
Chapter 38

Under her mother's disapproving eye - and without her grandfather, who'd ensconced himself in the library mumbling something about needing to check his notes - Isobel set off on a grand adventure in her tiny car, which seemed a heck of a lot smaller with both Chris in the passenger seat and Goshen taking up the back.

She drove, which meant Christopher sulked. "It's emasculating having you drive me everywhere."

"It's my car."

"When I inherit the Earth - "

"When you get your license and your own car, then you can drive me around. Until then. . . " She patted the dash. "This is my baby. A baby I had to have fixed because of someone." She shot him a glare.

He refused to look abashed. "We don't know how much of that damage was from me and how much was from the dead body monster attack."

"The monster never touched my car."
