
heartfelt fate

this alternate universe with Drew and callus and the two of them ended up together instead they never met Xavier or Gared and it will be a slow burn and there will be drama and don't expect a happy ending at least not right away and you know what they say fate is not what it seems

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
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2 Chs

A new life

when callus opened his eyes, he was in a bed he didn't recognize

he tried to think of what his life was, but he couldn't remember -for real this time

he felt as if something no someone was missing but he couldn't remember

he looked to see a photo of him and a woman it was their wedding day

he looked down at his hand and saw a ring he was married

he had no memory of any of it

suddenly his wife walks in and wraps herself around him

and kissed his neck he felt a shiver down his spine

he knew that she was supposed to be his wife, but she was a stranger to him

and it made him uncomfortable and was relieved when she pulled away

"Honey don't forget about work we have a company to run" she replied

she left and he got up and took a shower and got dressed

he took the elevator down and when he exited the elevator, he bumped into someone, and coffee spilled on him it burned and he wanted to shout but

looking up he saw a gorgeous man with brown hair and brown eyes

and the man apologized

"Sorry, sir- It's my first day and I wanted to make a good impression on the boss-"

"I am the boss" callus growled

the man looked up at him with fear in his eyes

"I didn't mean it boss- I can do something to make it up just don't fire me" he replied

"You don't have to do anything-" Callus replied with a tic

and walked away

this man was Drew and he was just your average joe completely ordinary

and he wanted to impress the boss but being the fool, he was he messed that up

luckily the boss was kind enough to not fire him, but he was still rude

and it's probably his fault for spilling coffee on the boss and it was still hot

it was a valid reason to be upset and he still wanted to make it up to him, but he wasn't sure how to, so he decided to go after him and apologize

Callus was washing his shirt off in the sink and in the mirror, he saw the man from before the man turned bright red seeing him topless

"What did you want?" callus replied

"Um sorry boss I just wanted to apologize to you again and are you sure there isn't something I can do to make it up to you?" he replied

"You can make it up to me by leaving me alone-" callus replied

"Do you already hate me that much?" he replied

"I don't hate you, but you are getting on my nerves" callus replied

"Oh well it's good you don't hate me but are you sure there isn't anything that you need help with?" he replied

callus glanced at him and thought for a moment

"I think there is something you can help me with"

"Yes, boss what is?" he replied

"First off don't call me Boss just call me Cal and what's your name?" Callus replied

"Drew" he replied

callus smiled at him

"I like that name-"

drew looked at him confused

"Cal?" he replied

callus coughed awkwardly

"Eh hem- sorry for being so rude before it's the first time I met a guy like you-"

"Huh? why are you apologizing for It was my fault-" he replied

"Yeah, but I didn't need to act the way did and I be lying if I said I didn't want you by my side-" Callus replied

"By your side as your co-worker?" he replied

"I want us to be more than that" Callus replied

and drew turned bright red hearing that

callus chuckled "I meant I want us to be friends what did you think I meant?"

"That you wanted us to be lovers" he replied

"Lovers? ha- I have to get rid of my wife first" callus replied

"Wait you're married?" he replied

"Yeah, but I don't know why I did I don't like having her around and she makes me uncomfortable but with you it's different-" Callus replied

"So, you wish you married me instead?" he replied

"What?! ha-maybe-but we just met I want to get to know you better and we can start off as friends-" callus replied

"wait are you serious about that?" he replied

"Yeah, I like you a lot but I'm willing to wait and let's see how things work out who knows maybe you'll be head over heels for me-" Callus replied

"Yeah right-like that would happen-" he replied

"You never know fate is not what it seems" Callus replied and walked off

and that moment drew felt his heartbeat something was interesting about him

and he wanted to get to know him better- he was really strange

he couldn't believe how crazy he was for him, and they just met

but he liked that, and he wasn't like he thought it turned out he was a bit of a Tsundere- but also shameless

but would things ever work out for them? they lived in two different worlds

and even though their fate was tied together this was not how things were supposed to go and as they say fate is not what it seems

they were both taken away from their lovers and have no memory of them

but their lovers are patiently waiting for them to come back

but will they go back to them, or will they choose to stay with each other?

it was a new life and maybe it was for the better at least in Drew's case

or maybe not callus was much worse than Gared and a great actor

he didn't know what was in store for him and how much he hurt him

and it is like Deja vu, and fate is the same as before, but it wouldn't end the same

and callus would regret it and fight back for Drew because he had feelings for him