
Hellfox in Hazbin

**Synopsis:** Tucker, a nine-tailed Hellfox with a troubled past, finds himself navigating the chaotic landscape of Hell. After centuries of wandering the infernal wilderness and honing his abilities, Tucker's journey takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon the ambitious project of Charlie, the Princess of Hell...and her Happy Hotel. ....................... [Team-building exercise #21: A game of infernal dodgeball.] Alastor, the Radio Demon, decided to commentate, adding a humorous and dramatic flair to the event. "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the first annual Hazbin Hotel Dodgeball Showdown!" Alastor announces with his usual theatrical enthusiasm and unnerving toothy smile."In the left corner, we have Team Daddyissues, and in the right, Team Suckalot!" Tucker, on Team Suckalot, was up against Team Daddyissues, which included Angel Dust and Vaggie. The game was not your typical dodgeball match; the balls were enchanted to zoom and zigzag unpredictably... Oh, did I forget to mention they were also prone to spontaneous combustion... courtesy of Alastor of course. [Swooosh!!!] Tucker was too agile...add on to his ninja skills, and he easily dodged ball after ball, his tail whipping behind him."Is this really the best Hell has to offer?" he taunts playfully. Angel Dust, aiming a ball at Tucker, retorts, "You're just a fluffy target, Foxy! Wait till I get my hands on you!" Vaggie, fiercely competitive, throws a curveball that Tucker narrowly avoids. "You're going down, Handyman!" she shouts. Alastor's voice booms over the game "Oh, what a magnificent display of agility from our resident Gaurd Dog!! "HEY!!!" Tucker was starting to really hate that nickname. "It's like watching a ballet but with more violence and less tights!" In a surprising twist, Nifty, become the MVP, dodging balls with ease and taking out opponents with a surprising arm strength. She giggled madly, burn marks all over her body...yet it seemed like she quite enjoyed the pain. 'Seriously what is wrong with that Girl.'

samadomkv · Tranh châm biếm
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51 Chs

Chapter 14: That's rough buddy...

On the day designated for Verosika Mayday's concert, Tucker was finalizing his preparations within the confines of Valentine Tower.

His belongings, a curated selection befitting a journeyman of Hell such as himself, were meticulously packed in a hobo stick bag affixed to his trusty bokken.

Valentina, exhibiting a mix of concern and excitement, fussed over him, ensuring every detail was accounted for.

"Remember, you're there to observe and assess," Valentina reminded him, adjusting the straps of his bag with a maternal touch. "We're looking for talent that aligns with the ethos of Valentine International. If Verosika fits the bill, extend her the invitation."

Tucker, clad in his customary mask and hood, nodded in acknowledgement. "I'll be discreet and discerning. You'll have my report in three days or less," he promised her.

Though he was quite looking forward to this trip, he hasn't been able to explore much of the other rings of hell besides the Gluttony Ring for a few hours so visiting the Wrath ring will be quite a new experience.

'I hope I see one of those legendary fire tornadoes.' He thought seeing a news article of one that swept Wrath a few months back.

"Alright, I'll be fine Valentina, I'll take some pictures and show you when I return, take care of yourself while I'm gone and if anything happens don't hesitate to call."

With a fluid motion, he vanished from the room, leaving behind a momentary swirl of leaves.

Left alone with Tucker's departure, Valentina found herself grappling with a sense of melancholy.

She's gotten so used to Tucker being here with her, so seeing him leave did make her quite sad, but that sadness quickly disappeared.

She pulled out her phone, dialling Verosika's manager, ensuring that Tuckers' presence at the concert remained a well-guarded secret.

Despite the manager's attempts at flattery, Valentina quickly disengaged, her mind already wandering to her next challenge — mastering the art of cooking paella.

If only Tucker knew of her culinary ambitions, he might have reconsidered leaving, even if just to save her kitchen from another disaster.


Meanwhile, Tucker reemerged from the shadows into a bustling alleyway, not too far away was a large sign with the words Hells elevator, but most people just called it the elevator.

He navigated through the crowd with ease, his singular, bushy fox tail winging lazily from side to side as he walked past all kinds of hell-born.

Upon reaching the grand hall of the Elevator, Tucker was greeted by the sight of its imposing doors and the vast electronic billboard displaying the various rings of Hell.

With the Wrath Ring as his destination, he procured a ticket and settled in to wait among a crowd that could easily blend into an old Western film, their attire and accents were similar to the ones Valentina had shown him...Wild West movie she called it.

"Elevator 666 departing for Wrath in five minutes." a disembodied voice announced the boarding for the Wrath Ring.

The elevator doors opened, revealing the luxurious interior adorned with gold and marble.

Tucker stepped inside, finding a seat amidst the crowd.

To pass the time, he began to carve a piece of wood, his skilled hands bringing to life the figures of two hellhound twins he'd noticed among the passengers.[Pic]

The journey to the Wrath Ring was uneventful, filled with the soft sounds of Tucker's carving, and the murmur of demons.

As the elevator reached its destination and the passengers prepared to disembark, Tucker gently tapped the hellhound twins on their shoulders, offering them the wooden figurines he'd crafted in their likeness.

Their initial surprise quickly turned to delight as they examined the intricate carvings.

"Wow, this is us..."

"That's so cool..."

Both twins exclaimed looking over the figures that were them, they wanted to ask the mysterious man how he did it...

However, when they looked up to thank him, Tucker had already vanished, his departure as mysterious as his arrival.


[Location: Hell: The Second Ring - Wrath - Outside the elevator - 9 hours before the concert]

After his swift departure, Tucker found himself squinting under the harsh light of the Wrath Ring.

Before him lay a landscape of rocky mountains and volcanoes, their tops adorned with levitating magma orbs—a sight both daunting and mesmerizing.

His destination, Cacti City, was known for its inhabitants as prickly as the native flora and just as formidable.

Consulting the map pulled from his bag, Tucker plotted his course to the Hideaway Motel, deciding it over the Shitty Motel based on slightly better reviews.

Given Hell's reputation, he harboured no illusions about the cleanliness of his accommodations and had wisely brought his own futon.

With a destination in mind, he surged forward, his speed turning the terrain into a blur.


Periodically, he stopped to capture images of the landscape, mementoes for Valentina, as she was the only person who could know about his unique ability.


[ 1 hour later...]

Upon reaching the Hideaway Motel, Tucker talked to the front desk and paid for a room, he was glad he booked in advance.

Room 44 was his for the taking, booked online and now just a transaction away from official occupancy.

The room, however, left much to be desired. Crumbling walls, a motley collection of bugs, and a sofa that reeked of eons of neglect and the sexual fluids of both males of females.

"That is disgusting."

Creak creak creak!!!

"Oh yes fuck me harder you fucking man slut!!!"

"You like that bitch!!!...then take this..."

"I'll take everything...so when are you giving it to me."


"I just did..."

"Oh...I mean Fuuuck you're so deep."




Tucker decided to ignore what he had just heard, but for some reason, he felt really bad for whoever that guy was.

Settling into the room, he summoned a chair and sat, turning on the TV to find Hell's Idol airing—a show Valentina had mentioned as a favourite.

Recalling Valentina saying she missed an opportunity to appear on it, Tucker mused deciding to give her a call.

The phone rang, and the background sounds of alarms and Valentina's manager's panic-filled screams filled his ear before Valentina's calm greeting cut through.

"Hey, Tucker! To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Tucker, unable to help himself, sighed, "You're cooking again, aren't you?"

Valentina's voice took on a playful, yet defensive tone. "I'll have you know, I almost had it this time! It was going so well until... well, let's just say the fire department thinks otherwise.


Tucker updated her on his location and plans, ensuring her that he was comfortably settled in for the concert later that evening.

"We'll need to get you a Hell's Kitchen segment at this rate," Tucker joked, eliciting a burst of laughter from Valentina.

"Oh, hush. Maybe I'll just stick to being a fan of Hell's Kitchen rather than a participant, I might accidentally burn the studio down." Valentina retorted, her spirits undampened by her failure.

After an hour of conversation, they bid each other farewell, promising to catch up post-concert.

Tucker, feeling the weight of his travels, decided to rest before the night's festivities began.

Verosika Mayday's performance was but one highlight in an evening promised to be filled with Hell's finest talents, and Tucker was keen on experiencing it all.

Getting more comfortable and Lying down on his futon, Tucker couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

He hadn't slept like this in ages, he loved the bed Valentina got him, but he much preferred a futon.

As sleep claimed him, he looked forward to the night ahead.

Tell me if there are any spelling mistakes.

samadomkvcreators' thoughts