
Hellfox in Hazbin

**Synopsis:** Tucker, a nine-tailed Hellfox with a troubled past, finds himself navigating the chaotic landscape of Hell. After centuries of wandering the infernal wilderness and honing his abilities, Tucker's journey takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the ambitious project of Charlie, the Princess of Hell...and her Happy Hotel. ....................... [Team-building exercise #21: A game of infernal dodgeball.] Alastor, the Radio Demon, decided to commentate, adding a humorous and dramatic flair to the event. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual Hazbin Hotel Dodgeball Showdown!" Alastor announces with his usual theatrical enthusiasm and unnerving toothy smile."In the left corner, we have Team Daddyissues, and in the right, Team Suckalot!" Tucker, on Team Suckalot, was up against Team Daddyissues, which included Angel Dust and Vaggie. The game was not your typical dodgeball match; the balls were enchanted to zoom and zigzag unpredictably... Oh, did I forget to mention they were also prone to spontaneous combustion... courtesy of Alastor of course. [Swooosh!!!] Tucker was too agile...add on to his ninja skills, and he easily dodged ball after ball, his tail whipping behind him."Is this really the best Hell has to offer?" he taunts playfully. Angel Dust, aiming a ball at Tucker, retorts, "You're just a fluffy target, Foxy! Wait till I get my hands on you!" Vaggie, fiercely competitive, throws a curveball that Tucker narrowly avoids. "You're going down, Handyman!" she shouts. Alastor's voice booms over the game "Oh, what a magnificent display of agility from our resident Gaurd Dog!! "HEY!!!" Tucker was starting to really hate that nickname. "It's like watching a ballet but with more violence and less tights!" In a surprising twist, Nifty, become the MVP, dodging balls with ease and taking out opponents with a surprising arm strength. She giggled madly, burn marks all over her body...yet it seemed like she quite enjoyed the pain. 'Seriously what is wrong with that Girl.'

samadomkv · Anime & Truyện tranh
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51 Chs

Chapter 39: I know we'll meet again some sunny day!!

Sorry, but I hated the original chapter so I deleted it, Enjoy.


Oliver saw who saved him and blanked—it was Buster, the hellhound from his school who always tried to bully him. He never expected Buster to be the one to save him.[Pic - Buster]

"What the hell are you doing here, Mutt? Shouldn't you be, I don't know, kicking an old lady or licking your balls?" Oliver asked as bullets whizzed past him.

Buster grabbed another brick from his duffle bag and hurled it at an approaching imp, then ducked for cover beside Oliver. He growled, his red eyes staring daggers into Oliver.

"You got some explaining to do, blue blood. What's with all the loan sharks, and don't call me Mutt?"

Oliver retorted, "They're here for me...Ball Licker! Some cock wants me alive or something." Oliver's eyes gleaned over to his watch, as he waited.

Buster grinned. "Ah, so there's a prize for your head, Octo-pussy. Wonder how much it is."

"Like someone like you could even touch me, you peasants really do aim high." Oliver retorted, as he shot back at the imps and sharks but missed.

"Least I ain't got everything handed to me like some pompous twink," Buster growled an insult back.

"Humph, Dumb Bitch"


"Flea Bag!!"




Oliver gasped in shock." Well, I'll be; I'm surprised you know what that is, here have a tweet." He says, taking out a dog treat from his hat.

The two boys were now butting heads with eachother until the barricade above was blown to smithereens, and they slowly looked up from where their heads just were.

'That was close; I almost forgot we were getting shot at.' Oliver glared at Buster but then snorted, popping up to shoot two ricocheting bullets that bounced off the walls, killing three more demons.

"Stop trying to act like some wannabe gangster. First of all, not once have you tried to attack me or team up with the loan sharks to work together. Despite how stupid and annoying you are, you're not dumb enough to attack a noble for such little money. And thirdly, not once did you look greedy when you mentioned the money. So why are you here?"

Buster growled but then chuckled, ducking as a bullet whizzed past his ears. "Bored," he answered.

Oliver believed him. "Well, you won't be bored for long," Oliver said, checking the time. "Three minutes left. It's time."

Putting Mark Seven away in his hat, Oliver grabbed another item that looked like paper bands you get at concerts. Buster eyed them suspiciously.

"What are those?" Oliver replied with a mysterious smile, "Your lease on life Jacob."

"Was that a fucking Twilight reference?"

Ignoring Buster, Oliver poured his demonic energy into the bands, causing them to burn and sizzle before flying from his hands and into the train car.

One even flew to Buster and circled his arm. Confused, Buster turned to Oliver.

"What the fuck is this thing, blue Bloooooooooooood"...but suddenly, he was yanked into the upper carts by the band, his screams echoing.

Oliver lifted his hand to his ear and said, "Yes, I'm listening. Huh, I wonder what the mutt wanted to say."

Oliver looked back at his watch. "Ten demons left," he muttered. He took a final item from his hat—a demonic-looking orange frog.

The frog croaked, and Oliver threw it over the barrier. The loan sharks and imps aimed their guns at the frog, confused.

"He's kinda cute, why would the kid throw this thing over." One of the imps asked, but soon he got his answer.

Oliver shouted, " You wanna know, Yoshi—Devour!"


The frog's mouth suddenly opened wide, revealing sharp teeth, blood-red flames, and acidic green slime. Multiple tongues shot out, devouring the demons one by one.




"Gahhhhhhhh—please delete my Internet browser historyyyy!!"

Their screams for help went unanswered. The frog eventually returned to normal, and Oliver cautiously picked it up, placing it back in his hat.

"These devourers from the Envy Ring are no joke. No wonder they're so expensive."

He looked up at the hole in the roof of the train. He could still hear the fighting above.

"Come on, Fox. Beat him already," he muttered, checking his watch again. "One minute left." Oliver thought quickly making his way to the conductor's carriage.


On the roof, Tucker and Sneak were still fighting. Sneak was pretty beaten up while Tucker only had some dirt on his clothes and a torn sleeve.

Sneak was angry—no, he was furious. "Why...why am I losing to this vermin? Not again, never again!" He spat out blood and a tooth. He glared at Tucker, who only looked behind him.

They were coming up to the canyon pass. Suddenly, the train started speeding up, and Sneak could feel the difference, but he didn't care. He was too busy thinking.

Sneak stood up again, and Tucker looked back. "Is this really necessary? You're not going to win."

Sneak agreed but smirked. "That doesn't mean I'm going to lose either." With a psychotic grin, he pulled out a bomb from his coat that Hammerstein had gifted him as a last resort.

"Once I pull my thumb from the trigger, everything within a half-mile radius goes boom. I won't survive, but I'm sure as shit not going down without taking you with me."

Tucker stared at him, then shook his head and walked away. "What the hell are you doing?" Sneak screamed at Tucker, cursed at him, swore at him, but Tucker continued walking away.

Enraged, Sneak decided to remove his thumb and screamed, "Die then, fox Fucker!"



But then he felt something was wrong. He looked at his hand—or what was left of it—because nothing was there.

He screamed and knelt down, looking at Tucker, only to see him holding his dismembered hand.

Tucker glared back at Sneak. "When threatening someone, it's best not to give them the weakness of said threat."

Tucker then binded Sneak's thumb to the trigger so it couldn't explode.

"We might meet again...maybe on some sunny day, but for now this is goodbye."

Before Sneak could fight back, Tucker summoned a rope that glowed with a familiar white—it was an angelic rope. (The rope from when Valentina was kidnapped)

Like a skilled rancher, Tucker wrapped the rope around Sneak and started to spin him before throwing him away into the sky, heading straight for the gorge.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for Sneak, there was a river underneath to break his fall. But Sneak's bloodshot eyes never left Tucker's bored ones for a second...

He never saw him as a threat to begin with, did he?

Those were Sneak's final thoughts before crashing into the river.


After defeating Sneak, Tucker looked ahead, his feet digging into the train's roof, causing a creaking sound.

'Let's hope this plan works because they're gaining on us.' Tucker thought, looking behind him to see a dust cloud slowly approaching from the sides and the back of the train.


Meanwhile, a simple mechanical beetle was flying over a canyon with a train track going over the canyon in a sort of half-extended oval.

Its metal feet lightly landed on the bridge connecting the two sides before it started emitting a light that flashed.

At first, it was slow, but over time the flashes increased until it flashed one last time before seizing all movement altogether.


Inside the train, passengers were strapped to their seats with demonic bands. Buster, who was back with his class, cursed under his breath as he tried to wriggle free. "Damn it! This is worse than detention!"

Outside the window, a cloud of dust revealed a gang of twenty-odd bikers aiming their guns at the train.

Buster's eyes widened. "Oh, come on, what now?"

Before he could react, a bright flash lit up the canyon, followed by a shockwave that shattered every glass window on the train. The passengers screamed, clutching their seats as chaos erupted.

The tour guide imp, completely oblivious, continued explaining the scenery like nothing was happening. "And to your left, you'll see the Grand Canyon of Hell. Isn't it just lovely?"

Tucker, who was on the roof, saw the explosion and felt the shockwave pass by him. Looking back, he saw the bikers also slowly retreating.

Oliver soon climbed up to the roof, looking into the distance. He asked Tucker what happened to that demon Sneak, and Tucker said, "He's swimming with the fishes."

Oliver thought that meant Tucker had killed him, not knowing that Tucker doesn't kill. Sneak was still very much alive, though probably unconscious and in a lot of pain when he woke up.

Oliver then started calculating, explaining the explosion and how much TNT it took to blow the bridge. "With the train's velocity at 160 miles per hour and the bridge arc's angle at approximately 30 degrees, the trajectory should be perfect."

Tucker nodded, seeing the destroyed tracks up ahead. Oliver continued, "The train cart is around 19 carts long, with about 50 passengers. Given the speed and the ramp's angle, we should land perfectly on the other side."

"And if you're wrong."

"Guess we'll be the new faces of Expectations Vs. Reality."



The passengers inside, seeing the destroyed tracks, screamed and started tweeting about it:

"@LilDemon666: If this train crashes, at least I won't have to do my math homework. #SilverLinings #HellTrain"

"@HellhoundHunter: Holy shit, we're gonna die! Lmfao!!#YOLO #HellTrainDisaster"

"@ImpInTheCity: Note to self: Remember to wear brown pants. #HellishCommute"


Oliver looked visibly nervous but tried to act like he wasn't worried.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder and heard Tucker say, "You've done amazing, Oliver. You truly are a genius."

Oliver was shocked but also visibly relaxed."It's good to see you have eyes, after all, Fox."

As the train flew up the ramp, the bikers immediately stopped following. Tucker held on tight to the roof while Oliver used his band to secure himself.

Inside the train, everyone thought they were already dead, except for a few sinners who groaned, knowing they'd have to regenerate after this.

The train continued flying until Oliver's eyes widened, "Shit, I miscalculated. Demonic stainless steel is twice as dense as normal. We're too heavy."

He looked back at Tucker and immediately shouted" WE NEED THE BACK TWO CARTS GONE, AND TO TIP THE TRAIN."

Without hesitation, Tucker lunged back, using his broken boken to slice through the last two carts. Unfortunately, his sword couldn't hold up and broke.

"You've served me well." He said, with a sad undertone before looking back ahead. He blitzed past Oliver to axe-kick the front of the train, causing it to tilt in the air.

The passengers screamed as they started to spin while Tucker smirked. The tracks were approaching while they were still upside down in midair.

Oliver closed his eyes, and so did everyone, waiting for the crash. The train spun and then, with a loud bang, landed perfectly on the tracks.





Everyone was too scared to open their eyes, but Oliver, who had shut his eyes, felt a warm hand ruffle his hair. "Great job, kid."

"Huh!" Oliver thought, opening his eyes to see the train back on the other side of the canyon, still moving ahead.

Tucker laughed loudly while Oliver just fell face-first onto the train's roof." Thank satan, this is over."

Despite the situation, Oliver felt like he accomplished something today. Looking up, he took a secret peek at Tucker, who was now staring at the gigantic Pentagram symbol high up in the sky far in the distance.

The red moon shined its light down as, farther in the distant sky, a world beyond any demon's reach existed.

Pentagram City, he was finally here.










The emergency parachute was something unexpected, but a welcome one. A bright orange monstrosity that looked like it belonged in a carnival rather than a conductor's carrier, slowly floated down the canyon.

Fury and Choncker floated down with it, an absurd sight against the bleak backdrop of the canyon.

Fury, the smarter of the two, was trying to maintain some semblance of dignity, while Choncker was swinging his legs like a child on a swing set, much to Fury's chagrin.

"Why would a conductor need a parachute anyway?" Choncker asked, genuinely puzzled as he twisted around to look at Fury.

"I don't know, Choncker. Maybe for situations like this?" Fury replied, exasperation lacing his words. "But less talking, more landing."

Swoosh. BANNNNG!!!

Two pairs of eyes widened, as two train carts whizzed past them, and falling straight into the canyon below before blowing up.


"I'm glad, we weren't at the back," Fury said.

Choncker gave an exaggerated nod, his cheeks puffing out. They finally touched down, the parachute collapsing around them in a heap of tangled fabric.

"Help me outta this, Fury," Choncker said, his voice muffled from within the folds of the parachute.

Fury sighed, pulling the fabric off Choncker who emerged with a grin plastered on his face. "There, happy now?"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks buddy," Choncker said, patting Fury's shoulder. "So, what's next?"

"Now, we need to meet back up with the boss, if he's even still alive.

"Yays, let's go find the boss."

As they walked down the canyon, Choncker spotted something up ahead. "Hey, there's someone there!"

Before Fury could stop him, Choncker approached the figure, only to be grabbed by the neck and lifted off the ground.

Sneak, looking worse for wear, glared at the sky and screamed, "TUCKEEEEEEEER!!!"

His scream echoed throughout the canyon, a sound of pure rage and frustration. Fury winced at the volume, covering his ears.

"Put him down, Sneak. You're gonna break his neck," Fury said, trying to sound calm despite the situation.

Sneak's eyes finally focused on Fury, and he released Choncker, who fell to the ground gasping for air. "This isn't over," Sneak growled, his voice a dangerous whisper." Not by a long shot."


Up above the canyon, Jaws, the loan shark leader, looked down with a predatory smile. He had been tracking the train all along, and the chaos had been a delight to watch.

He licked the blood off his shark-like teeth, savouring the taste.

"He's even better than what the mistress described, let's report back for now," Jaws murmured to himself, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

He then turned around, leaving the scene!