
Chapter 157-Using Power The Right Way.

"She will be throwing a big fuss when she wakes up," Teresa said, looking at Li Lun in her arms.

"I know, but it's better this way, and deep down, she knows it too," Xiao said with a smile on his face, deep down hiding the fact that he needs his own alone time. For now, he is in no way ready to deal with any love-related issues. His mind can no way go with the flow of the lovey-dovey children stuff. He has things to do, and he can't have his focus taken away, no matter how harsh it is. The current Li Lun him is a burden.

Moreover, the separation between the two of them will only harden Li Lun's mind, making her more individual and at the same time teaching her all the powers of the cosmos, building up her mind and soul, even above that Xiao has already placed his skill {Connection} on Li Lun, thus the two of them will be able to communicate no matter how far.