
Chapter 46 - Lost Memories & Feelings *NOT EDITED YET*

"Don't you want to talk to me?" Leo asked.

 Aleya was still silent, not looking at him. Because it's been a month, Leo finally got up the courage to go to Aleya. He looked emaciated and seemed unkempt. But his appearance is still the same, his trademark as the CEO of his company.

 "I came for you, Aleya," he said softly. "Please, talk to me. Something."

 Alya just sighed. He had already made up his mind to face it all. Because he was also not happy with betrayal and this was the first time he felt betrayal.

 "I want us to break up."

 That one sentence was enough to jolt Leo. And even when Aleya said that, suddenly the wind was strong and the clouds were quite dark in color.

 "No way, Aleya. No! I don't—"

 "That's the risk, Leo. And I beg you, don't force me to be with you again."