

Book/Volume 1 Summary: A Question telling "If you are in risky situations... in a another dimension, what will you do?", My answer is "I will fight to save my new home and our lives."

M0ll1eorW1ll0w · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 Raindrop Forest

~{Introducing Pedro López...}~

"Are you really telling the truth, Robinson?" A Hispanic man with brown hair and beard with grey hazel eyes named Mr. Pedro López, a school teacher from the Heaven-More school, asked Summer Robinson, Richard's younger sister, a young girl with blue Hazel eyes and freckles and brown hair tied to a braid and is walking on crutches due to a broken leg wrapped and bandaged in a cast.

~{Introducing Summer Robinson...}~

"Yes, I'm telling you, Mr. López. I can sense that my brother is in Heaven-More. I can really sense him." Summer told her teacher.

Mr. López raised his eyebrow up and then sighed before he replied in an understanding tone, "If that is the case, summer, then we must inform the queen about this conspiracy.", "I can sense his location too, sir." Summer said quickly. "I am dialling her now." Mr. López has already picked the telephone and begins to dial the number.

Summer then took off her rainbow wrist bracelet that Richard made for her and asked, "Can she take my bracelet to show him if he recognizes it?", "Of course, now, you said you can sense where he is at, can you tell me?" Mr. López asked.

Summer pauses to sense her brother's scent far away and then smiles widely excitedly and finally responding "He is in..."


"Raindrop Forest." Richard reads the sign in the middle of the forest's pathway. "That sounds like a dope name for a forest." Nick said. "Um... I don't think that's just a name, Nick." Richard said to Nick.

Richard had his hand out in front of the sign and suddenly... DRIP... A waterdrop dropped on Richard's palm, then another drop and another. "Crap... I think it is going to rain." Richard wasn't ready for rain, so is Nick, who is saying, "No wonder this forest is called "Raindrop Forest"..."

The rain grew big, and Nick took off his Demin jacket and covered his head to avoid getting wet, but it was no use for him and Richard. Rain stained Nick's white turtleneck sweater and Richard's green hoodie and black jacket, who he is holding up to his head like Nick.

Both boys' speed walked through the entrance of the Raindrop Forest, walking away from the sign. "Rain is making this weird-ass situation a bit worse, dude." Nick spoke. "I have to agree with you, Nick." Richard said.

"Also... It's becoming chilly... cold." Richard stopped holding his jacket over to his head and hugged himself to protect himself from the cold hopelessly.

"No shit." Nick said, rolling his eyes, still holding his jacket up over his head, not doing the same as Richard.

"And you look kind of silly, dude." Nick tried not to chuckle, seeing Richard hugging himself and with his jacket on top of his head. "Oh, shut up." Richard said after letting out a scoff after Nick said that, blushing a little.

"I wonder what this place even is and how we even got here." Nick spoke. "Well... That demon monster thingy, i think, told me this place is called... "Heaven-More"." Richard told Nick.

"Really? It hasn't told me that." Nick replied, looking surprised. "Are you serious? I thought you knew or that demon monster told you that." Richard replied.

"All I did was scream like a little girl when i saw it until it grew fed up, and it roared very loud, which woke me up." Nick told Richard.

"Jesus, "loud"? That could've been me."

"Yep, lucky you."

"Whatever. Anyways, we need to find out what's going on and how we got here and even get some answers." Richard spoke in a serious-sounding voice.

"Right." Nick nodded his head and with in an agreeing voice, like an officer agreeing to the chief.

The air of the weather grew cold as the two boys walked through the raindrop forest and started getting more and more cold. Richard shivered and was trembling, wrapping his soaking-wet jacket around himself. Nick kept calm and looked like he was fighting the cold and never felt the cold before in his life.

Nick spoke, "Thank god, my dad taught and gave me strength and the ability to be against the cold, not to feel it or to suffer from it."

"U-Um, can you please... t-teach me all that, Nicky?" Richard asked Nick.

"Hopefully, I can."

The boys were led to an open space with not many trees and bushes. The boys saw a clean-looking cabin that looked like a big-looking summer house. "Finally! A place to stay and to possibly call safe!" Nick spoke. The two boys were relieved.

As soon as the two got inside the cabin. Nick turned on the heat, and they stripped out of their wet clothes and shoes except for their jeans and put them on the radiators for them to dry.

Richard grabbed himself a blanket and wrapped it around his half-naked body, shivering from the cold outside and after stripping.

Then he noticed through the window he was sitting in front of, the grey clouds turned into a crimson colour. "Hey Nick, did you see the sky?" Richard asked Nick. "No? What's wrong with it?" Nick replied back in confusion.

As Nick was walking towards the window, Richard then saw something shocking to him. There were birds that were around in the raindrop forest. They were in the opposite direction instead of the entrance of the raindrop forest Richard and Nick took to enter the forest altogether. The exit of the raindrop forest? The shocking thing that Richard found is that all the birds were chirping, and their flapping wings were fast and hurried as if they were scared and in a hurry... or escaping. Escaping from... something?

"Were those birds I see?" Nick questioned Richard. "Yes, they look like their escaping from something, flying in a hurry to the opposite direction instead of the entrance we took to enter this forest. I think it's the exit of the forest. But... something is wrong, nick. The Sky and Clouds are so red." Richard explained to Nick, growing a bit concerned.

"Could it be a blood moon?" Nick said. "No, I think blood moons don't change the sky and clouds like that." Richard replied, shaking his head.

"I don't know, man. Let's just get some sleep, I finished our beds." Nick told Richard and then pointed out to the two mattresses in front of long radiators with pillows and blankets.

"It's still daytime, even though it looks like it's nighttime or dawn, and we haven't eaten anything." Richard told Nick.

"Well, there is a fruit bowl. There are only bananas, oranges, and grapes. How about that?"

"Yeah, sure."

After the boys ate the entire fruit from the fruit bowl Richard rested his body on top of the warmed mattress from the radiator, the blanket sill wrapped around his half-naked body with a blanket covering him, beside Nick. While Richard was trying to fall asleep, the sounds of scared birds chirping from a distance away, and the sun that is being blocked from the red cloud still shining.

After 2 hours of giving themselves warmth and saving up energy without sleeping because it was still day-time afternoon. Nick checked his phone, 7:02 PM. Their stomachs rumbled quietly from that kind of lack of food. Nick grabs his one of his dry clothes, his white turtleneck sweater. They were still a tiny bit wet, but its its no big deal to Nick, and puts it on.

"Careful, nick. You can get cold with that only on you and still a bit wet." Richard said to Nick, having the blanket closer to himself. "You forgot that I had been teached to fight the cold, didn't you, Richie?" Nick said in a sarcastic-sounding tone.

"Oh... yeah, that's right." Richard then grew guilty and nervous, "Hey, Nick, I'm sorry. I wasn't actually used to learning or finding out that these kinds of abilities are becoming a thing before." He said softly.

Nick looks at Richard and then smiles, leans down towards him, and pats his back as he replies, "Hey, don't worry about it, dude. I'm not used to them, not even to my cold air fighting ability. "Richard smiled back at Nick, scratching the back of his head.

An hour pass, Nick's sweater is finally dried (on his body, of course), and Richard puts his hoodie and jacket back on after they dried.

"Hey Nick?" Richard said.


"Earlier, did you hear noises?"

"Uh... no? I didn't. What did you hear?"

"I hear rumbling-like sounds, and the other noises kind of sounds like... glass breaking?" Richard had, in fact, heard noises of rumbling and glass shattering from a distance away from the cabin.

"It's probably just a tree, and somebody must've dropped something or accidently broke a window." Nick replied after thinking for a moment from what Richard told him about the mysterious noises.

"There's no wind, and to me, that makes no sense, I can feel like somebody isn't living around us." Richard said, denying Nick's theories.

"And... the sky and the clouds are still red, it has been 3 hours." Nick said, looking up through the window and checking the time on his phone, 8:01 PM.

"What do we do? We can't go out there, it'll be dark by the time we come back here, if we are spending hours searching for food." Richard said. "I don't know, Richard, but... all we can do is... sleep?" Nick replied. "Yeah, I think we should just go to sleep..." Richard replied calmly.

The boys make sure to close all windows and the front door to avoid cold air. It started raining again as the two boys lay on the mattresses in front of the radiator, snuggling up to their blankets and getting comfortable. There is one problem. However, they can't sleep.

"I can't sleep..." Richard said. "Me too..." Nick said, agreeing with his friend. "I'm so worried about you and my life and about what is going to happen next from this strange place..." Richard told Nick.

"I feel you, man. But unfortunately, we can't find the truth yet about who kidnapped us and what their motives are." Nick sighed and followed up with "Look, we need energy, mental and physical. So let's just go to sleep and we'll think about new parts of our plan, ok?"

"Right, ok. If you say so, Nick... Goodnight." Richard replied to Nick.

Nick tried to best to slumber along with Richard, who is already starting to fall asleep. The rain outside relaxed the two boys and they soon drifted off to slumber.

End of Chapter 2.