
Hell's Academy

Howard awoke every morning with the taste of blood in his mouth. Every night before he went to sleep, the women sleeping next to him shot him to death so that he could reincarnate in the morning. They did experiments on him, all because he had horns on the top of his head. Finally, after years of experiments, they tossed him into the abyss. A place worse than hell called the Furnace. Down beneath the surface, the Furnace allows dreams to turn into reality, abilities to be amplified by a thousand fold, and for conquests to unfold. Howard, finally finding himself free in the Furnace, joins a team of reprobates from Hell's Academy, hoping to conquer the Furnace and build the ultimate kingdom in the darkest trenches of the world.

RazorIsSharp · Kỳ huyễn
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247 Chs

Preternatural Zone

Jarlon Valley, Sunset

"All thirty teams have gathered," Barabin patted Howard on the shoulder, "There can only be two teams from Horned Nation, so chances are you will run into many more enemies than you do allies."

"Remember, the goal is to get to Nermasis Ridge. However, along the way, because of the powerful Ki in the area. You may run into Authoritarians, Dream Beasts, and perhaps a few Mocralin. No matter what happens, you must listen to Reece. In the last few weeks, she entered into the B rank. "

"Yup, and I still regret drinking so much last night. Ugh, it would've been nice to wake up with someone or something besides a headache," Reece yawned, looking at a large iron gate in front of her.