
hell's scent

typical reincarnation story of a young man into jujutsu kaisen world with Chainsaw man powers, Makima’s, will he survive through the twisted plots made by gege ? I don't own those manga they belong to two mentally unstable authors who find fun in traumatising their fans.(fujimoto and Gege)

Ps_Zaki · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 10 : Dungeon arc, pt 1

Well well well I have nothing to say, stay healthy!

Enjoy !



Aki was hanging out at Satoru's house, he would crash into his teacher's home from time to time , they usually have movie nights, sometimes discussing the jj society, having tea or a pizza marathon.

As Aki brew some tea, he shifted his gaze to the lying ass Satoru, in a pleading tone, he asked

"So about the Money..." handing the man a cup of tea, Satoru grinned at his student

"What money ? What are talking about ?" He played dumb

"Man ! The money I told you I needed " in an unusual tone, a calm one

"But you didn't tell me what for " insisted

"Um...well..*hesitated*..turn off your six eyes ! " he yelled

"Nuh uh ! No can do " shrugged the white head

"Ughhhh .... fine! It's for someone I know " said the boy

"Humm ... someone You Know ?" Raised an eyebrow as he repeated

"Yeah , he is in need ! I'm helping him out !" Avoiding eye contact

"Well, who the hell is he then ? For you to spend on him such money, must be at least a lover or family..." said the man knowing damn well the boy's lies

Aki stared at him blankly before telling him to forget about it, satoru's face wore a mix of both confused and sarcastic expression, he just rolled his eyes, he is now used to the boy's mood swings, this wasn't something new.

"Tell me Satoru, what's there to learn in order to become even more powerful?" Said the boy before taking a sip of his cup of tea.

Satoru just laid back his head on the sofa, sighed

"I don't know, but you sure lack a defensive technique."

Aki got a little annoyed but confessed

"Sure, you right, What can learn , sensei ?" Leaning his head against the man's shoulder

"Infinity" He scoffed which made the boy even annoyed, yet an idea came to his mind

"Hey ! What about sky manipulation and the element ice ?" That caught the teacher's attention

"Sky manipulation? Never heard of it, where are getting this KNOWLEDGE?"

"It's a technique that allows to manipulate the sky, never ever checked the kamo records? "

"Kamo records ?" Satoru frowned "another lie ?"

"I just know this technique exists " that wasn't a lie, what's wrong with this boy, always full of wierd surprises

"I don't know about sky manipulation but using ice formation is quite good, yet I don't know anyone who possesses it " explained the man

"Well, just bring us the records from jujutsu high, can't you ?" Here he goes with the cat pleading eyes, Gojo probably have noticed how the red rings in his eyes moved, this boy's golden eyes were something else.


as days past, i started learning ice formation, it's the ability to create and manipulate ice. It can range from small to large quantities, depending on the desired utilization.

It was quite hard at first but after some tough training, I was able to perform 2 techniques.

Frost Calm: to channel a cloud of freezing mist from my mouth and blows it towards my opponent. The freezing mist materializes into large columns of thick ice and frost to ensnare the enemy.

Icefall : After covering my hand in frost and touching the ground, I can generate a large amount of spiked ice that can be controlled to float telekinetically through the air like shards. The ice freezes its target on impact and rains down sharpened icicles to skewer them as well. This attack is extremely deadly, nearly subduing a group of targets all at once.

Those two techniques were hard to learn, I could use them only frequently like from time to time, still they were such powerful defense techniques.

For sky manipulation I'll just control that one girl in Culling Game, when time arrives.....

So after all these assassination attempts, I decided to sort my thoughts out, First, possessing Makima's power means having control ability + making contracts

Second, the fiends and hybrids Makima controlled are : shark and violence fiends , bomb, spear, Katana, crossbow, flamethrower, whip, longsword hybrids. I can only summon flamethrower as known as Barem Bridge

Third, the devils in my pocket are : fox, curse, punishment, mold, stone, future, spider, gun ,angel (though he is a real angel in this verse), Mantis, snake, Zombie and Guillotine.

Fourth, I learned new cursed techniques and made some contracts with new curses. So I guess I'm powerful enough to survive another Keno trick, right ?

Hmmm maybe? There's one way to know, test myself !

So I decided to visit a place where I can find some strong curses, unlike the ones I fight them and know basically everything about them.

Once, when I was visiting my parents house, me and my brother Aqua had this movie marathon in my room, and we stayed up late, which drove my mother mad because of the noises, she barged into the room and started yelling about how loud the TV was, my brother tried to explain that we wanted to live the experience of being in a dungeon, she yelled: " if you wanna be in a dungeon that badly, go to the unknown and never come back" she was furious, anyway I'm saying this since I later learned that there were, deep within the heart of a forgotten forest, next to 'supposedly belonged to my father' farm, lies an ancient, crumbling dungeon, its once-imposing walls now covered in a thick layer of moss and ivy. The air is thick with the stench of decay, and the sound of dripping water echoes through the damp, shadowy corridors.

As you step through the rusted iron gates, a sense of unease settles over you. The flickering torchlight casts eerie shadows on the walls, and the sound of your footsteps seems to be amplified, as if the very stones are whispering secrets of the past.

Legend has it that this dungeon was once the domain of a powerful sorcerer, who used it as a laboratory for his dark experiments. Many have ventured into the depths, seeking treasure or knowledge, only to never be seen again.

One tale tells of a group of adventurers who stumbled upon an ancient tome, hidden deep within the dungeon's bowels. Intrigued, they began to decipher its arcane symbols, unaware of the curse that lay dormant within its pages. As they read aloud, the air grew thick with a palpable energy, and the very walls seemed to tremble with an unseen force.

Suddenly, the adventurers found themselves beset by a horde of skeletal warriors, their bony fingers clawing at their flesh. Panic-stricken, they fled deeper into the dungeon, only to be confronted by a towering, spectral figure – the sorcerer himself, his eyes burning with unholy power.

Those who managed to escape the dungeon alive spoke of a terrible curse that had been unleashed, a curse that would haunt them for the rest of their days. Some were said to have been driven mad by the experience, their minds forever scarred by the horrors they had witnessed.

To this day, the abandoned dungeon remains a place of dread and superstition, a testament to the dark forces that once held sway over this forgotten realm.

Most of this was probably bullshit, yet there's no loss to investigate and see for myself.

I prepared myself, informed an adult but he was so childish so I also informed a friend, Inumaki. I don't why him, guess since he was the last I was with.

As I snuck into Kamo's Territory, I knocked off the guards and quickly entered that massive forest, wandering through the leaves and muddy ground for whole two hours, I stumbled upon a wierd looking bigass rock, it had some writings and I felt some cursed energy so I walked up to it, just like any level up manhwa's mc, as I got closer, I could feel an enormous amount of cursed energy that sent shivers down my spine, upon touching the writing, I got teleported to a locked area.

Like a typically prying room, with candles, flowers, holy atmosphere and a bigass board that had what to say.

" Rules : non-sorcerers can't participate. "

levels: 10 levels

Player : Aki Kamo


yup, where am I now ? Did I reincarnated into solo leveling ? I just pressed the button without any ' dramatic-hesitation-moment"


I opened my eyes to see myself surrounded by needles everywhere, in a pile of cloth, it was written 'level 1' in the walls.

I tried to walk and discover the place, I found myself in a cozy, well-lit workshop, surrounded by bolts of vibrant fabrics in an array of colors and textures. Spools of thread in every hue imaginable lined the shelves, and the whir of a sewing machine filled the air.

As I moved through the space, my fingers caressed the soft, supple materials, imagining the beautiful garments could be created from them.

At the center of the room stood a large worktable, covered in half-finished projects and sketches of creations. Where a beautiful brunette lady was standing, she turned to me with a smile.

"Our first visitor in years, welcome ! I hope you don't hate me after this" with no time, the bitch started throwing needles made of cursed energy.

[Cursed technique: Needless work]

I dodged most of them, then

[Cursed technique: piercing blood]

That hit her right in the head, finishing her, well this was easy, maybe because it's only the first level.

I was teleported after few seconds into the next level.

"Level 2"

Was written in the brick walls, the place looked like an abandoned hospital,it was an empty, abandoned hospital halls that stood silent and desolate. Dim lighting casts long shadows across the linoleum floors, which are scuffed and worn from years of foot traffic. The air is stale, devoid of the usual sounds of medical equipment beeping, nurses' voices, and the hurried footsteps of staff.

Cobwebs cling to the corners, and a thin layer of dust covers every surface. Abandoned wheelchairs and gurneys sit haphazardly in the corridors, forgotten relics of the hospital's former life. Faded signs and directories hang crookedly on the walls, their information long since irrelevant.

The fluorescent lights flicker occasionally, casting an eerie, flickering glow down the endless, empty hallways. Doors to patient rooms stand ajar, their interiors dark and uninviting. The once-sterile environment now feels oppressive and foreboding, a stark contrast to the healing purpose it once served.

At the end of the hall, was a metal door, I just opened it to see a fancy office, better to say luxurious, unlike anything I've seen in the halls, my gaze shifted to a figure of a man on a chair, his back faced my face.

"Welcome, hope you won't hold any grudges against me after -"

As the man turned in a dramatic way, taking his sweet time, I just punched him right in his expressionless face, who the hell does he think he is ? Fucking Slenderman !

Surprisingly, it didn't affect him that much, just made him back off a little, he probably stared at me before saying

"I shall hit you in the stomach" and he did so, making me crash into the ceiling, I landed a kick on him, breaking the desk with his face.

"I shall hit your liver" He did manage to after tricking, and I realised that he is strangely getting stronger. I stepped back immediately.

I stood facing the towering figure before me, my heart pounding with anticipation. I knew this man was strong, his muscular frame a testament to his power. But I also knew that I was faster, more agile, and better trained in the art of hand-to-hand combat.

As the tall man lunged forward, his fist swinging towards me, I ducked under the blow with ease. My small frame allowed me to move with lightning speed, and I countered with a series of rapid jabs, my fists connecting with his ribs and abdomen.

I could feel the emotions through his "faceless face" ?, but he refused to back down. He tried to grab me, his large hands reaching for my body. I danced out of his grasp, my feet light and nimble, and landed a sharp kick to his knee, causing him to stumble.

[Flowing red scale]

Seizing the opportunity, I launched myself at him, my elbow striking his chest with a sickening thud. I could see the air leave his lungs as he staggered, and I followed up with a flurry of strikes, my hands and feet a blur as I pummeled my opponent.

But with a mere hit to my stomach, he said "I'll punch your stomach" with that, the moment the punch hit me, I felt it again, he got stronger again after landing the hit, which was to my dismay, a black flash.

I went crashing to the next room, every time he made a statement that became true later on, he got stronger, like when he said " I shall hit your.." after actually doing so, he got a lot stronger, must be some kind of cursed technique.

I needed to make him a bit stronger, to enjoy the fight more and to see his limits, so I took another beating.

"I'll kick your left side"

"I'll strike you with an upper cut"

This last hit made him stepping back, 'wierd' Thought to myself, he was standing now, after four hits on a row, he got way much stronger

[Cursed technique: Price of honesty]

He whispered and I was able to hear it, his cursed energy glowed blue, and the flow was hella extraordinary, his cursed energy wasn't following IN his body but AROUND IT, that made me rise an eyebrow, the slenderman was so unique with his skinny looking yet muscular body in a tight suit, can speak without a damn mouth, and now possesses odd flow and cursed techniques.

It was two minutes that felt like eternity and he was still standing, I just attacked

[Blood edge: spear]

Threw it right at him, he didn't dodged nor tried to, instead took it, piercing his heart, in an instant, felt his flow of cursed energy around me, in 0.02 s, I was the one bleeding like I took the spear, and he was all good and healed.

[Cursed technique: utter blindness]

And I could not see a thing, I healed nearly instantly, then started using bang everywhere I sensed him.


My hand was blown


My chest exploded

Now I kinda understand his technique, I shall call it Honest- he makes a pledge i.e. "my next attack will be a punch and will hit your chin". If the pledge is accomplished the attack gains a boost in power. The more specific the pledge (i.e. "I will wait ten seconds, spin around three times and call out my attack before making it") the more powerful the power boost if the pledge is fulfilled. Failure to accomplish the pledge will result in an attack with reduced power than usual. And if he accomplished 4 in a row, he'll activate the price of honesty, Damage Reflection, which can be done by making the flow of his reversal energy inside of him, and laps one around him that allows the damage transfer.

Such a great pokemon to collect!

Can't wait to see what other levels hold for me...


End of the chapter

Yup this arc maybe will have 4 chapters, ig

Anyway, till next one !