
Hell Wolf

With the appearance of the Demon wolf, the supernatural realm was thrown into chaos. But then came a prophecy that with the appearance of the Hell wolf, the regime of the Demon wolf would end, and the regime of the Hell wolf would begin, everyone waited and waited for their supposed savior, the Hell wolf, but didn't appear, during that time the werewolves were the one who suffered the most, they were almost wiped out by the Demon wolf because of the prophecy. When everyone had fallen into despair, the Hell wolf suddenly appeared, but who would have thought that the hell wolf was a female. Find out as we take a journey with Emily who seemed to be an ordinary human living in the human realm and knows nothing about her origin nor destiny, how did she know about her destiny, when she finally knew of her destiny, what would she do.

Abdullah_Tijani · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


In the cloud region of the supernatural realm, this place wasn't just called the cloud region, the place was covered in cloud and almost impossible for anyone to enter as they please, only a very strong person would be able to pass through the cloud without losing the sense of direction.

In the cloud region, there was a magnificent building in the center of the city, in front of the building sat Lucy.

She was sitting cross-legged inside a circle with twelve lit candles around the circle, the wind blew gently swaying the fire on the candles.

Behind Lucy, stood three motionless figures clad in black, it was as if they were not there cause they blended well with the surroundings.

"Once I open the portal, you should go right in, it would take you to the human realm," Lucy said in a rather cold voice.

The figures nodded in understanding, Lucy closed her eyes as she started chanting inaudible words, the circle suddenly lit up and the candles became brighter, with her continuous chanting, the gentle wind slowly became ferocious and a swirling sound could be heard amongst the wind as it slowly became louder and louder, the sky because dark, thunder rumbled in it threatening to tear it down, suddenly a thunderbolt struck down right in front of Lucy.

Immediately the thunder landed, the swirling sound of the wind suddenly became louder, moving towards the place the thunder landed, slowly, the spot where the thunder landed was starting to change, a small hole appeared out out thin air, it was as if someone had torn through the void, the small hole became bigger and bigger until it was enough for a human to enter, thus it stopped enlarging, inside the portal was completely dark.

Lucy who was chanting suddenly stopped as she yelled, "Now," she didn't want to keep the portal open for too long as other clans could take advantage of its energy ripples to leave the realm.

At the same time in the wolf clan, twelve witches were sitting in a lit circle, with twelve lit candles holding hands, chanting words inaudible, blood was flowing from their eyes, nose, and ears. Not far from them was a portal similar to the one Lucy had just opened.

From the looks of it, the witches were not as strong as Lucy so they had to use this method to open a portal, but even with that the energy consumption was high and their energy was draining fast, it was obvious they would be able to hold on for long.

"Son, you must bring back the hell wolf, remember it's only a few months to the blood moon, nothing must happen to our savior," the wolf head said patting his son on the shoulders, there were not many people around there, except for his son and the others who were going to the human realm with him, they mustn't let many people know about them opening a portal, it had to be kept a secret.

"It's time to go, make sure you come back with the hell wolf," he addressed the three.

The three nodded, walking into the portal, immediately they entered the portal closed with a snap and vanished.

Immediately the portal closed, the witches slumped onto the floor, the candles were blown off by a strange wind and the lit circle lost its luster.

At the same time, in the cloud region, the harbingers entered the portal and vanished into the void, immediately the portal closed with a snap, vanishing into thin air like it was never there, immediately the portal vanished, the sky became clear returning to its normal state, the wind dispersed and went back to being gentle, the light of the candles were blown off and the circle disappeared.

Lucy frowned, just now she could feel some energy ripples of another portal elsewhere but wasn't sure where it came from as it closed a second earlier than hers, well she couldn't be bothered by it.


Emily's eyes jolted open as she jumped out of her bed, she had just managed to get some sleep, and now she was awoken forcefully by a feeling she couldn't describe, she felt scared as she could feel an ominous aura all over her, it was as if danger was lurking around.

After she calmed down a little, she lay back on the bed preparing to go back to sleep, she thought, since she turned eighteen today, strange things had been happening to her, first it was the usual dream which she didn't count as strange, but then came the voice and the strange place she was taken to this night, now it was the feeling that woke her up, she felt as if someone wanted her life for some unknown reason she couldn't fathom, also she had a feeling that earth wouldn't be peaceful as it was, she tossed around on the bed, she couldn't fall asleep again as different things were running on her mind.


A dark portal opened in the sky out of thin air, three figures were thrown out of it at high speed and were pummelled straight into the woods right below them, loud crashing sound was heard as they crashed onto the floor, creating a huge crater in it, silence descended in woods immediately they crashed.

A tall masculine figure with a muscular body managed to climb out of the crater after some minutes of silence, his shirt had been ripped off cause of the force of the fall so his chest was bare, he had blue eyes, with brown hair that was covered in dust, there was no cuts nor bruise on him except for the dust that he was covered in, it was surprising how he had survived the fall from such a height, he was supposed to be minced meat by now, but surprisingly he was still alive and had no injuries, this was Damien, Jason second companion from the supernatural realm, if a human was there at the moment he would have probably fainted out of fear cause no one would have expected one to survive such a fall from a great height.

"Where in hell are we? They never told us we would end up like this," Damien spoke up visibly his face distorted from anger, dusting his body off the dust at the same time.

They weren't supposed to end up like that, the witches who had opened the portal for them were too weak, so the portal could only be opened at a high altitude when connected to the human realm, so they had ended up like that cause they were also not expecting it if they had known they would have found a way to prevent falling in such a manner.

"Damien, shut the hell up and come help us out of this damm place," a female voice yelled from the crater, the voice belonged to Rachel, the witch amongst the three, Damien and Jason were both werewolves, she was someone with a petite figure, she was clad fully in black making it hard for any part of her body to be seen.

It turned out that Damien wasn't the only one who survived the fall but his companions also survived.

Damien scratched his head in confusion, he had forgotten about them, not until Rachel had yelled from the crater did he remember, he grumbled before going back to help the two out of it.

"Now that we are in the human realm, what next," Jason mused, dusting off the dust on his body after Damien helped them out of the crater.

Rachel let out a sigh as a rather strong wind blew dusting off the dust on her body.

"And now that's one of the advantages of being a witch," Jason muttered.

"Could you please shut the hell up, you know nothing about the dangers of being one," Rachel yelled at Jason.

"I...w.as" Jason shuttered before he kept his mouth shut, he wondered what usually made her angry anytime he said something like being a witch, he wondered he she hated her personality, but he was sure that was just her attitude, Damien by the side was snickering at Jason's folly.

Rachel ignored the two, sitting down on the floor with her legs crossed and eyes closed, she started chanting words inaudible to Damien and Jason, the two looked on as she chanted wondering what she was saying.

Soon, the swirling of the wind could be heard, the wind gathered dust around and was circling the crater made by the three, soon the gentle swirling wind turned into a whirlwind wind, it continued, the most surprising part was it didn't spread to all parts of the woods and was only in the crater place, the whirlwind got fiercer as Rachel continued chanting, thunder rumbled in the sky threatening to tear it apart, suddenly thunder struck the whirlwind, immediately the whirlwind became even fiercer.

All this while Rachel was in her spot and was chanting continuously, the two stood watching on dumbly, suddenly Rachel stopped chanting and the whirlwind wind calmed and dispersed into nothing less.

Jason and Damien looked thunderstruck when they saw what was in place of the whirlwind gathered just now, in place of the whirlwind was a huge mansion, it was as beautiful as one would think.

Rachel stood up from where she sat, looking at the two she smiled, she knew that the two had not expected this, if not for the high witch of the clan who had thought her this spell they would have been stranded here in this realm, though she had succeeded, it had drained a lot of energy in her and she needed to recuperate as quickly cause she had to comb through this realm to know if they were in the right place or they would have to travel.

"If you two are done staring at the building you can come in," Rachel said walking into the building leaving the two who were thunderstruck outside.

Jason and Damien snapped out of their thoughts, they had been wondering how they would fare in this realm, but it turned out that their worries were all for nuts as Rachel had come prepared, all that remained now was to begin the search for the hell wolf, the two smiled at the thought of this, it seems like their mission was halfway complete as long as Rachel was with them, no wonder the wolf head had insisted on sending Rachel alongside with them.


At the same time in the human realm in the woods not far from where Rachel's group had crashed, a portal opened out of thin air but this time the portal wasn't opened at a high altitude but on the floor where one would be able to walk out of it directly, three figures clad in black walked out from it, these were the harbingers, the three looked around and smiled in satisfaction.

"What's next," the female figure amongst the three spoke up.

"We familiarize ourselves with our surroundings," a figure slightly taller than the three spoke up.

"Grace, use your witch powers to gather some information and also look for the hell wolf," the figure continued turning to the female figure amongst them.

"We are going to scout round this place," the last figure who hadn't said anything yet spoke up, immediately the tall figure amongst them nodded, and they disappeared.


At the mansion in the woods, inside one of the many rooms sat Rachel crossed-legged inside a circle, thirteen lit candles were placed surrounding the circle, she had already warned Damien and Jason not to disturb her in the meantime, she had to begin the search as soon as possible, she didn't know how many days it would take for her to complete the search so she had to start as quick as possible.

Closing her eyes she began chanting, suddenly the candles became brighter and the circle lit up with her chanting as Rachel became immersed in her surroundings, right now she could hear the sound of dropping a needle or a falling leaf.


Emily tossed and turn on her bed not wanting to wake up, she knew that the sun had already risen from its horizon but she didn't want to get up just yet, today was a Saturday, there was enough time to sleep.

Suddenly a knock came from the door making Emily groan in displeasure, "who's it," she yelled from where she was lying.

"Shouldn't you at least come to the door first before asking who's it," Emily heard Anne's voice from the door.

"It's not locked come in," Emily replied from where she was.

Immediately the door opened and in came Anne clad in an oversized shirt and jeans, which looked funny cause of her petite figure.

Emily burst into laughter immediately after she saw Anne in the oversized shirt, "why are you laughing," Anne asked squeezing her face in displeasure which made her look cute like a little girl.

Amidst her laughter, Emily managed to point at Anne's oversized shirt, after some minutes she managed to stop laughing, "who gave you the shirt," she asked.

Anne looked at Emily with displeasure before replying, "it was your younger brother who gave me the shirt last night cause mine was soiled and I haven't got another, also he said it looks good on me," Anne replied, twisting her face in displeasure.

Emily who had stopped laughing burst into another round of laughter, "you know Harry is a rascal sometimes, he's probably teasing you," she managed to reply amidst her laughter.

Anne squeezed her face and didn't reply to Emily's sarcastic reply, "just get up, have you forgotten about our plans for the day," she said changing the topic.

"Oh," Emily said as she had forgotten about their plans.

"Well I think it's time to get your ass off the bed," Emily heard another voice at the door, which made her raise her head to look at the door only to see Natasha and James walking into the room.

"What the hell are you doing in my room James?" Emily yelled.

"Don't you know to give girls some privacy," she continued.

James stood there dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say at Emily's outburst.

"You know what James, just get out, I'll be ready in some minutes," Emily stood up from her bed dragging James out of the room and shutting the door with a bang.