
Heaven defying villain:despair broke chosen ones

Click* Flash* You've been caught on 4k, if you don't read my novel, be sure to watch the Tv tomorrow!! [Ding! You have recieved newbie gift pack from the author] [Exclusive: This contains superb lemons and very cultured 18+]. . . [This is my first novel and my writing may seem amateur at the starting but r-18 came out pretty well..... Maybe I have awakened my latent talent ] [One thing I can guarantee is a catchy and cultured story ] [Special tags/: stealing a mother-son relationship, Stealing a twin's position,Tree girl, Fox girl, sword-girl, beast girl, Aunt-niece combo, Mother and daughter combo-female master and disciple] [Tags:/ Plot+seggs- MC without background-Romantic- Harem - Genius - Competent wives - System -Three realm (low,middle,upper) -Epitome of Plundering.] [SYNOPSIS: Xiao chen was one of greatest brains to exist in blue star, However one one know a single thing about him......] [It was because the things he had learnt were very cultured and cannot be made public. Therefore A great person send his days culturedly.] [On a regular night, after finishing his sacred ritual*, Xiao chen went to bed to sleep] [In the morning, 'Hmm....what the heck? where is this place? Xiao chen looked at the unfamiliar room] 'Argh..Shit....my head....it's fucking hurts....' Xiao chen screamed as he felt a shit-stirring pain inside his head. 'Hmm...So this is not an dream nor the recent rival kidnapping prank.. But I HAVE TRANSMIGRATED' Xiao chen jolted up and starting dancing] [However, Little did Xiao chen know, He had been royally fucked because the body he transmigrated was the reincarnated body of a man who broke the heaven to pieces] [Ding*Fellow daoists,Newbie gift pack sent by the blackmailing one has expired! please read the book] . Note: Mc isn't like "Now that I think about it,Being a villain is actually cool bullshit" Mc and his women have own unique personality and Mc's develops as a villain gradually. [For R-18+ lovers : You can check bonus chap,to see if it suits your taste but Ngl...you like it ] [NOTE: : 'Cave of depravity' is a bonus chapter on ch 5 ] discord link- https://discord.com/invite/c5JbY5Ez4M

Melon_daomaster_9 · Kỳ huyễn
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106 Chs

Rise in Rongmei's ???

Xiao Chen first checked the system prompts,which he left them unchecked

Ding* Host,Ji Rongmei's favourability has increased by 8 ]

[Ding* Host,Ji rongmei's favourability has increased by 2]

[Ding* Host,Ji rongmei's favourability has increased by 4]

[Ding* Host,Ji rongmei's favourability has increased by 3]

Xiao Chen wasn't surprised by the initial prompt due to the "Eternal Bond of Flame," akin to a significant event like marriage.

However, subsequent prompts left him dumbstruck as he couldn't fathom the reasons behind them.

He was shocked to realize that merely helping Rongmei uncover her secret hobby and gaining control over her body had garnered more favorability than their marriage.

Previously, with his handsome appearance and formidable dragon, Xiao Chen easily subdued Tang Jingxue compared to Ye Fan.

Now equipped with a cheat-like ability, the "Fetish Finder," Xiao Chen pitied those who would face him in the future, confident in his ability to snatch their women or Daoist companions using a combination of charm, power, acting, manipulation, and the "Favorability Panel."

As Xiao Chen reached this conclusion, a wicked yet satisfying feeling emerged within him.

He proceeded to use the "Villain's Eye" and "Favorability Panel" on Ji Rongmei.

Name: Ji Rongmei

Status: General of the Immortal Ye family and Sole Survivor of the Immortal Ji clan in the upper realm

Current Cultivation: Ethereal core realm middle stage

Former cultivation: [Above Transcend Tribulation Realm]

Physique: Inferno Lotus Sacred Heritage(????)

Destiny: 6869(in rise)]

[Favourability panel:~

Name: Ji rongmei

Status: Villainess(conquered)


(By reaching 95,Host and his companion can enjoy blessings of destiny) ]

Xiao Chen experienced a series of emotions after witnessing Ji Rongmei's panel.

First, he was scared to discover her strength had reached Ethereal Core middle stage.

Aware of Ji Rongmei's fetish, he knew she would transform into a "slut" when facing him, fitting her given criteria.

Despite her current obedience, it was primarily due to her recent discovery and experience, not to mention it was her first intimate encounter with a man.

If Xiao Chen couldn't keep up with her recovery speed, he feared Ji Rongmei would drain him dry and potentially use him as a dildo, considering her nature as a "slut," rather than a masochist or similar.

Contemplating his potential future, Xiao Chen felt a cold shiver run down his lower body.

Xiao Chen felt it was necessary to plunder Ye Fan's physique and upgrade it to the 'Boundless Flame Sovereign Physique'.

With these two formidable physiques, he believed he could handle both Ji Rongmei and Tang Jingxue simultaneously.

Next, he was puzzled and suspicious about the rise in destiny value and the change in Ji Rongmei's bloodline, which he couldn't even see through.

With his villainous and selfish nature, Xiao Chen was particularly suspicious of the unknown, which is why he had been annoyed by the unreliable system.

From his venture into the Ancient Tomb, he discovered many things such as the uses of destiny value and how an individual other than himself could also increase their destiny value.

From these references, Xiao Chen concluded that Ye Fan should have been an extremely tough opponent with a destiny value higher than 10,000, as it didn't make sense for a scion of destiny, especially hailing from the top forces of the upper realm.

As he contemplated this issue, he found an important clue regarding Ye Fan's decline in the lower realm.

After going through his memories gained from the plot viewing ticket, he found that he didn't know a single piece of information about the individual who became the family leader of the Immortal Ye Family.

But even after reaching this point, no matter how hard he tried to rack his genius brain, he couldn't figure out anything about the family leader, and only questions in his mind increased.

In fact, we can't blame Xiao Chen, as this is a cultivation world where imagination becomes reality, and it contains an infinite amount of possibilities.

Feeling a headache coming on, Xiao Chen decided to think about these issues later.

For now, he knew that both his women were trustworthy, and he should focus on eliminating Ye Fan.

Xiao Chen regained his calm and breathed a sigh of relief. Inwardly, he called up his 'status panel':

[Name: Xiao Chen

Status: Inner disciple of the peerless Heaven Sword Sect

Cultivation: Mysterious Platform late stage

Affinity: Dao of Darkness (fragmented) and Dao of Light (fragmented) Dao of Flame (Max affinity)

- Passive effect: Positive Affinity for every three thousand Dao

Physique: Innate demonic and divine immortal physique

Cultivation techniques: Peerless Heaven Sword Code, Shadow Breezing Stride, Infernal Sword Technique, Exquisite Yang Essence Transmission

Weapons and Equipment: Sky Burning Fire Sword, Oracle Stone Locator (2/3), low-grade storage ring

Destiny value: 3150

Destiny villain value: 1850]

Seeing that his realm had reached the Mysterious Platform late stage, Xiao Chen wasn't surprised.

Because in addition to the white flame, he also gained Infernal Flame of the Sacred Lotus from Ji rongmei through 'Eternal bond of flame'.

The golden flame materialized within his consciousness as he spoke, and he waved his hand toward it.

The golden flame hesitated at first, but it also landed on his palm.

In the palm, it transformed into a divine Lotus, seeming to enjoy his warmth.

Xiao Chen found this scene amusing; he naturally knew that heavenly and earthly flames had spirituality.

but this flame seemed to have the same intelligence as them, and now its intelligence was almost that of a child.

The Lotus was a major contributor to Rongmei's changes. Moreover, Xiao Chen observed that it subdued the 'Celestial Flame of Harmony' with no difficulty. Xiao Chen was very curious about the origin of this flame.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy, and his eyes seemed to close down, yet Xiao Chen didn't panic because he knew he was going to sleep.

In fact, since his parting with Tang jingxue, Xiao Chen hadn't let his guard down and slept normally.. But after having a crazy night with Rongmei, his fatigue accumulated even more.

Xiao Chen slept with a smile gracing his lips as he hugged Rongmei and the Infernal Flame of the Sacred Lotus in his hands.

In the afternoon, Xiao Chen leaned back on the bed while hugging Ji Rongmei in the front with his hands.

Now both of them had returned to their usual appearance. They were having a conversation about how to deal with Ye Fan.

Ji Rongmei, exuding the killing intent accumulated from the battlefield, said, "Xiao Chen, I will kill that son of a bitch after we finish spending time together in this cave."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen knocked her head gently and replied, "You fool, I will personally dispose of him as I said before. Ronger, your job is to prevent Ye Fan from using the jade pendant given by his father," he continued with a smile.

Rongmei nodded reluctantly, knowing that Xiao Chen wanted revenge. "Then, as you wish. But do take caution, as I don't want to see you get hurt," she said while drawing circles on his chest, her cheeks reddening.

"Do you have something to ask me, Ronger?" Xiao Chen asked with a sincere smile.

Leaning her head on his chest, Rongmei asked in return, "Who was the woman accompanying you when we met in the bazaar?"

Xiao Chen's smile froze, and he coughed before replying, "Ronger, she is naturally my first woman, and you already know the future memories I transmitted."

Jealousy surged in Rongmei's heart upon hearing the words 'my first woman'.

She clenched her fists and asked through gritted teeth, "Then, which one of us do you like more?"

Xiao Chen felt amused seeing Rongmei's flustered state,

but he knew his answer now. "Of course, I love you more, Ronger," he said, tightening his grip around her waist.

"Hmph, I didn't think you could fool me with sweet words like that, young man," Rongmei replied, though she was secretly satisfied with Xiao Chen's response.

She had known their relationship from the moment she saw them, and now she wanted to test Xiao Chen with this question.

Though Rongmei was indeed jealous and insecure due to her upbringing, she also knew that Xiao Chen would be surrounded by admirers in the future.

By showing her generosity, she hoped to leave a good impression on him.

However, the fear of being abandoned lingered in her heart.

Sensing her dejected mood, Xiao Chen leaned closer, his hands around her slim waist, and said possessively,

"Ji Mei, don't think about these useless thoughts. As I said before, your body and soul solely belong to me for the rest of your life.Don't even try to escape from my grasp."

With that, he bit her neck region, marking her as his own.

"Ahhhn....mhnnnhnn~~~!!!" She groaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

Xiao chen whispered in his rongmei's ears in a seductive tone,

"Now,Shall we have a another round of battle to check how much you have grasp from yesterday's teaching"

At the same time,Xiao chen used his erect member to poke her ripe yet round ass.



Melon_daomaster_9creators' thoughts