
Circle of Laughter

Lio P.O.V

In my own mind, I was running, getting away from people that I never knew before. I've seen this replay in my head so many times, I could even know the exact words and movements with my own eyes closed. Now that would be impressive enough.

Even though I'm running, I always come to a stop, it's a large wall with some sort of missing mark or something of the sort. Just when I look behind, I get killed again, and they always apologize, but my eyes couldn't tell of who or what they looked like.

"Lio, Lio!" Tracing myself back to reality the teacher was calling out my name like it was the last words before he died. "Huh? Sorry sir, what's going on?" Trying to at least cause no scene he voiced, "I guess you were spaced out, answer this question." After answering the question I went back to the same place again.

Another repeat, another track and cycle of the same crap all over again, running, getting stuck, then killed. This time though it was different, I somehow dodged his attack and knocked him out with a boulder that was surprisingly next to me. Looking at the wall the symbol was still there, it did kinda remind me of Vix's necklace that she said she got when she was little. Touching the wall, the texture was rough but watery? It broke all laws of possibility, then and again something new can always happen so I can't say anything.

The wall soon dissolved and I was able to keep on going, though it felt like something was watching me, and waiting for a moment to either attack or help me out in my journey. The road was becoming more and more visible, though to no avail. Or heck, even to a stopping point or turn. After minutes or even hours I finally saw someone, from a distance I couldn't tell if I knew them or not.

Slowly getting closer they soon faded into ash and emptiness, just where was I even going? "Lio, Lio!" I was spacing out so much to the point the school day ended. Vix waved her hand in front of my face, "You okay there? I've been trying to call out your name for quite a while now and you just now asnwered? Is something wrong?"

If I told her that I had these weird visions or relapses to this place in my mind, she would tell my father and then there's a high chance he'll send me back home. I don't want that, not yet at least. "I'm fine, just kinda taking in all of this slowly that's all." Trying to answer her question without showing any signs I lied she smiled and nodded.