
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs


After that weird encounter I had with the weird fortune teller I dashed towards the direction I knew I left my car.

I ran straight ahead trying to recall the direction on how I got here. I took a sharp turn to the left expecting to end up in a really busy street I ended up in a thick jungle with wide expanse of empty space and trees scattered at the very far end. Judging from the look of things it looked like a giant took a scroll down this beautiful place.

My eyes bulged almost popping out when I saw a giant lazily walking down the forest and making a chaos disturbing the very peaceful forest.

What the hell is going on?

I wanted to scream out loud but I held myself back so as not to attract the attention of the giant who can kill me with just a flick of his finger.

Oh! It's a she, I noticed. That still doesn't make any difference.

I slowly backed away careful not to step on anything that would make a sound. I once saw in a movie that giants have very keen senses which makes them difficult to surprise.

Maybe this was a dream and I'm still in my office or maybe I fell asleep while driving and I died and right now I'm in hell.

Maybe if I went back the way I came by taking approximately seven steps I'll be back to where I belong.

Maybe I just went through an active time portal without knowing. Maybe...

She stopped! The giant stopped and took a long drag of air into her nostrils and my heart stopped.

Oh God! I forgot they had a keen sense of smell.

Not waiting for the giant to turn and notice me, I already sprinted as hard as I could. What in the world was going on and why is it happening to me. I must be dreaming this can only be a very scary and funny nightmare.

"Giants don't exist, time portal or any portals don't exist, supernatural doesn't exist! " I yelled repeatedly to myself.

I gave me a heavy slap across my face thinking it will wake me up but it didn't, it hurts badly instead.

I didn't need to turn back to see if she was chasing me, from the noise she was making it was already so obvious and she's very very close. I turned back to take a peek and was just in time to see the giant slap that was about to hit me.

Out of instincts, I ducked but didn't stop running and I tripped in the process rolling down the sloppy hill.


When did I get to a hill????

I kept rolling down the rocky hill with my head in my hands trying to give it any little protection as possible. I stopped falling when my back hit the bark of a tree hard, almost knocking me out.

I closed my eyes as the pain hit me in a rush, it was brain wrecking. I groaned not moving at all, it wouldn't be a surprise if I broke my back.

Why does everywhere keep changing? I thought.

Maybe just maybe the giant was stuck in the forest and I will be safe here if I didn't lose consciousness or die from my untreated concussion.

I moaned in pain and I could've sworn I saw a man in a very familiar baseball hat standing over me with a slight frown before I loss consciousness.


Something was licking my face as the wet sticky saliva dripped from my face into my thin shirt. I shivered as the cold air blew pass me and I jolted awake.

I groaned holding my head in my hands, why does it ache so much? I turned my head sideways staring straight into the red eyes of a creature. I froze not even blinking, the creature stared back at me and slowly smiled.

I screamed flinging my arms wildly grabbed the slimy creature and flinged it as far as possible. I ran away from there before it came back or before something else finds me there. Dragging my tired body I slowly touched my head and traced the dried blood to the left side of my face which was caked with mud and my clothes caked with my blood.

I groaned wondering how I was still alive from bleeding so much. I must find a way out of here. I took in a deep breath and started shouting for help.

"Hello! If anyone can hear me, I need help please" I screamed repeatedly until my voice was almost hoarse. One last time I told myself encouraged at the thought of going back home. Even the thoughts of my grandmother nagging felt like a bliss.

"Hello, is...." I stopped when I heard a beastly groan somewhere close by. Now I understand why it was never wise to draw attention to yourself in a strange place not knowing what might be lurking around.

I dashed behind a huge tree when I heard the heavy snap of a tree branch, it definitely wasn't a small creature.

From where I was hiding, I saw a huge mountain black bear and I shrunk.

The beast stopped in it's track and snuff.

Oh God! Not again.

Why was I experiencing such vivid misfortune in my dreams?

Not moving or even breathing I was afraid and hoped the sound of my bones rattling doesn't give me off.

The bear moved closer and started sniffing widely he slowly and majestically made it's way towards me. I sat there mad with fear.

What felt like a lifetime but was only seconds passed and I didn't hear any sound, it should have torn me apart by now. Even the forest was surprisingly calm, was the beast baiting me?

I let out the breath I was holding, I wasn't intending on killing myself just yet.

Slowly turning around and taking a peep to see if the bear was gone, I was relieved when I didn't see anything but what and how did the beast disappear so quietly?

Far off the distance I could have sworn I saw a human shadow staring right at me with arms crossed in a disapproving manner.

I blinked and it was no longer there, I must be hallucinating. Maybe the black bear was part of my hallucinations too.

I turned back around and sat heavily on my butt closing my eyes and massaging my head. Can someone please explain to me what was going on here?

Lifting up my head my eyes came in contact with very brown eyes of the black bear staring at me hungrily and I died a thousand deaths in seconds.