
Chapter 1 {Don't Worry}

"Ha come and fight me Ryoto Inizio Suly poop head!" A young girl shouted as he pointed at a handsome young six year old boy who was sitting down and he frowned at the little girl who shouted his name. Ryoto put his hands on his hips and pointed at the girl.

"Humph Rylee you stupid head do you think I the awesome would play with you?"

Rylee crossed her arms as she stepped forward and grinned a different kid let out a pitiful sigh.

"Teacher Rylee and Ryoto are about to fight!" The chubby guy shouted as he waved his hands like a madman.

"Rylee, Ryoto why must you both always fight I do not understand you guys? Always fighting no matter what?" A woman teacher said as she knelt down and took both of the small kids hands and put there hands together.

"We should all be friends."

Ryoto and Rylee looked at each other with disgust and Ryoto turned his face toward his teacher.

"Teacher she ricks of smells."

Rylee kicked Ryoto so hard he started jumping up and down and Ryoto jumped in the air and attacked Rylee back. The woman teacher sighed it's only been two years but these kids just know how to fight no matter what it's troublesome.

"Anyway get in class we have a guest coming."

"That's boring I would rather defeat this loser?" Ryoto and Rylee said in unison.


Ryoto let out a sigh and he rushed inside the classroom. He sat down and he looked around the classroom he has been here for the past two years. Mom says this is daycare but is't so boring and all the kids are well somewhat weird. Ryoto is a mature six year old child he understands many thing but still is a naive six year old boy. Ryoto was in the middle cookies as he watched a teacher walk inside the classroom a student stood up.

"Teacher Ryoto eat all the cookies."

Ryoto dropped his small mouth and he pointed at Bob who growled at him. Both Bob and Ryoto are gluttons. No matter what Ryoto small stomach is like a bottomless pit.

"Teacher Ryoto eats my cupcake!" Rylee shouted.

"Alright Rylee you big mouth I did not eat your cupcake, as for you Bob my mother made these for me if I want to share I will but I am hungry."

"IT'S MEANT FOR THE WHOLE CLASS IDIOT!" Bob shouted as he started crying. Ryoto rolled his eyes and he grabbed his other basket of cookies.

"Bob crying here as my sister good boys don't cry."

Bob saw the other cookies and he tried to grab them.

"Pay me, I do need-"


"Ryoto I will take these and pass them out, I swear I have never had such troublesome kids in my enter life now kids stop talking and seat down this man his name is Jax Sayer."

Jax Sayer was a tall handsome middle age man his eyes were deep blue he had long yellow blonde hair he was part elf and part humans his handsome was truly awesome. Ryoto couldn't help it but felt also memorized by his beauty and his gentle eyes. His mother has always told him they all kinds of people in the world but to always be opened mind.

"Hello everyone who here of you guys are ready to have your awakening?"

"WE ARE READY!" Rylee shouted.

"Damn Rylee are you a boy who is trying to be a girl."

"Ryoto you are so beautiful that I mistake you for being a girl how come you don't wear a dress."


"I win."

"Humph since you want to embarrass me I will do the same."

"Rylee peed her three nights ago!" Ryoto shouted as he looked away. Rylee slammed her small white palms out on the table.

"Ryoto you..Everyone Ryoto isn't just a glutton but his also a person who likes sleeping undress!" Rylee shouted.


"Rylee Ryoto both of you guys quiet down."

Both kids stared at each other and shot each other glares of hate before they turned there heads.

"Haha alright as I was saying all of you guys will be having an awakening of two types as normal your first awakening is Yunio Spirit which is inherent by your parents one could awaken something knight Yunio Spirit like this," Jax said as he released his Yunio Spirit which a woman knight appeared the aura that came out was so powerful it held a sword as Jax raised his hand all the kids felt like they were going to die they couldn't even breath. Jax snapped his finger and his Yunio Spirit disappeared. 

"Your Yunio Spirit can be anything from a weapon, spirit, to a plant it really doesn't matter but you will awaken one the second awakening is Element Ra, they are nine elements and it's rare for someone to have two Element Ra or even three. The nine Element Ra are Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Wood, Lightning, Gravity, Yin, and Yang those are all the nine Element Ra you all will awaken Element Ra that your parents have if your mother has let's say a water element and your father has fire element one of them would cancel each other out and you will end up with one of your parents Element Ra."

"Teacher is it true we get to choose our own familiars?"

"Yes that's the only thing that you do not inherent from your parents unless your parents want you to inherent a familiar they raised just for you but on the same day of your awakening day you will be able to sign a life long contract with your familiar they will get stronger as you get stronger."

Ryoto yawned but he listened he was so excited. He has always wanted to be Warrior Spirit Master as he clenched his fists together Rylee snorted out.

"Don't think much as a princess of course I will awaken something awesome."

"How about you stop bragging I am scared that face of yours will turn into a witch."

Rylee clenched her jaw. 

"Alright now that's done sent out letters to your parents on the dates you guys are supposed to awaken your abilities but you must remember what you get, you can still be what you want in the future."

After Jax was done talking one of the quiet kids raised his hand this guy name was Smith.

"Teacher what's spirit energy, what's soul power, and what's martial art rank I understand those are important as well."

"Haha you aren't wrong."

"Let's start with soul power, soul power is a must to have if you want to be a Warrior Spirit Master this allows you to be able to take in senir soul rings but also you can start cultivating we test kids out the moment they awaken if they have soul power if they don't they must raise there soul power even a one is enough to allow a person to go to a Yunio Spirit Magic school."

Soul Power Rank:

Soul Trainee Rank 1-10 

Soul Master Rank 11-20 

Soul Grandmaster Rank 21-30 

Soul Elder Rank 31-40 

Soul Ancestor Rank 41-50 

Soul King Rank 51-60 

Soul Emperor Rank 61-70 

Soul Half Saint Rank 71-80 

Soul Saint Rank 81-90 

Average Tale Half Emperor Rank 91-95

Emperor Rank 96-100

Half Step God Rank 101-120

God Rank 121-150

Half Step Heaven and Earth Rank 151-200

Heaven and Earth Rank 201-250

Half Step Heaven Law Rank 251-300

Heaven Law Rank 301-350

Half Step Divine Holy God Rank 350-420

Divine Holy God Rank 421-500

Half Step Immortal God Rank 501-600

Immortal God Rank 601-700

Half Step Enternal Heaven Path Rank 701-820

Enternal Heaven Path Rank 820-900

Half Step Enternal God Seat Trail 901-1,000

Enternal God Seat Trail Rank 1,001-3,000

Half Step God Crown Rank 3,001-6,000

God Crown Rank 6,001-15,000

"In history only two people were able to reach God Crown Rank the legendary heroes we all know Maximiliano Kroix who was the first human to ever reach to become a true god and went above 15,000 soul power, and the other legendary hero is Ronan Emerson who also reached God Crown Rank. Most people stoop at Divine Holy God Rank even though it's powerful if you are able to reach that level. Second is spirit energy is used to control one's emotions and enhance focus and perception of the surroundings. With further cultivation, it can be utilized to exert greater control over one's soul skills and even directly affect another person's Spiritual Sea. Spiritual power also aids in improving the Warrior Spirit Master's thinking or having inspiration. One with strong strong spiritual power they could go up against a person who has strong soul power then them and there control is much better they are some people who just focus on getting there spiritual power stronger."

Spiritual Power Rank: 

1-20 is Glowing Realms

21-99 Star Realm

100-155 Ice Forest Realm

156-199 Twilight Ocean Realm

200-260 Cyber Universe Realm

261-299 Forged Vales Realm

300-330 Destiny Land Realm

331-399 Howling Valley Realm

400-450 Fairy Forest Domain

451-499 Dream Planet

500-600 Spiritual Sea Domain

600-700- Parallel Empire Domain

700-800 Inferno Dominion

900-1,000 Titan Plane Realm

1,000- 2,000 Void Lands Realm

2,000-3,000 Sapphire Sea Realm

3,000-4,000 Wandering Deep Ocean Realm

4,000-5,000 Broken Soul Realm

5,000-6,000 Prison Chain Realm

6,000-7,000 Hellfire Realm

7,000-8,000 Soul Gate Realm

8,000-9,000 Ash Sky Realm

9,000- 10,000 Scarlet Yonder Realm

10,000-11,000 Spirit Dominion

11,000-12,000 Eternal Territory Realm

12,000-13,000 Paralyzed Realm

13,000-14,000 Shadow Isles Domain

14,000-15,000 Crying Dead Soul Realm

15,000-16,000 Ice Prison Soul Domain

16,000-17,000 Heavenly Gate Gods Realm

17,000-18,000 Emperor God Realm

18,000-19,000 Heavenly Immortal Realm

19,000- 20,000 Enteral Heaven God Realm

"Each realm as you can reach right here in the air board are different they give you a different feeling for someone to reach Spirit Sea is already known as a blessing it's rare," Jax said.

"Wow amazing haha Ryoto did you hear that I will be-"

Ryoto was sitting in the front of the chair. Rylee huffed out as she closed one of her eyes and she sighed.

"Martial art rank is known for one physical strength no spells or magic helping there strength. It's best for Warrior Spirit Master to have a strong physical strength each martial art rank can also help you learn many techniques, like rank one martial art one can learn tiger fists they can even learn they right away to cultivate there body, you can even open up fifty-four meridian channels which makes your soul even stronger. Awakening all fifty-four meridian channel is a start after that it's harder and harder to awaken your meridian channels."

Martial Art Rank: 

1. Martial Art Rank 1-10

2. Martial Arts Warrior 11-25

3. Martial Arts Master 26-30

4. Martial Art Grandmaster-31-50

5. Martial Art Half Emperor-51-100

6. Martial Art Emperor-101-150

7. Martial Arts Half Step Dominator 151-200

8. Martial Art Dominator 201-250

9. Half Step Supreme Master 251-300

10. Half Step Core Saint 301-400

11. Core Saint 401-500

12. Half Step Martial Arts Deity 501-800

13. Law Heaven 801-900

14. Longevity 901-1,000

15. Half Step Divine Martial Art 1,001-2,000

16. Divine Martial Art 2,001-4,000

17. God Martial Art 4,001-6,000

18. Immortal God Martial Art 6,001-10,000

19. Half Step Heaven Seat Martial Art 10,001-15,000

20. Heaven Seat Martial Art 15,001-20,000

21. Half Step Don Eyu Martial Art 20,001-30,000

22. Don Eyu Martial Art 30,001-40,000

23. Half Step Enteral Universal Martial Art 40,000-50,000 

24.Enteral Universal Martial Art 50,001-60,000

25. Half Step Universal Law Martial Art 60,001-70,000

26. Universal Law Martial Art 70,001-80,000

27. Holy Land Touch 80,001-90,000

28. True God Soul Martial Art 90,001-100,000

"Amazing Sir Jax did Maximiliano Kroix and Ronan Emerson reach True God Soul Martial Art rank!?" Bob asked as he breathed in Ryoto face who pushed Bob face away.

"Smelly fatty you breath smell."

"Humph so does yours!" Bob said.

Ryoto gasped and he touched his mouth over his hand and breathed in his breath he let out a sigh and grabbed Bob's ear. 

"You lie."

"Humph I lie what do you do lie to me as well!"

"Whatever teacher is so..?" Ryoto said.

"No they were unable to reach True God Soul Martial Art actually no one has been able to reach that level at all no one knows the strength of True God soul Martial Art but they have reached Holy Land Touch Martial Art and that alone is truly amazing no one has ever reached that level."

"Hehe doesn't that mean if I reach True God Soul Martial Art I will a genius and I will be one of a kind."

An arrogant boy said as he touched his hair and he smirked. 

"Isaac stop dreaming," Bob, Ryoto, and Rylee said in unison.

"You idiot how can you say that to me I am your best friend Ryoto and you Rylee why not back off," Isaac snapped as he grabbed Ryoto hand and he huffed out.

Isaac was a tall six year old boy with light blue hair and his eyes were deep blue he lived with his grandparents who owned a cafe called Luna Cafe.

"All that's it for today."

"What's Senir Soul Rings?"

"Senir Soul Rings are the part of the remains released by Spirit Beasts following their death, sacrifice, or contract with humans. Only the person who delivers the killing blow can absorb the Spirit Ring and is needed to be at a bottleneck (Rank 10, 20, 30, etc.). Senir Soul Ring is a special energy body that represents the cultivation of spirit beasts. In almost all cases, it does not represent their actual age as spirit beasts don't cultivate based on age, but with maturity. This is seen with how notable physical features are used to discern a spirit beast's cultivation."

Senir Soul Rings: 

Pink: 10 year old spirit beast

White: 20 year old spirit beast

Teal: 50 year old spirit beast

Yellow: 100 year old spirit beast

Purple: 600 year old spirit beast

Aqua: 1,000 year old spirit beast

Black: 5,000 year old spirit beast

Blue: 10,000 year old spirit Beast

Red: 100,000 year old spirit beast

Orange: 400,000 year old spirit beast

Gold: 1,000,000 year old spirit beast

Those are the rank of spirit beast senir soul ring. 

"Now that's over I wish you all good luck."

Ryoto stood up and cleared his throat.

"Stand up everyone!" Ryoto shouted. Everyone in class shouted he nodded his head and everyone bowed there heads.

"Thank you for taking time to see even though you are busy!" Ryoto shouted.

"THANK YOU!" Everyone chanted. The woman teacher her name was Shelly she shook her head she knew that Ryoto is a talented young boy his also a good leader but his also cunning and who likes playing pranks on people. Plus with his stomach that likes to eat so much he would be lucky enough to find a wife who would be able to feed him!

"Alright everyone now that's over teacher is excited to see what all of you guys have but you must remember what I always."

"Your powers are used for good not evil!" The six year old kids shouted and went outside to play. 

Ryoto was standing next to tree as he stood there like nothing in the world could bother him he was nodding to himself as he smirked and then he saw Rylee, Bob, and Isaac walking toward him.

"Play Hide and Seek with us!"

"I don't wanna go and play yourself."

"What I heard because you are scared that's why you won't play I guess it's true Ryoto is scared of the dark."

Ryoto turned around and grabbed Rylee shoulder. Who smirked this idiot is so competitive.

"Humph I am not it!" Ryoto shouted and dashed off.

"RYOTO YOU JERK!" Rylee shouted.

"I am not either!" Bob said as he ran and gasped.

"Bob can you even run!?" Isaac asked as he ran away and jumped in the air. 

"Ryoto wait for me!" Isaac shouted as they two boys fists bumped they turned to left and they ran toward another building and knelt down.

Two hours later.

Isaac was sleeping on Ryoto shoulder who was also sleeping. When they heard a click they looked up and saw Rylee staring at them.

"I must you guys are good hiding but that's not fair at all, Smith asked me out!"

"Oh you found your future husband thank god."

Rylee touched her chest and she grinned.

"But Ryoto I don't like man humph."

"Then who do you like?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHO DO I LIKE WELL SHE IS SHY!?" Rylee shouted. Ryoto wasn't an idiot after all his parents have told him about the same genders liking each other. Ryoto touched Rylee shoulders.

"How would she date you, you are so ugly tsk I feel bad for your future wife but invite me at the wedding after all they will be amazing food."

Rylee kicked Isaac who opened his eyes.

"What is going on?"

"Time to go home we are going to Luna Cafe."

The three kids walked together joining Bob.