
You Not My Father

Helena quickly grabbed the first aid kit on a hanging shelf above the purple wall. Helena's hand reached soon for the box.

"Here Mum!" she said.

Helena immediately handed the white box to Maia, her mother.

Maia's right hand quickly grabbed the white first aid kit and opened it, intending to treat the wound on her sister's temple.

Maia was impatient; she wanted to treat and close her son's wound immediately.

Hector's wound was gaping wide and looked huge because of the tear.


The little man fell hard and hit a rather sharp rock. It's good that the rock didn't hit Hector's eye; a few centimeters away, Hector's vision would have been blinded.

"Klek," Maia opened the first aid kit.

The bottle of alcohol and red medicine was immediately opened; she took a cotton swab and poured in the alcohol.

"Are you ready, son?" Maia asked.

She gave Hector the code by winking at him.

"Yes Mum, I'm ready," Hector replied.

Hector was smart, tough, strong, and perfect for a ten-year-old.

Yes, this little boy is more mature for his age; compared to his friends of the same age, he is always more yielding and wise. He slowly applied the alcohol-soaked cotton to the gaping wound.

"Ssssshhh..." Hector stifled the pain.

His forehead furrowed, and he closed his eyes as if to endure the extreme pain.

The influence of the alcohol was causing Hector a lot of pain.

His hands grabbed the blanket and squeezed it tightly, trying his best to endure the pain. His mouth twisted in a grimace as he refused to say anything.

The ten-year-old didn't realize his eyes had shed a few tears.

Poor Hector...

Maia pressed the wound a few times and then cleaned the blood stains around the wound.

Then Maia's hand returned to the clean cotton swab, dripping red medicine onto it.

"Is it ready?" Maia asked.

"Ok mum." Hector smiled, trying to make his mother less anxious.

Hector firmly answered Maia's question as if he wanted to be treated immediately by his mother.

Maia applied a cotton swab with the red medicine to the injured temple of the little man's eye.

Occasionally, the ten-year-old frowned and endured the pain once more while closing his eyes.

His lips puckered again!

Enduring the pain.

Maia was very elegant, her hands trying to reach every gaping wound on her son's eye temple.

Then, she immediately took gauze to cover the wound, stopping the bleeding and preventing bacteria from entering.

"Done!" Maia exclaimed and smiled at her son.

It was a relief that the wound was neatly closed now.

"Thanks Mum," said Hector.

"Yes, dear, get well soon!" said Maia.

"Yes mum, hopefully it will heal quickly," replied Hector.

Maia's eyes traveled around, looking for the wall clock in Helena's room.

Oh, there it is.

"It's eleven o'clock at night my son, let's go to bed!" said Maia.

They were forced to sleep together in Helena's all-purple room.

"Yes Mum..." replied Hector and Helena almost simultaneously.

Helena loved purple; it was her favorite color.

The three cuddled up in a queen-sized bed as the night wore on.

The bed was big enough for the three of them.

Maia couldn't sleep; she couldn't keep her eyes closed.

She was afraid that Sebastian would wake up and get angry. Maia imagined Sebastian knocking on the door.

Frightened, she pulled the purple blanket over her body.

Maia hid her fear; she didn't want her two children to know she was scared.

She wanted to protect her children.

Hector and Helena still couldn't sleep and felt the same fear.

"Mum I can't sleep!" complained Hector.

"Me too," Helena replied loudly.

Their eyes were still wide.

"Let's sleep my children," Maia said again, "Don't worry mum will look after you both,"

A little calmer, they immediately closed their eyes while hugging their mother.

Five minutes later.

Hector and Helena were fast asleep. Seeing her two daughters already asleep, Maia was silent for a moment. She still couldn't sleep; she deliberately didn't want herself to fall asleep.

She wanted to look after her two children.

An hour later.

"Hoaam..." Maia started to get sleepy and was now able to yawn.

Unable to resist her sleepiness, she closed her eyes, and Maia fell asleep.

The night was so cold that the three hugged each other so tightly in their sleep.

Thick blankets covered their bodies, but the cold still entered and even pierced their bones.

"Tap... Tap...Tap..." Footsteps were settling.

Hector woke up, and he heard the footsteps of boots colliding on the wooden floor of the house.

The boy's nectar immediately widened; he awoke from sleeping and sat on the purple-colored bed.

Stealing a listen, the footsteps were getting closer to Helena's bedroom door.

"Tap... Tap..." The walking then stopped.

The footsteps disappeared for a while. Hector searched for the sound but couldn't hear it again.

"Klek... Clack..." the doorknob opened.

His eyes widened as the doorknob moved on its own.

He opened the door twice but couldn't because Helenalhad locked it inside.


Hector stayed awake, unable to go back to sleep, his eyes wide and no longer sleepy.

Maia and Helena were still fast asleep.

Sleepiness returned to Hector; occasionally, his eyes closed due to overwhelming sleepiness.

"Kleeeek... Kleeeek,...Kleeeek" The sound of the door being forced open.

Shocked... Hector's chest was beating faster and faster like it was going to fall off.

The door was open; he pushed it open slowly.

"How did he open that door?"

It was Sebastian, his father. He had been hiding spare keys for all the rooms, including ours.

Hector's eyes widened. He saw the door open and a big, tall man standing in the doorway. Rico tried to wake up his mum and brother but to no avail.

They were still asleep in their sweet dreams. His eyes were still tightly closed.


Hector covered his face with the blanket, his eyes peeking out slightly from under the blanket.

Hector's body trembled, and he burrowed deeper into the thick blanket.

The figure of the man stood watching the three of them in their sleep; he saw Hector, Helena, and Maia.

To avoid making his father suspicious, Hector pretended to be asleep while occasionally peeking at the man from under the covers.

Silence. No sound.

Hector's heart was beating so fast that he was sweating.

His hands were wet, but Hector tried again.

He moved his right hand under the blanket to wake Maia in the center.

No luck... her mum and sister are still fast asleep.

Hector again tried to peek under Helena's purple blanket.

The room was dark. Helena had switched off the lights before bed, but the light in front of the room was on.

It was clear that the man was Sebastian.

"What is Sebastian doing standing in front of that door?" Hector thought to himself.

Sebastian stepped quietly.

He slipped into the room, seemingly sober and no longer drunk.

His walking style was different from when he was drunk. He walked upright and straight like a sane person.

Hector felt that he, his mum, and his brother were in danger.

"What will Sebastian do?" he asked himself.

Suddenly, Hector saw a shadowy hand on the wall to his left.

It turned out that Sebastian's hand quickly grabbed the blanket his son was wearing very roughly.

Hector knew his son wasn't asleep and was watching him from under the blanket.

" Leave me alone!" shouted Hector so loudly that he woke up his brother and mother, "You're not my father; you're a criminal!" cried Hector hysterically.