
Hellbreak Conquest

In the harsh realm of "Hellbreak Conquest," Nycresia Kendall wakes to a world where survival means navigating deadly hunts and arcane trials. Driven by a solemn vow to find her missing sister, she reluctantly teams up with Drave Locklin, a charismatic yet mysterious rogue. "We need to outsmart this game," Drave insists amid the chaotic arena, his gaze intense and unreadable. Together, they face labyrinthine horrors and treacherous challenges, uncovering the game's dark truths alongside wary allies with their own motives. Amid betrayals and heart-wrenching losses, their exchanges reveal glimpses of vulnerability. "You drive me crazy, Cress," Drave admits with rare sincerity, his eyes softening in moments of respite. As they uncover cosmic conspiracies and confront formidable foes, Nycresia and Drave's bond deepens, forged by defiance against the game's brutal nature. In a climactic battle against the ancient malevolence of Malyvorn, they confront their deepest fears and make sacrifices that redefine their destinies. "Trust is a luxury we can't afford here," Drave warns urgently, shadows lurking in his cryptic words. Through tough decisions and unexpected alliances, Nycresia and Drave navigate a world where hope flickers amidst overwhelming odds, driven by a quest for justice and freedom beyond the game's relentless trials. "Hold on, Arriane," Nycresia vows, her determination unwavering. "I will find you." *** "You drive me crazy, Cress." "You say that like it's a bad thing." "Careful, or I might start thinking you enjoy my company." "Oh please, I'd rather face a basilisk alone." "You wound me, Cress. Deeply." "Good. Keeps you on your toes." "You'll be the death of me." "Then I'll just have to give you mouth-to-mouth."

Perry_Works · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Sixth Circle: Heresy – "Embers of Faith"

The transition from the Styx to the Sixth Circle was disorienting and surreal. One moment, Nycresia, Arriane, and Drave were catching their breath after the grueling battle in the Circle of Anger; the next, they found themselves tumbling through a void of swirling colors and distorted sounds. Time seemed to lose all meaning, and Nycresia felt her grip on reality slipping away.

When the world finally solidified around them, they were standing on cracked, parched earth under a sky of burning brass. The air shimmered with oppressive heat, and scattered across the barren landscape were open tombs, each emanating searing waves of warmth. The abrupt shift left them reeling, their minds struggling to adjust to the new reality.

Drave shielded his eyes from the glare, his usual cocky demeanor subdued. "The circle of Heresy," he explained, a rare note of uncertainty in his voice. "Where those who denied the existence of God or the immortality of the soul are punished." His hand instinctively went to the silver pendant hidden beneath his shirt, clutching it like a lifeline.

Nycresia felt her skin beginning to blister, her throat parched despite having just emerged from the Styx. She scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of their next checkpoint. "There has to be a way through," she muttered, pushing aside the doubt that threatened to overwhelm her. As she spoke, she felt a strange tingling sensation, as if the mycelium network she was connected to was trying to reach out to her, even in this barren place.

Arriane stood close to her sister, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and fascination. Small mushrooms had begun to sprout from her skin, reacting to the intense environment. "I can feel the absence of life here," she whispered. "It's... it's wrong."

As they began to pick their way across the barren terrain, voices started to emanate from the tombs. At first, they were mere whispers, but they quickly grew louder and more insistent, a cacophony of conflicting beliefs and desperate denials.

"There is no god," one voice hissed.

"Life is meaningless," another wailed.

"All is dust and shadow," a third intoned.

But then, more personal whispers began to reach their ears.

"Nycresia," a voice that sounded eerily like her mother's called out, "why do you cling to a duty you never asked for? Your powers are a burden, not a gift."

"Arriane," another voice whispered, "your sister will always overshadow you. Your abilities are nothing compared to hers."

"Drave," a silky voice purred, "your quest for knowledge will be your undoing. The secrets you seek are better left buried."

Arriane clapped her hands over her ears, her usual cheerfulness faltering. "Make it stop!" The mushrooms on her skin wilted, reflecting her distress.

Nycresia felt her resolve beginning to waver. What if the voices were right? What if all their struggles were for nothing? She tried to focus on her connection to the mycelium network, but it felt distant and faint in this place of disbelief.

She glanced at Drave, surprised to see him looking equally shaken. His hand was at his throat, clutching the silver pendant beneath his shirt – a gesture she had noticed becoming more frequent since their ordeal in the Fifth Circle.

"Drave?" she called out, having to shout to be heard over the voices. "What is it?"

For a moment, she thought he hadn't heard her. Then, slowly, he pulled out the simple silver pendant. "Do you know?" he said, his voice barely audible. The usual glint of mischief in his eyes was replaced by something more vulnerable, more genuine than Nycresia had ever seen. "It's mother's most prized possession. She... she believed it protected her."

Nycresia felt a surge of something – hope, perhaps? – cut through the despair. "And do you believe that?"

Drave hesitated, conflict clear on his face. Then, to her surprise, he nodded. "I... I do. Despite everything, I do." As he spoke, the pendant seemed to glow faintly, pulsing in time with his heartbeat.

"Then that's enough," Nycresia said firmly. She turned to Arriane. "Ree, your connection to nature. What does it mean to you?"

Arriane blinked, caught off guard by the question. "It's... it's a part of me. A reminder that life finds a way, even in the harshest conditions." As she spoke, the mushrooms on her skin perked up, their caps glowing with a soft, bioluminescent light.

Nycresia nodded, a plan forming in her mind. "And my link to the mycelium network. It represents the interconnectedness of all things, the hidden threads that bind us together. Don't you see? These aren't just powers or trinkets. They're symbols of what we believe in, what gives our lives meaning."

Understanding dawned on their faces. As one, they focused on their unique connections – Drave's pendant gleamed brighter, Arriane's mushrooms spread and flourished, and Nycresia felt the distant pulse of the mycelium network grow stronger.

The voices from the tombs faltered, then began to fade. In the distance, a new path appeared, shimmering like a mirage.

As they set off towards their next challenge, Drave fell into step beside Nycresia. "That was... impressive," he said softly, a hint of his usual charm returning. "How did you know that would work?"

Nycresia shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. "I didn't. But I believe in us. Sometimes, that's enough."

Drave's hand brushed against hers, a touch so light she might have imagined it. "Maybe you're right," he murmured, a rare moment of sincerity in his voice. But even as he spoke, Nycresia caught a flicker of something in his eyes – a calculation, perhaps, or a hint of a deeper plan.

As they walked, the landscape began to shift. The open tombs gave way to towering pillars of flame, each one housing a soul writhing in agony. The heat grew even more intense, and Nycresia could feel her skin blistering. She tried to draw strength from her connection to the mycelium network, but it felt strained and tenuous in this place of fire and disbelief.

"The heretics," Drave explained, his voice strained. "Trapped in flaming tombs for eternity, their disbelief now turned to agonizing certainty." His hand tightened on his pendant, and Nycresia wondered what secrets it truly held.

Arriane clutched at her arms, the mushrooms retreating beneath her skin. "How do we get past this? We can't... we can't just leave them like this, can we?"

Nycresia felt torn. The urge to help was strong, but they had a mission to complete. "We have to keep moving," she said, though the words tasted bitter in her mouth. "We can't save everyone."

As they trudged across the barren landscape of the Sixth Circle, Nycresia felt the weight of their journey pressing down on her. The voices from the tombs grew louder, more insistent, each one seeming to target her deepest insecurities.

"You'll fail them all," one whispered, sounding eerily like her father. "Just like you've always failed."

Nycresia shook her head, trying to dispel the voice, but the doubt lingered. She glanced at Arriane, wanting to reach out but hesitating. Their connection felt tenuous here, like a frayed thread ready to snap.

Arriane walked with her arms wrapped tightly around herself, her eyes darting nervously from tomb to tomb. Occasionally, she would flinch at nothing, as if struck by an invisible force. Nycresia recognized the signs of her sister's anxiety attacks but felt helpless to intervene.

Drave led the way, his usual swagger replaced by a tense, hyper-vigilant gait. His hand kept straying to his chest, clutching at his pendant hidden beneath his shirt. Nycresia had noticed this gesture becoming more frequent since their ordeal in the Styx.

Suddenly, Drave stopped short, his body going rigid. Nycresia followed his gaze upward and saw a cloaked figure perched atop a distant rock formation. The figure's face was hidden in shadow, but Nycresia felt its gaze upon them.

"Is that... one of the Enoch?" Arriane whispered, her voice trembling.

Drave shook his head, his expression unreadable. "I'm not sure. Could be. Or it could be something worse." His hand clenched, and for a moment, Nycresia thought she saw a flicker of fear in his eyes.

The figure vanished as quickly as it had appeared, leaving them with an unsettling sense of being watched. As they pressed on, Nycresia felt a familiar tingling on her skin. She looked down to see faint red veins spreading across her arms, a lingering effect from their time in the Styx. The sight of it brought back a flood of rage-filled memories, and she had to take a deep breath to center herself.

"We need to keep moving," she said, her voice sounding strained even to her own ears. "Whatever's watching us, we can't let it stop us."

Arriane nodded, but Nycresia saw the fear in her sister's eyes. She wanted to offer comfort, to reassure Arriane that everything would be okay, but the words felt hollow in her throat. How could she promise safety when she wasn't even sure of their next step?

As they neared a cluster of flaming tombs, a figure emerged from the fire. It was a woman, her form shimmering with heat, her eyes burning with an inner fire. "You," she said, her gaze sweeping over them. "Why do you persist in this folly?"

Nycresia felt Arriane tense beside her, ready to flee. Drave stepped forward, his hand still clutching his hidden talisman. "We persist because we must," he said, his voice steady despite the tremor Nycresia saw in his hands.

The woman laughed, a harsh, brittle sound. "Must you? Or do you simply fear the alternative?" Her eyes locked onto Nycresia. "You, guardian. What do you truly believe in? Your duty? Your family? Or are you just running from your own failures?"

The words hit Nycresia like a physical blow. She saw flashes of past mistakes, moments where her decisions had led to pain and loss. The red veins on her skin pulsed, and she felt a surge of irrational anger.

"I believe in the path we've chosen," Nycresia said through gritted teeth, fighting to maintain control. "Whatever that means."

The heretic's form flickered, her expression wavering between disdain and something almost like longing. "Belief," she spat. "A comforting lie in the face of oblivion." With a final, piercing look, she dissolved back into the flames.

As they pressed on, Nycresia felt the strain of their journey more acutely than ever. The constant vigilance, the weight of responsibility, the fear of the unknown – it all threatened to overwhelm her. She looked at Arriane and Drave, seeing the toll etched in their faces as well.

Whatever bond they shared, whatever force drove them forward, it was being tested here in the depths of Hell. And as they approached the looming gate that would lead them to the next circle, Nycresia couldn't shake the feeling that their greatest challenges – and their darkest truths – still lay ahead.

The light faded, revealing a small chamber – another moment of respite before the next circle. Arriane let out a shaky laugh, slumping against a wall. "Well, that was intense."

Drave nodded, his usual smirk returning, though there was a new depth to his gaze. "Indeed. You both continue to surprise me. Perhaps there's something to this 'faith' business after all." But even as he spoke, his hand strayed to the tome in his pack, as if reassuring himself that its secrets were still safe.

Nycresia smiled, feeling a bond between them that hadn't existed before, but also sensing the weight of unspoken truths. "We're halfway through," she said. "Three circles down, three to go."

As they rested, preparing themselves for whatever horrors the Seventh Circle might bring, Nycresia couldn't shake the feeling that their trials were far from over. They had overcome the challenges of Greed, Anger, and Heresy, but the true tests of their strength, their bonds, and their beliefs were still to come.

The chamber began to shift around them, signaling the approach of the Seventh Circle. Nycresia focused on the faint pulse of the mycelium network, drawing strength from its distant presence. Arriane's mushrooms glowed softly in the dimness, a reminder of the life force that persisted even in the depths of Hell. Drave clutched his pendant with one hand and his tome with the other, his expression unreadable.

As the new circle materialized around them, Nycresia caught Drave's eye. He gave her a nod, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they now shared, but also a reminder of the secrets that still lay between them. Arriane stood tall, her connection to nature manifesting as a soft green aura around her.

Together, they stepped forward into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The game of Hellbreak was far from over, but with each circle, they grew stronger, more united.