
Heavenly Fate

My life, my destiny or better still my fate was already written and decided. I never felt happy knowing that I wasn't living my life the way I wanted but the way it was fated to be. I felt like a puppet, being controlled by someone great. My only purpose of existence was to serve as a guard to someone who was extremely powerful and doesn't even need me. Hahaha, I feel like a joke. My entire life is.... Alora Smith is an African American woman who thought life was going great until she met the tall, dark and deadly stranger who took her out of her protective city into a world of impending danger. Overnight, she was dragged into a world of hell, where heavenly beings were at war, she thought she was just another human caught up in an imaginary world, but could she be wrong? Would Alora let the three Moriai( the sisters of fate) defeated her or would she defeat them and change her destiny? Find out more in the first book of the Children Of A.

Miss_Black05 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Test II

Screaming loudly and feeling the hot breath of the bear close to my face, I knew this was finally it for me, if this wasn't a dream and I really did went through an active portal I hope all my good deeds would be enough to buy me a ticket to heaven.


I heard this calm soothing voice, did I already arrive in heaven and was I screaming into the gates of heaven? I hope I didn't die a painful death.

Hold on that was the sound of a child, were angels in heaven children?

"Stop teasing the poor lady Bear" She said like a mother telling off her disobedient child.


Opening my eyes I turned around and saw a girl of about twelve with long chocolate hair braided in plaits with a golden ribbon and a dirty hunting attire.

She grinned and moved closer "My name is Prana, you must be a lost traveler. We haven't had visitors in centuries."

I stared at her blankly. And shrugged when the bear sniffed me again.

The girl laughed "Don't mind bear he's a vegetarian, he does that all the time. Scaring people I mean, but the villagers are used to him already and they don't get fazed anymore"

I nodded. Of course they're omnivores but that doesn't mean he couldn't, wouldn't cut me in two and leave my body for his carnivores friends.

Something she mentioned registered in my mind " Did you say villagers? Does that mean there's a village near by?" I asked excitement bubbling in me.


"Thank God! Can you please take me there I need help please I got injured you see and...."


She cut me off with a no " What do you mean by NO? I promise not to stay long there, I just need one thing, to get my head treated and maybe food, water, some money and change of clothes also a way to get out of here and someone to explain why I was here in the first place "

She sliently stared at me as if contemplating. "That's more than one thing"

God make her decide to help me please!

After a minute of her looking at me as if studying me she said " Fine! "

And I shouted " Yes! "

" First your head has already being treated, second... "

" Wait what? " I interrupted her this time

" What do you mean by my head has already being treated, they're was no one here but just me till I met you "

She looked at me disapprovingly" If you had let me finish talking then I would have explained! " She snapped

" I'm sorry " I hurriedly said. Why do I get this feeling that I'm talking to an adult instead of a child, the urge to ask her age was really strong but I didn't want to annoy her any further.

She gave a gentle smile and continued" Second you can't go in the village because time travellers are highly prohibited for a reason I can't tell a stranger and third if you don't return before dusk you'll be stuck her forever "

I wanted to say something but I could only silently groan because she was not done talking.

" Now, about your head injury I knew who did it and I don't understand his motive but rest assured he's not a threat, not yet "

She sliently whispered the not yet but I definitely heard it.

"I'm gonna skip the second part cause like I said I can't explain to a stranger and third if seems you aren't aware of your powers just yet and somebody actively opened a portal and you just unfortunately happened to step right in. It seems someone is trying to test you and know what you're capable of " She said debating.

"How old are you?" Oh shoot! I can't believe I just asked that

She looked at me as if shocked "Out of every bizarre thing I just said my age is the only question you thought of asking me?"

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it, you're giving off a familiar vibe and you don't talk like your age"

She sighed as if tired of me and massaged her forehead "I'll tell you how to return back to your time so listen to me carefully...."

" Wait! You mean this isn't a dream and neither am I died and in hell? "

She nodded " Now on how to return back to your time... "

"But I was being chased by a giant before I got here."

"I know, just listen and stop interrupting!" She snapped and thunder loudly roared and I looked up at the sky confused. I slowly gave the girl a quick look and slowly backed away.

She rolled her eyes and continued "Go back to where you landed when you got here, the tree I mean. " She said very slowly as if explaining to a child " And then imagine where you want to be"

My jaw literally fell to the ground " It's that simple! "

" No it's not that simple " She mimicked " It will take a lot of will power because when whosoever brought you here sense you trying to return back they'll do anything to stop you. "

Oh God!

" Like what? "

" I don't know precisely but I know it'll be something you wouldn't be able to resist easily "

" Do you remember your way back there? " She asked and I shook my head saying no

And she groaned and dragged her hands across her face and incoherently angrily muttered harsh words.

"Curse the gods for making me do this, only just this once." She muttered and started walking away.

Me not knowing what to do decided to follow her, she was my only hope in this bizarre situation.

"You don't have much time by your side, if you don't return before dusk you'll be stuck here forever." She said taking a proud look over her shoulder to make sure I was following.

Stuck here forever? That definitely wasn't an option.