

In a world where dragons are hunted for their hearts, believed to bestow immortality, the Bashe, a wise and mystical community, seek refuge in the safety of Scotland. Fleeing the relentless pursuit of an emperor, they make a heart-wrenching decision to leave behind Kiyohime, a dragon born with extraordinary genes, on the banks of the Yellow River in China. Their motive: to safeguard her from the perilous journey and the risk of being hunted. As Kiyohime matures by the tranquil river, oblivious to her people's plight, she nears her 21st year — the time when her extraordinary destiny is set to unfold. A revelation shatters her serene existence, unveiling not only her dragon lineage but also the colossal responsibility she carries. To complicate matters, a mysterious envoy, Sigurd, arrives—a guide sent by the Bashe to lead her back to her people. In this intricate tale of sacrifice, ancient prophecies, and the untapped power within, Kiyohime's journey transcends her dragon heritage. As Sigurd guides her through the challenges, an unexpected bond blossoms between them, weaving the delicate threads of love into the tapestry of their destinies. Will Kiyohime embrace the weight of her destiny, save her people, and navigate the complexities of this growing love? Join Kiyohime as she discovers the delicate balance between duty and the stirring of her heart in a captivating saga of magic, love, and the timeless bonds that define us.

Gmonica · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter One: Whispers of Heritage

Kiyohime sat by the river, her gaze fixed on the birds gracefully soaring through the sky. The setting sun painted the horizon in mesmerizing hues of orange and pink, casting a tranquil spell over the landscape. Yet, amid the serenity, a tempest of thoughts churned within her.

She pondered the identity of her parents, their appearance, and their whereabouts. Were they still alive, or had they abandoned her long ago? Her only hope of answers lay with her grandmother, Koihe, the enigmatic guardian of family secrets. Despite countless attempts to pry the truth from Koihe's lips, she had remained frustratingly silent.

As the sun descended further, Kiyohime knew it was time to return home. The chill of impending darkness seeped into her bones. She filled her bucket with water from the river, her movements quick and precise. She hoped to sneak back home unnoticed, but her vigilant grandmother had other plans.

A stern reprimand echoed through the night air, delivered with a motherly concern. Kiyohime had been forewarned about the dangers lurking in the darkness, tales of menacing creatures whispered to children to ensure obedience.

"I'm sorry, Grandma," Kiyohime apologized, her voice laden with sincerity. Her grandmother's words of caution and the vivid childhood stories about monsters flashed before her, but she dismissed them as mere folklore, creatures of myth.

Comforted by her grandmother's warmth, Kiyohime dug into a humble yet nourishing dinner of congee. Her rumbling stomach betrayed her hunger, filling the room with hearty laughter. As their laughter subsided, Koihe stood up to clear the dishes, but Kiyohime insisted that it was her turn to help.

The humble dishes were soon cleaned, part of their daily ritual, which also included taking a shower before bed. Though their life was modest, Koihe instilled in Kiyohime the value of cleanliness and order. Today, however, it was Koihe's turn to wash the dishes, giving Kiyohime a rare opportunity to escape directly to her sleeping mat.

Kiyohime's resting place was a simple arrangement of grass spread across the floor in a room adjacent to the kitchen. She covered herself with old, threadbare rugs that provided a modicum of warmth. Despite her fatigue, sleep remained elusive, and her mind meandered back to her childhood, a period of life she could recall only in fragments.

Throughout her youth, the only family she had known was her grandmother, Koihe. It was a singular existence amid a village teeming with families, where parents were cherished, and loving homes abounded. Yet, Kiyohime had been robbed of this joy, her own parents an enigma she longed to unravel.

"Grandma," Kiyohime had asked repeatedly, "where are my parents?"

"Listen, Kiyohime," Koihe would respond, "one day, when you are old enough, I will tell you everything." These vague promises were all she had ever received, and as the years passed, Koihe's reticence remained unyielding.

Kiyohime had grown up in the village of Yuhan Zhuang, nestled in the heart of China. Her life had been simple, rooted in the traditions of her people. While she was not privy to her own history, she had forged deep friendships with the other village children, each of them a cherished friend.

Approaching her twenty-first birthday, Kiyohime yearned for answers. She hoped that her grandmother would finally unveil the secrets of her past, sharing the truth about her parents and her heritage. She could sense a pivotal moment on the horizon, a juncture in her life that would bring her long-awaited revelations.

The nights passed swiftly, and soon, it was a mere fortnight until Kiyohime's twenty-first birthday. As dusk settled, she ventured to the river as she had countless times before. She watched the sun's descent with a heavy heart, her mind consumed by the imminent change. Tonight, she chose not to linger, for she knew her grandmother would not tolerate her tardiness.

Returning to the task at hand, she filled her bucket with water. Yet, as she bent down for a second look at her reflection in the tranquil river's surface, her eyes ignited in cerulean flames. It was a sight that startled her, triggering an instinctive fear that sent her fleeing back to the safety of her home.

The path home took her past an unsettling scene. A commotion unfurled in front of her house, a congregation of villagers encircling her grandmother. The emblems of the distant empire adorned the soldiers who had encircled Koihe. Their katanas glinted menacingly, poised to strike.

Fury ignited within Kiyohime as she stormed forward, demanding her grandmother's release. Her voice resonated with a supernatural power, shaking the onlookers and unsettling the soldiers. They hesitated, fearful in the face of the unexpected defiance.

"Let her go!" Kiyohime's words boomed, a forceful command that sent tremors through the crowd. Her voice, touched by a monstrous presence, carried the weight of her anger and determination.

Koihe, pinned to the ground, offered words of reassurance. "Don't worry about me, dear."

But Kiyohime was unyielding. "I said let her go!"

The soldiers, bound by imperial orders, explained the purpose of their mission—to secure Koihe and an item in her possession that belonged to the emperor. Kiyohime, however, was not satisfied with this vague explanation.

"Why are you manhandling my grandmother? Release her immediately," she insisted, her anger unabated.

The soldier with his foot on Koihe's head, resentful of a woman's defiance, thrust her to the ground. He ordered another soldier to bind Koihe, preparing her for transport to the emperor. Kiyohime's rage swelled within her, and as her anger erupted, a profound transformation ensued.

Her body contorted and expanded, scales emerged across her skin, and fire blazed from her gaping maw, bristling with razor-sharp teeth. In an instant, she morphed into a fearsome, dragon-like creature, roaring with a primal fury.

The soldiers, who had once felt confident in their authority, were now consumed by terror. In a surge of flames, they met their fiery end, engulfed by the very power they sought to control. But in the midst of her devastating retribution, Kiyohime's heart shattered as she watched her beloved grandmother consumed by the inferno she had unleashed. The realization of her actions crashed upon her with crushing force.

As the flames subsided, leaving only the smoldering remnants of the soldiers and her childhood home, Kiyohime's mind teetered on the brink. The magnitude of her own power, the loss of her grandmother, and the chaos that had unfolded weighed heavily on her conscience.

Amidst the turmoil, her consciousness slipped away, plunging her into a profound and all-encompassing darkness. The world as she knew it faded to black, and her own existence became uncertain, much like the enigmatic future that awaited her.