
Chapter 8: The new boss is?

Sal watched as the new arrival burst in, shouting his name like he was the top dog around the place.

"Who is that?" Sal asked as he turned to Flavio.

"That is Antonio Luca... Of the Mexican cartel branch family." He said, not seeming impressed.

"Ahh... Antonio. I didn't think you would grace us with your presence." Leeroy said, keeping his hand on the table as he tapped his fingers on it.

"Like I would miss this! I've been waiting years for Alessandro to kick the bucket so we can have our shot!" He shouted, getting a sudden adverse reaction.

"You bastard!"

"How dare you!" People in the crowd shouted.

"Even if you are head of the Cartel branch family, I cannot forgive that kind of language!" Flavio also shouted, stepping forwards as he had become extremely serious, something Sal had yet to see.

Antonio turned around to face Flavio, giving him a funny look.

"Well, well, if it isn't the lap dog. You gonna do something about it boy!" He said, causing Flavios men behind him to reach for their weapons.

"That's enough!" Leeroy shouted, causing them to stop their advance.

"There will be no fighting at the right of succession!" He shouted, even standing up to show he was serious.

"Whatever, punk ain't worth it," Antonio said, spitting on the ground as he turned away and headed over to the table, taking his seat and putting his feet onto the desk, pissing the others off.

"I trust you didn't come here without a candidate to offer, Antonio?" Leeroy said, also losing his patience.

"Yeah, yeah. Why else would I come to this boring party!" He said, placing his hands behind the back of his head.

"Bring him in!" He suddenly shouted, permitting to his men to let him in.

Everyone turned around to see who the candidate of Antonio would be, watching as the tall figure walked into the room.

"Looks like I'm finally getting my turn!" He shouted, suddenly bursting into the air using fire that burst from his hands like a jet before he landed in front of the table, again using his fire to slow his landing, taking a knee onto the ground before standing back to his feet.

"Yo! Look at this spread homey!" He said, taking a look around at the others.

Antonio smiled before he started laughing.

"I introduce the candidate of the cartel, Ignacio Salamanca!" He shouted, introducing the man.

Sal was surprised to see that he could use fire, taking a good look at him as he took in his appearance and attitude.

He was a little shorter than Sal, having short brown hair and tanned skin. He wore a striped shirt with half of the buttons undone, also having a gold chain around his neck and a gold watch to boot.

"I can see there is no need to display your ability any further, so please take your position in one of the circles," Leeroy said.

Ignacio smiled before he did as he was told, taking a good look at the others before placing his hands behind his head and walking to his place.

"Pussy ass bitches..." He said in Spanish, muttering it under his breath.

Leeroy sighed, knowing what he had said, doing his best to ignore his behaviour.

"That makes five out of seven candidates... If the other two families do not present their candidates..."

"Now, now Leeroy..." An old voice suddenly said in an eastern European accent, cutting his words off.

Everyone looked over to the top of the stairs, seeing an old man holding a walking stick, standing with a few other men, all dressed in large fur coats.

"Well, well... If it isn't Kholodov Kvetoslav... You old devil." Hashi said, standing to his feet.

"I thought you would be dead by now you old bastard!" Antonio said, laughing as the old Russian man made his way over toward the table, getting a shocked reaction from the others in the room.

"He looks like he's over 100 years old..." Sal thought, watching as he slowly took his seat.

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Kholodov..." Leeroy said, also standing to acknowledge his elder.

The old man turned to look at the current ring holders, seeming to weigh them all up in an instant as he placed his cane onto the table.

"A fine lot... This time could be very interesting for sure." He said, slowly raising his hand and giving the signal to his men.

"Who is that?" Sal asked, looking at Flavio and then back to the old Russian.

"That young Salvator is Kholodov Kvetoslav... He has been the leader of the Russian mafia, also called the Bratva, for over 80 years. He is a legend in the underworld and is respected by all in the family. He was also a good friend of your father and grandfather..." Flavio said, giving him some intel on him.

"I Kholodov Kvetoslav, leader of the Bratva branch family present my candidate for the right to become the next head of the family." He then said, announcing his ring bearer.

A tall and large young man walked into the room, wearing a white jacket and black t-shirt along with black jeans. Sal could see that his hair was white as snow and his eyes were a crystal-like blue, standing out among his sharp features.

"Viktor Makarovich!" He said, causing everyone to watch him carefully as he walked into the centre of the hall, standing before the elders of the family's table so they could get a look at him.

All of them seemed impressed, feeling the aura he was giving off.

"Please show us your ring and right to rule," Leeroy said, extending his hand for him to start.

Viktor didn't say anything, instead, his ring started to glow and ice suddenly started to spread along the ground from his feet, causing the very air in the hall to become ice cold.

"Of course, he has the power of ice..." Hashi said, feeling the chill in the air.

"It certainly fits..." Xue Fang also said, seeing the power that this young man possessed.

"That is enough," Leeroy said, feeling that it was starting to grow a little too cold, seeing that everyone who was normal had already started to shiver.

Viktor stopped his power, allowing the ice to stop spreading before he turned around and walked into another of the free rings where the others stood, not looking at or saying anything to them.

"He looks strong..." Sal thought, also feeling the chill in the air that surrounded him, knowing he certainly wanted to avoid fighting him if he could.

"Very well... That makes five of the six branch families who have presented their candidates for the next boss of the family... However, I think I speak for everyone when I say that the sixth family will not be showing." He then said, seeming to get a slow nod of agreement from the other heads who were sitting at the large table.

"In that case. Our laws are clear." Leeroy said as he stood up, looking directly at Sal.

"As the only living son of the previous boss, lord Alessandro Mogavero, the bringer of hell fire. Salvator Mogavero, please step forwards." He said, causing everyone to look at him, waiting for him to move.

Sal wasn't sure what to do, feeling a small nudge from Flavio, who gave him a little push.

"Go on sir, this is your birthright." He whispered, giving him a smile.

Sal nodded, finding his confidence as he walked forwards, standing before all of the elders of the branch families, seeing that five of the six seats had been taken and that only one remained, along with the throne in the middle that was reserved for the boss.

"It is with great honour, that I, Leeroy Capone of the American family accept you as the rightful heir to become the next boss." He said, giving his approval.

"However, I ask that you please show your ring and right to rule before the other elders, so that they may also give their approval for you to rule over them." Leeroy then asked.

Sal nodded as he understood, knowing he would have to draw on his power again, closing his eyes as he reached deep within himself to find it.

All of the elders watched him, seeing the resemblance between him and his father, however, they still seemed sceptical about whether or not he was fit to rule.

"I need to reach deep within myself, and draw out this power I have been given..." Sal said to himself in his mind, searching deep inside his soul as he had done before, allowing him to find the spark.

"There!" He said, feeling the flames suddenly ignite around him in an all-consuming display of power, covering his entire body in the blue fire as it radiated around him, bursting and crackling with energy.

All of the elders watched in amazement, seeing the power of the blue fire burn around him, showing that he did indeed hold the birthright to rule over them without question as his power seemed to eclipse the others.

Even the other ring bearers were forced to take a step back as the heat from his flames was too much for them, all except for Viktor who stood his ground, using his ice to keep his body safe from the fire, and Ignacio who looked pissed as he could see the difference in their fire power, causing him to clench his fists in anger.

Sal could feel the fire around him growing out of control again, doing his best to allow his flame to calm down, taking a deep breath before he allowed it to go out, putting everyone at ease once more.

Hashi of the Yakuza stood up next, lowering his arms to his sides before he spoke.

"The laws of our family are what have kept us strong for over a thousand years... And to see the power of the blue fire again in person, there is no doubt that you are fit to become the next boss!" He said, bowing his head to Sal in a sign of respect.

"I Hashi Shigemasa of the Yakuza branch family give my approval for Salvator to become the next boss!" He said before he slowly lifted his head and stood upright.

"Well, you have no argument from my end." Xue Fang said as he also stood up.

"I Xue Fang of the Chinese Triad branch family give my approval." He said, making it short.

"Guess I have no choice... As much as I hate to accept it!" Antonio said as he took his feet off of the table and stood up.

"I Antonio Luca of the Mexican cartel branch family give my approval..." He said, not seeming happy about it, but knowing he had no choice, knowing the laws of the family.

All that was left now was for the Russian leader to give his approval and Sal would be crowned the new head of the family, taking full control over all of them and having the overall say no matter what, becoming the most powerful man in the world, unbeknownst to him that was.

Kholodov slowly reached for his cane, taking his time due to his age before he placed it onto the ground so he could place his weight on it and stand.

"very well, let us get this over with." He said, flashing a smile at Sal.

"Having lived long enough to witness not one but three generations of your family rule over our world, I can certainly say that you are the least qualified candidate I have ever seen..." He said, looking Sal up and down.

"However, just like your father before you, you hold the power of the blue flames, the strongest of all of us. I am sure that with time, and guidance you will become a great leader." He said as the entire hall filled with members of every mafia group around the world listen quietly out of respect for him.

"With that said, it is my pleasure that I, Kholodov Kvetoslav of the Russian Bratva branch family, hereby give my..."

"Hold it right there!!!" A voice suddenly shouted, causing everyone to look in its direction in shock that anyone would dare interrupt something so important.

"Who dares!" One of the Russian men said as he turned around to see who had the balls to stop his boss from finishing his words.

"I dare fuck face!" A large man said with short grey hair.

He was tall and extremely well built, having a large frame as he walked into the room, wearing what looked to be a leather biker jacket and blue jeans, complete with motorcycle boots.

"How dare you!" Another of the Russian mafia said, quickly running over to the intruder to attack him for his insolence.

"Shut it!!!" The biker shouted as he took his sunglasses off and smashed a huge headbutt into the man's face, smashing his nose and dropping him to the ground with ease.

Everyone watched in shock at how easily he had put the large Russian man down, not even seeming to be bothered by it as he wiped and placed his sunglasses back on.

"Now, don't tell me I'm late!" He said, stepping over the man he had just dropped and headed to the centre of the room.

"Why you!!!" All of the Russians suddenly shouted as they were about to charge at him to get revenge for their comrade.

However, Leeroy was quick to act, along with the other elders who also told their own men to stand down.

"Stop! Lower your weapons at once." Kholodov suddenly shouted, getting all of his men to freeze at his orders.

"B-but sir?" One of them said, confused as to why he would tell them to stand down.

"Well looky here, looks like someone is in trouble!" The larger American biker said laughing as he walked past them, winding them up even more.

"I've gotta say, it's been a while you old cunts." He said as he stood next to Sal, turning to look at him, getting a sudden surprise.

"Well fuck me, you sure as shit look like your daddy, boy!" He said, looking Sal up and down.

Sal also looked at him in surprise, seeing that he towered over him standing at around 6 foot 8. He had short grey hair and a thin grey goaty with a large scar down his right eye.

"You're late... Clay." Leeroy said, growing more and more pissed off at his behaviour.

"Yes, we didn't think you would be coming." Xue Fang said, seeming Intrigued at his arrival.

"Am I?" Clay asked, reaching into one of his pockets as he pulled a large hip flask from it and undid the lid to take a drink.

"Ahh, man! Whiskey will do that to ya." He said as he walked around to the table and dropped into his seat, clearly making himself at home.

As he did, Sal couldn't help but notice the large fist holding a thunderbolt in the back of his sleeves leather jacket.

"Watch it Homey!" Antonio said as Clay took up some of his space, pissing him off.

"Ah shut it Antonio you little bitch!" He said, not seeming to care.

"What did you say to me? You disrespect me like that and expect to live!" Antonio suddenly shouted as he stood to his feet in anger.

Clay didn't even turn to look at him, instead taking another drink from his hip flask.

"Ahhh... I said, shut your little bitch mouth up before I shut it for you." Clay suddenly said, this time turning to look at Antonio.

"Yo... I don't give a fuck if you an old man or not, you speak to my G like that, and you gonna get burned!" Ignacio said from his standing point, slowly walking over to the table.

"Ahh I see how it is Antonio, you need your little chika here to do your dirty work for you coz he has a ring?" Clay said, causing Antonio and Ignacio to get even more pissed off.

"That's enough you two!" Leeroy said, knowing this was not going to end well.

"Guess the new blood gotta teach this old man his place." Ignacio suddenly said as he created a fireball in the palm of his hand.

"Is that right?" Clay said, not seeming afraid of his power as he smiled.

"I'll roast you alive old man!" Ignacio shouted, losing his temper at the disrespect that Clay had shown him and Antonio, lifting his arm as he was about to throw the fireball at him.

"Will you just shut up?" Another voice suddenly said from the other side of the hall, being the only warning before a wicked bolt of lightning seemed to burst through the air and hit Ignacio in the chest, sending him flying into the wall with a hard crash.

Everyone was shocked at the sudden display of power, having seen the lightning flash for only a second or two before it was over.

"If you don't shut up I'll blast you to Clay." The man responsible said as he made his way, walking over to the others, rubbing the back of his head as if he was bored, getting the attention of everyone in the room.