Tomorrow, a new chapter in his life would open, but God closed the cover of the book. When he opened his eyes on the First Floor of Hell, he had to face off a whole new reality. All the rules were being rewritten, and he had to pick up the pen if he wanted to get out of here. He had to find those like him and play the role of leadership he had escaped all his life.
Important note - What does Sukrucuk mean? :
"How do you know that?"
I had found his soft spot, his voice softening dramatically as my second question came
"You're here because of that sin, aren't you?
It was as if a colossal surprise emoji had replaced the man's angry face who thought I was guessing.
"I can understand if you're a little nervous, but listen to me, and you'll get all the answers!"
From my last night until now, I told the man what had happened. Even though our first contact was sparking, there was an adult in front of me at the end, and he would calm down and understand what I was saying.
"Wow, that's how it is; now you know your strength and features, you've got skill on top of it!"
I thought right; the man with his eye on the writing above my head took me and my words seriously.
"Max, is that your name? I think I have the same one on my head; what does it say?"
I had never called him by his new name as I guessed he didn't know, now I was wondering how he would react when he heard it for the first time.
"Sukrucuk is written on the top of your head, big brother!"
On the one hand, I was talking, and on the other hand, I could hardly keep myself from laughing. Was this a name to be given to the older man?
"Oh, it's all because of that fag-looking brother-in-law. That's all I said; I don't know how to dance!"
He was worried, so I wanted to know about his last night because I had the opportunity.
"Tell me about that last night; why did you fall into Hell?"
"Don't ask, friend; my wife is three siblings—two girls one boy. The middle sister-in-law had her wedding that night. We had to go, and we almost became the owners of the wedding!"
My wife's brother is a useless person. Groom's side brought Sukrucuk to the wedding. And my wife's brother says it, let's play, let's have a belly dance!"
The subject was getting more colorful as he talked about it, and when we passed the beginning of the wedding and reached the end, the actual bomb would explode.
"We drank quite a bit. No, when I said I wouldn't dance, I was on the stage, we were playing with Sukrucuk. One of our relatives came and put money on my forehead. In less than ten seconds, the skirt-wearing Sukrucuk waved his hand to get the money, and his finger got in my eye!"
"A pain, as if my brain had been punctured; even though he said, "I'm sorry, brother," I hit my head on his face. My wife screams from one side, and this bastard is braying while writhing on the floor; all of a sudden, it's a mess!"
"We were at the police station last. I was thinking, my God, take my life and get rid of it; my eyes darkened. Then I opened it, and they said, you are going to hell. I fell here with that last head, you see!"
Although ıt was strange at first, now I was grateful for my name. Compared to the title given to that big man, mine was like a stage name.
"What are we going to do? You're saying I have to go and kill one of those?"
"Exactly, you stood between them for hours. Did they do anything to you? Only you don't show that you're going to attack though, do you see that crazy guy having fun on his own?
I was pointing with my hand at a Fallen slightly separated from the crowd.
"Yes, I saw!"
"We'll wait; after you're well separated from the herd, you'll calmly go up to him and take the final blow!"
"If we're lucky, this mob might throw you a skill book too!"
After my last word, the middle-aged man looked at me in a way that showed he didn't understand, his eyebrows drawn together and his lower lip twisted.
"Brother, this place is prepared like an online game. There, creatures are called mobs for short. That's the habit of mouth!"
I was willing to make an explanation; something inside me was saying it would happen this time; luck was on our side, the crowd, from which the only remaining mob left, was completely isolated from the environment when they switched to a rhythmic group dance.
"I'm going. I'm going to take the life of this!"
I couldn't stop without giving the last shot while Sukrucuk got out of the shield.
"Big brother, think as if you are hitting the brother-in-law; see it on the face of the Fallen!"
The man was already troubled; after what I said, he became very enraged and slowly entered the attack area of the mob named Tırrek LVL 1 with long strides.
This Lvl 1 creature didn't have a chance to know that Sukrucuk was immune; he immediately turned to him and began to display a dance figure with his hands and arms intertwined.
They approached each other step by step; when there was no longer a meter left, our man grabbed his collar and hit his head.
"Look at the bastard! It writhes like a snake in front of me, oh my brother-in-law, if I could get my hands on you, I would rip your head off!"
It had happened, as the Fallen slowly vanished into nothingness, and there were a few coins and a hand-sized book on the floor, just like me.
Tırrek LVL 1 did something unexpected as its last speck was lost. With a cry for help, he wanted to lure his friends to the middle-aged man who had killed him.
"Brother, take the book quickly, run into the shield; they're all coming!"
Sukrucuk continued to curse with the euphoria of victory, and if he did not regain himself as soon as possible, we would have to start all over again.
Big brother, take the book and run. They're coming!"
I was screaming with all my might; even so, I could barely make my voice heard, our vicious old man. When the man hit his head, he was in a good mood.
"What a mop is that!"
I had mixed feelings as Sukrucuk, who grabbed the ground, ran away with his feet stamped on his ass. I didn't know whether to laugh at the man's call to the Fallen as mops or to be glad that he was trying to adapt so quickly.
While I was thinking, my big brother came up to me, the Fallen, after shouting hate at us from outside the shield.
"You will come here!"
"We make the man be a madame, madame!"
They were shouting in anger, making all kinds of gestures. Sukrucuk was still out of breath. When he couldn't stand the shaking of his knees and collapse to the ground, his face was slightly purple because he couldn't get enough oxygen.
"First, when you catch your breath, you learn the talent in the book!"
His eyes were on the book that he was holding tightly with his claw-like hand, I think Sukrucuk was more interested in getting out of here and the talent he would gain, rather than the thought of getting rid of the torment he would suffer.
But I forgot one thing, after the first Fallen kill, the man had somewhere to go, I didn't even get a chance to answer me yet, and he disappeared in an instant.
I wondered about the title of the book and the characteristics of the talent. At least I thought I'd have fun with the fallen ones, but the Bagcılar region mobs, which gathered in front of the shield, started to disperse after Sukrucuk disappeared.
For an hour, I lay on my back and gazed at the sky above us, and there was a little peace in me. It was good to know that I was not alone, as the middle-aged man and I were going to ally, at least until we left the starting village.
I was not sleepy, and I felt I had never slept before; there was no problem with basic needs here. I just had to fight for a purpose.
"Goodness score received +5!"
"First lead bonus +5!"
Two warnings echoed in my mind; as I was contemplating a quiet afternoon with pleasure, another picture would appear before my eyes in the ensuing process.
In front of me was a vast book opened in the middle, on one side of which was written GOODNESS and the page color was powder blue, on the other side was written EVIL and the color of the page was dark red.
I saw that the same voices ringing in my head were written in the sign saying, Goodness. As the black letters came out of the paper, it was completed in a short time in two sentences.