
Chapter 230-The Weird Uncle.

"Where are my cute nephew and niece?"

Max Ai, the man bearing a close resemblance to Guo Ai, entered inside the room, his eyes boring into Azrail's as a happy smile filled his face, the man soon appeared right beside Azrail to place a light kiss on his forehead as he spoke.

"My... my look at this, looks like the family's good looks have been fully passed on!"

Max's voice spread across the room, as he stood tall with pride, Azrail slowly washing away his forehead as he spoke.

"It's good to see you too, uncle."

As he said so, he could see his grandfather and grandmother shaking their heads with a wry smile filling their faces, even Kia was looking forth with an exasperated face as she spoke.

"Elder brother, can't you see we are eating, at least keep that decorum!"

Her voice seemed to fall on deaf ears, though the moment the cold voice of Yun fell, Max shriveled up.

"Looks like you are in need of some training for good mental growth."