
hearts of stones

She was just a little girl when it happen. Now she dreams about it everynights. With the help of her master she became a queen. but what kind of queen ? The queen of the mafia. she reign on the underworld with her cold and ruthless aura. he is the heir of the Black corporation. but is he only this ? ........

yumeyummy · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs


The girl arrive at the airport of country M, after 9 hours of plane. She stayed at the VIP lounge waiting for her driver to come. Suddenly she hears.

"Miss Yume, I'm here to get you."

Yume look at man coming to her indifferently. On the other hand the man look at her completely and with disrespect and lust. He is the driver of the chen family, her uncle family. Her family doesn't like her. They think she is a "bastard", because her mother never married her father and her father never show himself in front of the rest of the family. Yume doesn't care about his disrespect. but his stares is differents she want to take his eyes out of their hole. she really hates when man look at her with lust. the driver didn't help Yume to take her luggage and directly went to the car with her following. She doesn't think much of it and just follow him.



Yume arrives at the Chen mansion. Again the driver doesn't help her with luggage. He just looks at her with a smirk and stay in the car waiting for her to take out her luggage. She enters the mansion, exhausted from the jet lag. She just take a break, so she let down her luggage. the housekeeper, aunt Zhang, come to her in hurry, with no respect in her eyes.

" bastard you're dirtying the floor !"

She talks to her like she is superior to yume. In this house who doesn't know that yume is just a bastard child. Even the lowest of the maid can talk to her like she's an ant. Why do they think that ?

It because yume never respond and just glare at them like their thin air

just like now. Yume say nothing and just glare at her with sharps eyes that give aunt Zhang cold sweat down her back.

If a look can kill aunt Zhang would be cut in little cubes. But it can't so yume just stand up and went to her room next to the maid quarter.



Yume take out her computer in her bag and her phone. She sits at her desk and cross her legs. She looks like a queen.

Her computer is a customized one, he is the only one in the world. The phone is also unique.

She open her computer and Tap her passwords. She starts scrolling her email. Her phone ring.

She sees who is calling and roll her eyes.

"What do you want ?" She answers in a cold and annoyed voice.

Hearing the cold voice the called who had the back stiff became even more stiff.

"Wow ! Someone woke up in bad mood !"

"Say your business or get lost."

"Sorry, but you should really do something with this personality of you. it's bad for your health to always be mad."

"If you have nothing to say then I will hang up"

"WAIT !! Wait ! I have something to say! There is a work for you. Will you take it ? The pay is awesome!" The callers say with enthusiasm.

"I won't, I won't take any works for the time being."

"WHY‼‼" the callers ask stunned.

Yume stand up and go next to the door.

Hearing voice who are she could never forget, her eyes were cold like ice and sharp like blade. She responds.

"I have thing to complete. Don't call me for the time being."

"Wai…. !!"

She hangs up before he could continue his word. She close her computer and put away her phone. She goes out of her room and go to the living room. Where she sees her cousin, uncle, aunt and grandmother talking to each other. She didn't see them when she arrives because she enters from the back door where the maid enter.

She didn't go by the front door because the Chen don't want the other to know, she is from the Chen family.

She enters the living room and everyone look in her direction with disgust. The disgust is blatant.