
Hel and the Emerald Sky City

this is a fantasy soulmates romance set in an Urban setting with lots of deeply traumatic backstories and many deaths on the way, in a magical ancient academy, and with one of the main plots being revenge. there are countless types of mythical creatures and all coexisting in our very world. ||| two new chapters per day at 10:30 and 22:30! ||| Torture is all I’ve known for two thousand years. Not because I’m the one causing it, which ain’t the case, but because since the old reptile, Dragon Queen Meredith Bloom and her daughter in law, Crowned Princess Philippa Bloom kidnapped me from my mother when I was 7 years old, and killed her in front of me, I’ve been treated like a material she absolutely despised but wanted to make a weapon with. All because I’m the bastard daughter of the Crowned Prince Russell Frederick Bloom, the “holy-golden-dragon” with my mom, a black dragon extremely powerful who worked directly with the Dragon Queen and King as the Royal blacksmith and stylist. Which baffles me even more is that mother and Russell were mates, but as dear grandma there didn’t want a black dragon to mate with her precious golden son, she terrorized my mom when she learned of their affair and made sure her son married a female golden dragon of high birth right away. That’s where Philippa Pepper Wreathers-Bloom comes into the picture. She got engaged to my birth father before mother could even have me, and as soon as she had me on the territory now known as New Zealand, she ran away to her family’s original territory on the Himalaya Mountain Range. Which is where she made her lair and raised me for 7 years, in physical age. That is, until dear grandma came and ended our short-lived happiness. Aye, key detail. Mom and dad were both dragons, of different founding clans but both dragons, nevertheless, I came out weird and I’m not a dragon at all, I’m something else entirely, though still in the reptile family. Which is another reason why Meredith tortured the shite out of me. If there was something she despises more than having a bastard in her perfect Royal bloodline, is having a bastard who’s an error in the system (not my choice of words, hers), something that’s only been heard in legends of the long gone old world. What are you then, Hel? I’m a serpent. But not just a serpent, I’m a gigantic black serpent with emerald scales here and there (which Meredith is to blame for), long and wide bat-like wings, with sapphire eyes, and silver sharp fangs full of a very lethal poison.

NastyRaven888 · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs

XIV ||| Cursed Butterflies of Hel(l)

["And I thought you didn't want his attention!"]

"Zip it, Jack!" I hissed at him, and he grinned widely.

"What did you just say?" In a second he was right in front of me, too fucking close. His green eyes now red, characteristic of born vampires.

I glared back, even though all I wanted was to avoid him, "Are you deaf?" Aye, by how everyone gasped, I also doubt anyone talks with this guy like this. Too bad I'm not everyone. "I told you to say it on my face, vampire!" And when I grinned this time, I made sure to show my fangs.

"Do all dragons have fangs like this, or something went wrong with you?" He mocked in the same tone as me.

"Something went very, very, very wrong with me," I licked my lips. "To begin with, I'm not a dragon, vampire. But I'm the daughter of two." Why are his eyes so hypnotizing? I hate it. And I hate it even more how much I like his physical appearance.

And when he tried to reach for my face with his bare hand, I had to grab his with my gloved hand. Startled by how my body was behaving.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me. With. Your. Filthy. Hands," when bare. I do not wish to know anything unpleasant at all. And why is he so bloody tall? He must be near 2 meters tall.

He scoffed, "It's not me who's holding you, is it?"

I released my his hand with visual disgust, and when he tried to catch me again, I unconsciously used my wings to push him down and fly over. "No!" I yelled louder than I intended and for some reason, most of the students covered their ears instantly. "Don't touch me, bloody hell, do your kind know what consent means?"

That seemed to rub him off, as he propelled himself and flew to my height using… telekinesis? Then why did every act as if they had never seen it before when I used? "Bat wings and fangs? What kind of beast are you?"

"You don't want to know!"

"Oh, but I do, beautiful," what?

"Excuse me?" I cringed. "I didn't allow you to call me that?"

He grinned, flashing his fangs, too beautiful, too dangerous. "Oh? I do not need that. Do you not know who I am?"

["You think he's your mate!"]

I ignored him, "Why should I know? Are you important? You don't look like much now, do you?" I used his words against him and he flasher me a wider grin.

"Oh, I'm definitely more important than you!" Is he now?

Licking my lips, I looked at him from head to toe, "I don't think you understand what's happening in here, vampire. And I doubt there's any one who's existence is more important than mine in here!"

That clearly pissed him off. He looks hotter angry, "Seems like the Dragon Queen spoiled the wrong monster, did she not?" This fucker.

["Calm down!"] Fuck you.

"Say that again," I yelled, whispering the magical word under my breath and conjuring my twin daggers each in one of my hands. "I dare you to say that again, you little shite!"

But he stayed unfazed, looking at me with that smug face of his and those glowing red eyes, "So you do know how to show emotions, hm? Here I thought you were a heartless cold emotionless beast the Dragon Queen had raised in secret."

"Raised?" I said the word with pure disgust. "She did not raise me. She…" I swallowed before I could say too much.

Furious by how quickly this bastard took me off. Closing my eyes for a second, I took a deep breath and recoiled my wings back, keeping me up in the air purely with my own telekinesis. But I kept the daggers on my hands, as I slowly descended to the ground.

"You know absolutely nothing of me. Do not throw your own dissatisfaction with Meredith Bloom on me, just because she seemingly acted as if she had… raised me. I will not tolerate any kind of bad words anyone throw at me regarding that. If you chose to do it, you will have to deal with my anger. And the last person who did it, did not come out alive," I lied, but who cares?

Only then, I opened my eyes, seeing everyone staring at me in pure shock, and the vampire descended right in front of me. "Is your name Hel?" His eyes back to turquoise.

"If you know, why ask?" I hissed.

"I'm Oliver-Sean," a compound name? Suits him. It's gorgeous.

"Did I ask?" Countering came out automatic, given my annoyance.

And when he smiled this time, my legs would have weakened if I hadn't held my ground. "I was just welcoming you, beautiful."

My fangs flashed at the nickname, "Don't. I do not need a vampire like you to welcome me. You're not the Headmaster, neither is you the owner of this Academy."

He licked his full lips in a sensual way. Too sensual, "Headmaster Mia said you proclaimed that you would be taking the 1st place of the senior students this year."

"And I will!" I said, matter-of-factly.

"Will you? I doubt it."

"Why would I care about what you think?" I glared at him, pointing my right blade at his neck, but he remained cool.

"Because the 1st spot of the senior students in here is mine!"

Fuck. It means he will be my competition. "Not for too long."

["How are we going to know if he's your mate?"]

"We won't!" I hissed, staring at Jack who was flying on my right.

["But what if it's him?"]

"I am not here for this. And even if that's the case, I couldn't give two shites about that. So, do not bring that absurd shite up again, Jack, if you don't want to see what I can really do," I warned, already too annoyed with his. "She was wrong!" I glared at Oliver who had his curious green eyes on me. "Even if she wasn't, I won't accept it. Disgusting vampires!"

["And you're suddenly disgusted by vampires?"] He mocked.

"Yes. Yes, I am?" I glared at Jack. "So what? Now drop this bloody topic, or I'll kick you back to the Himalayas!" Turning to the vampire one more time, I took in his hot appearance one more time, before turning to my roommates who were glaring at me as if I had grown another head. "Hello, girls, seems like we are stuck together for the year. My name is Wilhelmina Rosalind Miralanthor, but you can call me Hel. I won't answer to anything other than that. So, could you show me our dorm or shall we stay here for a little longer?"

"Miralanthor?" They all gasped.

"That's impossible. The last Miralanthor dragon disappeared more than two thousand years ago!" The baby blue haired vampire from Oliver's group stepped closer with a enormous grin.

I measured him with a scrutinizing glare, then I grinned very slowly and viciously like the viper I am. "Is that so?" I licked my fangs, "Seems like they now cover lots of shite up under the name of disappearance, hm?"

"What is that supposed to mean, beast?" He hissed.

Oh, he's a temperamental one. "Take your own conclusions, baby boy," then I turned to the girls. "So? What's going to be?" I played with my daggers, feeling his gaze burning my skin.

The Japanese girl with wavy long black hair, pale skin, black eyes, skinny body, and also taller than me, stepped up. By her surname, I can tell she's the upper seraphim in the bunch. "I don't know what you are, who you are, what you do, why you are here, and neither do I give a damn. But you better not cause problem to us, new kid."

Licking my lips, I grinned in excitement, "I never cause trouble, it simply finds me. By the way," I looked around, "I'm definitely the oldest in here, you shouldn't call me a kid, seraphim."

She frowned, "You don't know that."

"Oh, but I do," I grinned widely. "Don't worry, I have no intention of making friends with any of you. The responsibility of making such links with others in my physical age would be too great to bear. Been there, done that, don't recommend. Weaknesses cost too fucking much in the real world. So, I will not bother anyone, but I am not the type to run from conflict."

As they all stayed frozen, staring at me, as if wondering if I'm lying or not, I took a deep breath and use my air magic to fly this time. Gaining more gasps from the standby side characters. To make it even more intense, Heartless by Kanye West began to play on my phone speaker.

"Tell me where your dorm is, I'll find it by myself. I thought you would only act repulsively towards me like this is you saw my body, but it seems like I'm entirely repulsive even all covered up," it was supposed to me a joke, and I even laughed, but they kept staring at me. "Fine. I know, I know, he told me my personality was too overbearing, now I get it. But it would only be annoying if I cared. So, just tell me. Which wing and room?"

After a minute, the Indian looking girl who I believe to be the fairy called Priya Dharni, stepped up, "South wing. Dorm 69. Room 6969."

"Naughty," I winked. "Thank you, fairy." I sent my daggers to the tattoos again, then I conjured my Katana and stood up on the blade. Using my air magic, I went straight to the south wing of the Castle.

No one can say I didn't leave a strong impression.

["You're sad!"]

"Give me a break, Jack!"