
Heart of Darkness

He put one hand on the door beside her head before leaning forward. What was he doing? Trying to intimidate her again? “Truth is…” He began to speak in a low voice and she strained her ears but all she could hear was her heartbeat. “I hate when you touch me because I like it so much.” Her eyes widened in surprise and he leaned even closer before continuing to speak. “I also hate the way you smell…” she could hear him inhale her scent “You smell delicious. And I hate your hair because it’s tempting. I want to run my fingers through it, pull it gently while I taste your lips and bite your neck.” Angelica suddenly felt like there was no air left in the room. “Your touch makes me unable to resist doing those things and all the other things I want to do to you.” “Oth...other things.” She breathed not realizing she was thinking loudly. One side of his lips curved into a smile. “Imagine all the things a man would want to do to you. I want to do those things and much more.” He leaned closer bringing his lips next to her ear. “Because I am no man. I am a beast. A hungry one. So unless you want me to bite you, refrain from touching me.” **************** A woman alone in a man’s world. In a time and place where it’s difficult for a woman to live alone, protect and provide for herself, Angelica must find a provider and a protector after her father is accused of being a traitor and executed by the king. Now known as a traitor's daughter, she must survive in a cruel world ruled by men, and in order to do so she ends up seeking protection in a man feared by everyone. A man with many scars. Both physically and mentally. A man punished for his pride. Rayven is a man with many scars. They cover his face and punish his soul. He can never show himself without people recoiling at the sight of him. Except for one woman who willingly comes knocking on his door. Is she an additional punishment sent to him, or will she be his salvation?

JasmineJosef · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
277 Chs

Chapter 19

Angelica woke up early in the morning and as she walked down the stairs, she heard her father's voice coming from the parlor. She was so relieved until she saw him with Sir Shaw. 

"Father, where have you been?" she asked, going to him. 

"I had a few things to take care of." He replied. 

Angelica looked at him with a frown. Just what exactly was he up to? 

"I was talking to Sir Shaw about your engagement. We will have the ceremony next week."

"Father?" She looked at him, appalled. He just came back and already decided she would marry Sir Shaw. 

"It is my final decision." He said. 

Angelica stared at him for a long moment, but he ignored her and proceeded to talk to Sir Shaw. Sir Shaw had a slight smirk on his face, rejoicing over her father's decision. His joy would be short-lived because she would not marry him. She would find a way out. 

Ignoring her father's plans for the moment, she decided to talk about the important matters. "Lord Rayven was here looking for you." 

"I went by the castle. They know that I am back." 

What did he tell them? She had said that he was sick and if he said something else, that would mean she lied to the King. 

"I told them you were unwell." 

"Good." He said. 

Angelica was relieved that their stories matched, but where had he really been? 

"I'll go with William to his training," she said, expecting him to tell her no. But to her surprise, he nodded, then waved for her to leave. 

Confused, Angelica left the room. Now suddenly he was allowing them to go out again? Why? What happened while he was gone? She had many things to ask later, when Sir Shaw left. 

With a sigh of frustration, she went to the to find her brother so they could leave for his training. She didn't want to go with him, but staying here would mean having to deal with her father and Sir Shaw. Besides, she needed some time away so she could think of a way to avoid getting married to Sir Shaw. What could make him change his mind? 

"Father wants me to marry Sir Shaw," she told her brother while on their way to the castle. 

"He is awful," her brother said. 

Angelica wondered if he was talking about Sir Shaw or her father. 

"I don't know what to do." 

"You have to find someone else to marry." 

He was right. But who? 

"Do you have any suggestions?" She asked playfully. 

"You could marry the King." He suggested. 

"Because he is good?" 

"No. Because you like him." 

Angelica scoffed. "Me?! What makes you think so? I don't like him at all." 

"You blush when he speaks to you." 

"Uh… I... I don't." She denied. 

"Yes, you do. You never blush or smile much when other men talk to you except for the King." 

Angelica was speechless. She didn't know what to say. If her brother made that observation, then it was most likely true. 

"He is the King," she said. 

"Yes. The most powerful man in this Kingdom. He can protect you from anyone." 

"What if I need to be protected from him?" 

"No one can protect you from him which means you have nothing to lose." 

Her brother was somehow right but she didn't know why she became so nervous thinking of marrying the King. She was still not sure if her brother's idea was good but it seemed better than marrying Sir Shaw. 

She would have to marry someone someday anyway and the King seemed to like her brother at least. 

"You need someone powerful to protect you from the monsters," her brother said. 

So that's why her brother wanted her to marry the King. His nightmares still concerned him. 

William turned to her, "Sir Shaw is not a good man." 

Angelica nodded. "I know." 

"Then do you agree to marry the King?" 

Angelica smiled. "That is not for me to decide." 

"I believe his Majesty likes you too." 

Too? She wanted to laugh at her brother's assumption of her liking the King. 

When they arrived at the castle Angelica decided not to follow her brother inside. She suddenly became very nervous thinking of speaking to the King. 

"Are you not coming inside?" Her brother asked. 

"No. I will come back to you later," she said. 

He frowned. "You can't marry him without meeting him." 

She chuckled. "I never said I would marry him." She whispered. 

Her brother suddenly smiled looking behind her. Angelica turned back and saw the Royal carriage arriving. Now she had no choice. 

When the carriage stopped, a guard hurried to open the door and the King stepped outside. The wind blew his hair and Angelica found herself staring for a brief moment before he saw her and smiled. 

"Angelica," he walked slowly toward her. More like flowed over the floor with his elegance. Why was he always so happy to see her? 

"Your Majesty," she curtsied. 

"I could send a carriage for you brother if you'd like, so that you don't have to bring him." 

Did he not want her coming here? 

Noticing her confusion, "I am just worried for your safety considering what is happening in your town." He explained himself. 

Did he really worry for her safety? 

"Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I was just bored staying at home so I wanted to go out." 

"You and your brother are always welcome here," he smiled. "Please come in." 

The gates opened and they followed him inside. The King walked them all the way to the soldiers quarters. With him by her side the soldiers that had been gawking at her acted like she didn't exist this time. 

"Is your training going well," the King asked William. 

"Yes, your Majesty." 

"Your hands are bruised," he said. 

William remained quiet and Angelica didn't know what he was thinking. When they came to the back yard the King halted and turned to William. He took one of his hands and with the other he reached inside his pocket. He took out a white fabric and wrapped it around William's hand. 

"You need to wrap your hands for the training. Lord Rayven's ways are a little extreme." 

Angelica agreed.

"He wants to become the best fighter. It comes with a cost, Your Majesty.'' She heard Lord Rayven's voice and saw him walk up to them. 

"It does indeed. Let's not make the cost be his hands. I am not sure if it will be worth it." 

Lord Rayven sounded like he didn't care if he was talking to a King or not but the King still spoke with authority and wasn't the least intimidated by him. In fact it looked like he liked Lord Rayven's boldness and only a man equally or more intimidating than Lord Rayven would appreciate his fearlessness. 

Angelica was right about the King. Behind the good looks and charm, there was a dangerous man. The question was for whom he was a danger because she was beginning to feel safe with him.