
Chapter 3 - Journey

Maboon Tae had already depleted most of the food and water in his journey to the tavern. Although, it was a slight relief that the burden of his rucksack was much more bearable, especially due to the harsh weather within the valley. Though, Maboon Tae was no longer wearing the rucksack and instead gave the burden to his little companion who was tailing behind.

"Come on, pick up the pace," he yelled.

The man panted for breath.

"I-I'm trying o-okay!" He paused. "Why can't you carry the load?"

"You carrying the rucksack, is the only thing you're useful for, at least for now,"

The man's face lit up with determination, he ran forward to catch up to Tae.

"That's the spirit champ!" Tae said sarcastically.

"Can't we rest up, it's literally the middle of the night, we could have waited till morning."

Tae looked around, he noticed a clear space, that had probably previously been used by other travellers. After careful examination, he realised that there was still wood for a new campfire. There were a few mattresses and Tae didn't hesitate to hop on one immediately.

"So what's your name" Tae asked.


Tae burst into laughter.

"What?" Richard asked.

"Quite a cold name for an assassin," He replied sarcastically.

"What's yours then?"

"Tae, Maboon Tae,"

Richard looked away. "To be honest, I'm not sure if I even want to be an assassin."

"Then why'd you come here?"

"Parents want me to continue their legacy,"

"Woah, so you're parents are killers?"

"You heard of Jack the Ripper?"



"Then how come you turned out... so useless."

"Hey!" Richard yelled.

"What, it's the truth is it not?"

"I suppose, well uhmmm my parents didn't teach me much because they weren't present too much in my life."

"I see... well I can you teach you a little,"


"Well yeah, we got a long journey ahead of us,"

Tae took a sip of his bottle.

"How did you even get so strong?"

"Training, of course. Also, a lot of hard work."

"So, Richard, what's your talent?"

"I uhmm... don't know."

"Talents are like your 'superpower' you're what 20 years old and you still haven't found out?"

"I'm 18 thank you, and I know what a talent is, I just don't know what mine is."

Tae looked at Richard's scruffy brown hair, after much more insight he realised that he looked much younger than he had originally thought.

"Ahhh, a late bloomer." Tae said approvingly.

"What's yours?"

"I uh.. have 3."

"Of course you do!" Richard said mockingly.

"I'm being serious,"

Tae's face was blank.

"But that's impossible, you can only have one?"

"I'm not too sure about it myself, but hey, I'm not one to complain." Tae paused.

"Prove it, show me your Talents."

Tae stood up.

"Well for one, it's called 'Ghost' I can like pass through walls and stuff,"

Tae walked over to the wall of the canyon.

[Talent has been activated: Ghost]

Tae's extended his arm out to the walls of the canyon and surely enough it passed through the dusty wall of the canyon, he walked forward and his entire body passed through, making it seem like he had completely disappeared.

"H-Hey that's not cool, you can't just leave me alone," Richard whined almost fearfully.

Out of nowhere...

Tae leaped out and jumped to scare Richard, who fell for it completely, his heart racing, the second he looked away, Tae had disappeared once again, and he felt a cold shiver rush down the back of his spine. Followed by a cold hand, that had been placed on his shoulder.

"And that was my second Talent, Time Skip."

"Oh- it's you, for a second I thought I was about to be killed, anyway what's your third?"

"I can't really show my third, it's X-Ray."

Richard stared uncomfortably at Tae.

Tae face palmed.

"As in, I can see people through walls,"

"Ohhhh... right got it," Richard said hesitatingly, as he still had his doubts. "I'm gonna go to sleep, I feel really tired."

"Well get used to it, because we are going to be travelling for quite some time," Tae paused. "Also move your mattress at least 6 feet away from mine,"

Richard seemed confused, but he did what was ordered, without any questions.


Tae laid down on his mattress, with his back to the floor.

[Tae has activated the skill : Immortal Dome (SSS)]

For a few seconds, Richard could see a dome materializing out of nowhere covering the entire mattress that Tae was sleeping in, when it was done, it became transparent to the point that Richard questioned if he was seeing things.

"What about me?"

"I've spent less than 3 hours with you and you think I trust you?" Tae said whilst laughing.

"Anyways, If I hear you screaming, it'll probably wake me up and I'll uh do something about the situation alright?"

Richard quickly realised that it didn't matter or not if he was okay with it as Tae had already fallen asleep. Though the mattress wasn't the most comfortable thing ever, and he would have preferred a tent, he enjoyed watching the night sky. The stars aligned so perfectly, he was lost in the scenery.

He stared at Tae once again, he seemed to be sleeping quite perfectly despite the dust and the horrible conditions in the valley. Richard wondered if perhaps Tae had been sleeping in worse conditions to begin with.

Richard couldn't sleep.

He looked over at the rucksack, he snooped it's content. He looked at the man he had to kill.

Angard Vinthrol.

He was an old viscount with balding hair. Richard remembered that name, as well as some memories surrounding him. None of them were positive. Richard's previous assassination attempts had failed because he never had the heart to kill them. Yet, this time it was different. Richard was reminded of his hatred for Angard.

Tae looked over. The sheer dominating power emerging from Richard amazed him, the ground shook but Tae used his telekinesis to keep the ground stable. Richard looked over at Tae.


"No, it's okay. What happened?"

"Nothing, I'm just 'excited' for the mission,"

"Well in that case, let me get some rest will ya?"

Richard didn't utter another word. He slept in the silence of the night.