magnificent mansion but full of bloody stories related to the development of a large and old family. And now, Logan put Chana's body in a room in the mansion slowly.

"Let's go," Chassy pulled as soon as she saw Logan's face seemed hesitant to leave his wife. She knew Logan's worry and hesitance means there is still a love that is not small in Logan's heart for his stepsister and it makes her jealous to death. Logan is her love, her dream, and she won't give up easily. Even if she had to destroy her step-sister just to get this man, she don't care.



Logan closed his eyes when he saw Chassy pouting again. He obeyed and finally they both came out of the mansion after locking the door tightly.

"You don't have to worry, I will make sure all her needs are met properly. I also sent a servant to accompany her," explained Chassy holding Logan's arm.

"Hmn, make sure she's not alone. She hates darkness and runs when it rains heavily with lightning. Also, you have keep seafood away from her, she's allergic. Don't' forget to give her a comfortable blanket because she often complained about the cold. Ah, one more thing, she hates-"

"Brother," said Chassy impatiently. She feels like there was an ant biting her heart when she heard all the words Logan had for her stepsister. This man knows a lot about Chana which means, Logan still has a hear for Chana. And she can't accept it. "You still love her very much."

"I'm sorry Chassy. I don't. It's just the things I remember from her. Don't be angry, okay?"

"Will brother treats me well in the future? More than her?"

 "Of course. I love you the most."

 "Oh, brother…." There is a very wide smile on Chassy's lips but her heart was full of fire. she won't let Chana have an easy day. No, she will make Chana has the most unforgettable experience in her life. Yes, she will not fulfill Logan's request. Logan's kindness can only be hers.


Chana laughed as the pain slowly pierced her heart. She walked carefully, going down the stairs and look around. Spacious room with white fabric covering all the expensive furniture that was left behind. She had to pinch her nose as she opened a few and a strong smell of dust greeted him. She went to the front door and tried to open the door, but the door remained firmly. She's locked! No, Logan and Chassy must have locked her up.

 "Logan, Chassy, open the door! Let me out! Logan!"

She thought that maybe Logan and Chana were out there. But when silence became the answer to her heart's worries, she knew that she was alone in such a big house. Fear of the dark quickly sneaked into her heart. She hurriedly finds the light switch and tried to turn it on, but it didn't work. Approaching the various switches and doing the same, she was stunned when she knew she would be alone in the dark.

 "No, please, light up. Something, I have to find something."

All she could do was walk through the mansion and enter the rooms one by one. When she reached the kitchen, she found only one candle and a very worn lighter. She just feels relieved when suddenly heavy rain comes in an instant. Her fear, will it disappear?
