
Heaven Reformation System - Break of Dawn

DaybreakOfficial · Khoa huyễn
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Breaking Heaven

"When darkness falls upon thee you shall seek the light. When Light consumes your soul accept the demon deep inside you."


Inky black hair sways gracefully in the unseen aircurrent, growing more rapid as time progresses. Two emerald green eyes watching with hate as a dark figure of an unkown person grows increasingly small in the distance.

"I will remember this.." a voice full of hatred escapes the mouth of that obviously falling figure. Suddenly a soft giggle could be heard, seemingly coming from all directions. "Why so hateful~? I'm just sending Trash away~" That mysterious voice suddenly turns ice cold. "Now die mortal."

At that moment the long awaited impact came and with a dull sound everything turned dark.


Darkness, everything is dark except some specks of light that can be seen in a distance. "What is this?" He tried to speak but it weirdly only came out in his mind, no actual voice came out of his nonexistent mouth.

Struggling to mouth around he figured that he's unable to do so, nothing seemed to move, nothing responded. There was just.. nothing.

"Im really dead huh.. is this what the afterlife is like? Maybe hell?" Chuckling to himself as he tried to have a good look around, maybe he'll be able to spot something?

"Hmm?" At that moment he felt some weird connection to those weird spots of light in the distance, moving them around in a clumsy way for a while until he became a little proficient in doing so.

"They seem to.. resonate with me? What even are they?" having nothing else to do he began to play around with them, merging them to bigger light and splitting those again and again.


A weird phenomenon occurred in a random dimension, the energy of the world grew denser and then flooded away to an unknown place, beast like lifeforms howled in confusion, Humans grew restless as they tried to absorb the energy when it was at its peak like it's the only thing in their minds. Mountains turned to holy lands, holy lands turned to desserts, it was like someone pushed the fast forward on the world but no lifeforms seemed to be affected that much.


"This is getting boring.. Hmm maybe I can merge them with me?" After thinking it over for a moment or two he began to slowly merge a large amount of light and moved it close to him, slowly trying to merge with that light like he did with the light itself.

At that moment a golden light sneaked itself into that chaos he created, lodging itself inside his formless body while beginning to humm an ancient melody.


Returning to the weird planet it seemed to be different, time flows differently in the void, 10.000 years have passed since that incident when the same thing happened again, but this time the energy grew to an unreal degree for a few minutes before turning back to normal, at the same time when a child was born in a remote corner of the redlight district of Dawn City..

"Waaah~!" Cold, it was so cold suddenly when our protagonist opened his eyes after a long time. He closed his mouth after a few attempts to speak, trying to calm his nerves.

He stretched his tiny arm and looked at himself in a nearby mirror, smiling awkwardly as he thought. "A baby.. where is my-" He felt himself being picked up and put into a warm blanket.

"It's sad how they treat their unwanted childs.. Come with me little one, I'll keep you safe" An old rusty voice sounds in his eyes as he looked into the eyes of an old man that wore a simple looking cloak with a small silvery batch on his chest. A white goatee hanging on his chin, already balding as he seems to be around 70-80 years of age.

"I'll take you home first, those old men will have to wait, come with grandpa Sky" Sky simply smiled caringly at that newborn before vanishing from where he stood as he appeared inside something that seemed to be some kind of mansion. After leaving our protagonist inside a bed and taking a last glance at him he simply left the room, probably to get a doctor.

"I have no idea what's happening here but I, Juram Black, will seek to find that traitor, the false goddess.. I'll kill her." The cold glint in his eyes subsided as he slowly drifted into a deep sleep, peaceful but also lonely inside that dark bedroom.

The first chapter, the beginning of a new creation, stay tuned for new chapters! And please feel free to share your thoughts, I'll consider all of them.


yours truly the stranger.

DaybreakOfficialcreators' thoughts