
Hellfox in Hazbin

**Synopsis:** Tucker, a nine-tailed Hellfox with a troubled past, finds himself navigating the chaotic landscape of Hell. After centuries of wandering the infernal wilderness and honing his abilities, Tucker's journey takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the ambitious project of Charlie, the Princess of Hell...and her Happy Hotel. ....................... [Team-building exercise #21: A game of infernal dodgeball.] Alastor, the Radio Demon, decided to commentate, adding a humorous and dramatic flair to the event. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual Hazbin Hotel Dodgeball Showdown!" Alastor announces with his usual theatrical enthusiasm and unnerving toothy smile."In the left corner, we have Team Daddyissues, and in the right, Team Suckalot!" Tucker, on Team Suckalot, was up against Team Daddyissues, which included Angel Dust and Vaggie. The game was not your typical dodgeball match; the balls were enchanted to zoom and zigzag unpredictably... Oh, did I forget to mention they were also prone to spontaneous combustion... courtesy of Alastor of course. [Swooosh!!!] Tucker was too agile...add on to his ninja skills, and he easily dodged ball after ball, his tail whipping behind him."Is this really the best Hell has to offer?" he taunts playfully. Angel Dust, aiming a ball at Tucker, retorts, "You're just a fluffy target, Foxy! Wait till I get my hands on you!" Vaggie, fiercely competitive, throws a curveball that Tucker narrowly avoids. "You're going down, Handyman!" she shouts. Alastor's voice booms over the game "Oh, what a magnificent display of agility from our resident Gaurd Dog!! "HEY!!!" Tucker was starting to really hate that nickname. "It's like watching a ballet but with more violence and less tights!" In a surprising twist, Nifty, become the MVP, dodging balls with ease and taking out opponents with a surprising arm strength. She giggled madly, burn marks all over her body...yet it seemed like she quite enjoyed the pain. 'Seriously what is wrong with that Girl.'

samadomkv · Tranh châm biếm
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37 Chs

Chapter 5: A Job Offer???

[Location: Hell: The First Ring - Pride - Gloutvile - Hammerstein Warehouse]

As Tucker and Valentina prepared to leave the mess he had created, Hammerstein, battered and bleeding, emerged from the debris.

He staggered forward, an angelic pistol in his hand, aiming shakily at them.

"You're, not going anywhere you gucking Bitch...your mine and that's..." As he was monologuing Miss Valentina turned to Tucker.

"Why didn't you just finish him?" Valentina asked Tucker, her eyes on the angelic weapon.

Tucker's response was calm and unwavering. "I don't kill."




"..." Miss Valentina...

"..." Hammerstein...

"..." Other Loan Sharks...




Tucker looked around' Did he say anything weird.'

"Bwgahagahaga...are you fucking retarded, that's the biggest fucking joke I've ever heard...you don't, pfft you don't kill..." As Hammerstein laughed his sharky ass off at Tucker, the other loan sharks joined in with their boss.

Of course, they were laughing, what kind of idiot that lives in hell doesn't kill...a retard one that's who.

Laughter erupted from both Valentina and the sharks, including Hammerstein.

But Valentina's laughter faded as she realized that Tucker was telling the truth, her ability confirming this."Y-you're serious," she said, a note of surprise in her voice.

The sharks jeered, calling Tucker a retard among other things, but Valentina stepped forward, distancing herself from Tucker.

"You plavs may think him a fool, but he saved me. And for that, you rotten shit eating— piss drinking fucktards have sealed your fate."

Hammerstein's laughter halted abruptly as Valentina snapped her fingers.


Demonic red spikes burst from the ground, impaling the sharks. The massacre was swift and brutal, Valentina's smile never leaving her face.

She then turned around and approached Tucker, who was watching the scene, his expression unreadable. "Thank you, again," she said, her voice softer now.

"It was nothing," Tucker replied, a hint of discomfort in his stance.

As a token of gratitude, Valentina planted a kiss on his cheek, causing him to blush.

She found his flustered reaction charming. "You're quite the enigma, monsieur."

He just nodded." I guess I am no longer needed then, farewell Miss Valentina..."

As Tucker turned to leave, Valentina called out to him. He paused, looking back inquisitively. "How would you like a job?" she asked, her French-Italian accent colouring the words with a hint of playfulness.

Tucker's eyebrow arched in curiosity. "A job?"

"Yes," Valentina continued, "I could use someone with your... talents. And it seems you could use a place in this mad city."

Tucker considered her offer, he wasn't in such a hurry but...

"I'll think about it," he finally said. Miss Valentina smiled and then said." Well, how about we talk more at my place, I'm sick of the smell of Fish."

"Lead the way," Tucker said as he let her walk in front.


[Location: Hell: The First Ring - Pride - Gloutvile - Valentine Tower!!]

Valentina and Tucker arrived in front of a towering structure crowned with a glowing 'V' - it showed Valentina's status in this city.

As they entered the building, a flurry of anxious imp demons, evidently her staff, swarmed around, their faces etched with worry.

Though some who were under soul contracts clicked their tounges hoping she had died...

Though most of them had been scouring the city for their mistress, fearing the worst.

Valentina brushed past them with an air of nonchalance. "Get Tom... make sure he's in my room in 20 minutes," she commanded, her voice carrying an authoritative tone.

Tucker followed, observing the chaos with a curiosity. She reminded him of a certain princess when he was alive...

They ascended to the 35th floor in a lavish elevator, arriving at Valentina's expansive personal floor. Every inch of the space screamed opulence and nobility.

"This is your home for as long as you like," Valentina declared, gesturing grandly to the surroundings.

They settled into comfortable seats, and Valentina offered him a drink. "Some tea, perhaps?" Tucker asked, not feeling embarrassed.

With a snap of her fingers, a creepy robot clown appeared. "Tea for my guest, please," she instructed.

'What is that, it looks like a metal doll, but I don't feel any life from it??' Tucker though curiously, never seeing a Fizzy.

As the robot scurried away, Tucker inquired, "So...Is being kidnapped a regular part of your evenings?"

Valentina sighed, launching into a tale of her first encounter with Hammerstein and his romantic pursuit. "It started as flattery, then became a creepy obsession. I've been dodging his proposals and his goons for years."

The tea arrived and he thanked the Robot, before taking a sip.


His squinted eyes betrayed a hint of dissatisfaction. Valentina raised an eyebrow. "Is it not to your liking?"

"It's not just that," Tucker began, explaining the tea's manufacturing process and its shortcomings. "It lacks the personal touch, the essence of traditional brewing."

Intrigued and slightly amused, Valentina watched as Tucker requested to use her kitchen.

"Please monsuer—be my guest.


After around ten minutes, he was finally finished, slowly pouring the hot water into the cup, that said Bad Bitch.

Handing her a cup, Tucker watched as she took a sip. Her eyes widened in surprise. "This... this is exquisite," she exclaimed, "You've washed away the day's fatigue with just a cup of tea!"

Tucker offered a humble smile. "Glad you like it."

At that moment, the elevator dinged, and Tom, Valentina's manager, stepped out in a hurry. His eyes quickly found Valentina, relief washing over his features.

Valentina introduced Tucker. "Tom, meet Tucker. My saviour and guest for the evening, and possibly more."

Tom the incubus demon extended a hand, looking between the two. "Thank you for your help, Tucker. Valentina is... irreplaceable to us."


As they settled into the plush surroundings of Valentina's private quarters, Tom, her ever-efficient manager, looked expectantly at her.

"Could you recount what happened tonight Miss Valentina?" he asked, a hint of concern lacing his words.

Valentina recounted the events with a casual tone"These shifty salt lickers have grown too bold. Send a message, Tom. Remind them who I am," she commanded, her voice a mix of authority and disdain.

Tom nodded, understanding the unspoken severity in her tone and promptly exited to carry out her orders.

Tucker, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "Isn't that a bit... ruthless?"

Valentina laughed, a sound that held both amusement and a hint of sternness. "My dear Tucker, this is Hell. The weak perish, and the strong survive. If you show leniency, you invite your own downfall. Everyone kills here... so why don't you?"

Tucker hesitated, then slowly removed his mask, revealing his anthropomorphic fox features.

Valentina, momentarily taken aback by his rugged handsomeness, regained her composure.

"If I were to tell you my reasons, we'd be here all day," he said, his voice tinged with a past he wasn't ready to share.

"I've got time," Valentina prodded, her eyes softening at the sight of his face.

He shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Maybe another time."

"Well, well, strong and handsome. A rare combination."

Tucker thanked her, a hint of bashfulness in his demeanour. "About that job offer?"

She leaned forward, her eyes locking with his. "I need a bodyguard, for six months. You'll be paid handsomely, with accommodations included. What do you say?"

Tucker pondered, then proposed a counteroffer. "Three months. I have a city to visit... Pentagram City."

Valentina paused, her mind racing at the mention of Pentagram City. "Four months," she countered, a hint of urgency in her voice.

"..." For months isn't too bad, he could get more information about hell. While working under Miss Valentina, after four months I'll have some pocket money to move around with.

He agreed, with one condition. "As long as my 'no killing' rule stands."

She weighed his request, then nodded. "Agreed. Welcome aboard, Tucker."

With their agreement sealed, they decided to retire for the night, leaving the paperwork for the morning.

In his room, Tucker settled into a rocking chair, gazing out at the city lights.

He summoned a block of wood and a carving knife, skillfully shaping a figurine resembling Hammerstein.


Meanwhile, Valentina lay in bed, her thoughts swirling around her new bodyguard.

His mysterious past intrigued her, and she found herself wanting to uncover more about him.

Over the next four months, she hoped to unravel the enigma that was Tucker – and perhaps, if fortune favoured her, to persuade him to stay on permanently.

Her sixth sense told her he was more than just a formidable sinner, maybe even being a new overlord...but one thing was for certain, he was a man with depths yet to be explored.