
HeLL OnlinE

Tomorrow, a new chapter in his life would open, but God closed the cover of the book. When he opened his eyes on the First Floor of Hell, he had to face off a whole new reality. All the rules were being rewritten, and he had to pick up the pen if he wanted to get out of here. He had to find those like him and play the role of leadership he had escaped all his life.

Sanseiu · Kỳ huyễn
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213 Chs

We'll Get You Under Our Feet

As the Raiders Party, when we got completely calm and used to the comfort of the safe area in the town, we lowered our shields and started walking comfortably towards the Hundred Quest Inn.

"Hey, aren't these Raiders?"

"Yes, yes, they are!"

Unlike us, the other sinners were overreacting where we appeared. At first I couldn't figure out what it was, but soon the truth of the matter was revealed.

"Have you heard? That party of five, what was their name?"

"The Raiders, their name is the Raiders. You couldn't find out either!"

"Their names don't really matter. You know what the guys did?"

The two people had a heated conversation with their backs to us, and we stopped to listen.

"We know, of course, that they did the secret mission inside the House of Pain, and they were the first party to finish it in one go, right?"

Although it was not very pleasant to hear once again why we were ambushed by the ten parties at the exit of the dungeon, the other man was very excited.