
heart felt guide

Lucia woke up in a world different from her own it was fantasy and romance she fell for a guy but he didn't love her back and asked for help with love the one he loved was also a man her eyes widen was she cupid now?! but things aren't what they seem and he comes after her but he doesn't deserve her anymore after the endless heartbreak he put her through and he ends up changing and realizing that the one he belonged with isn't her and lets her go read more to see how it turns out for them and the story doesn't end there - and continues with him in his new life

Malik_druinace · LGBT+
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84 Chs

Luci and Gared's True past- Garci and Lucifer and Lucy

when Lucy opened her eyes she was in the same bed she was before and lucifer wasn't there- maybe it was just a dream?

but did she really love him? and he loved her-

but-what happened between them?

why did they not end up together?

and it was clear that he loved Victor

- and he had missed her- she wished she could remember- but she couldn't-

she wasn't that Lucia anymore-

she was an different Lucy

And she couldn't go back to Edwina

especially when she had no memory of her

and she did feel bad but- she was going to be with Victoria- and she wouldn't be with Drew's sister or him or Gared- or even Lucas-

but she wanted to be with them all-

though she wasn't sure about Drew's sister

she got up out of bed and she got dressed

she walked out of the room and Gared was cooking- her eyes widen

no- he shouldn't be touching anything that could explode-

"Gared! you don't know how to cook your going to burn the house down!" she shouted

"I can cook honey- and if Drew can cook so can I-" he replied

"that- doesn't make any sense and don't call me honey-" she replied

"But we're back together-I thought-" he replied

"Nope- we're just friends-and your lucky I'm giving you another chance- if I wanted I could kill you" she replied

"You-could?-" he replied

"I'm a angel- and I think I have powers of the devil-" she replied

"You-do- don't you?- so what it showed on your profile was true- you have alot of power inside you-" he replied

"my profile?-" she asked

"Yes at the alliance meeting she showed us your profile- and gave us some kind of warning about you- but I don't think that you are a monster-" he replied

"I am a angel an angel of love but- I really don't feel like it-" she replied

"Well there is an official title of what you are-" he replied

"there is?-" she asked

"angoralokisvalenfier- but you can't repeat that

it's too hard to say- but basically you three different beings in one body- an devil an angel and a spirit-" he replied

"a spirit?-" she replied

"Well you told me that you died before right?-

and the way-you interact with nature-

there's only a few ways that is possible

if you already dead- or have a deep connection to nature and I know it could be the second one but in order to be angel you had to die

and I have no idea how you died-" he replied

"I don't think anyone does even lucifer didn't-" she replied

"Lucifer?-" he replied

"f*ck -I wasn't supposed to say that- you didn't hear his name-" she replied

"I did- you talked with the devil?-" he replied

"I guess I did and I think he knew me-" she replied

"he knew you?-" he replied

"I think we- weren't meant to be- and something happened between us but I don't remember- but he ended up with someone else and there was someone waiting for me-

but I never went back to her- and probably never will- and I belong with Victoria-" she replied

"there was someone waiting for you?-" he replied

"Yeah her name was Edwina- he told me that I was his Lucas and she was my Edward-" she replied

"so-Lucas is- you?-" he replied

"he's an replacement- and I think- that- I wanted him to be with Edward because I was reminded of her- and the guilt I felt of leaving her behind- I knew that I felt that regret but I didn't know that it was her until now- and I don't think that I could ever go back to her-" she replied

"and you can't go back to Lucas either-and I think you have an part of lucifer's soul-" he replied

her eyes widen

"I do?-" she replied

"it would only make sense- unless- you love yourself?- that seems too weird-" he replied

"I guess so- and maybe that's why I love you-

but- I'm not sure why I forgave you-" she replied

"Because you love me-" he replied

"But he killed you-" she replied

"But I changed- and that's why you love me-

and she wasn't able to-" he replied

"You are right- but how were you able to tell?-" she asked

"because I was once her- and I know- that you are Luci- both Lucies-" he replied

"You're ok with loving us both?-" she asked

"it can't be helped that you share the same soul- but you two were really meant for eachother- and I shouldn't have stopped your wedding because I was jealous-" he replied

"You stopped our wedding?-" she replied

"Yes I was the reason things ended between you two- and to think that you ended up with another guy- I mean the other luci-" he replied

"You know that he can't talk to you- and I don't think he wants to- you killed Logan- and Eric-

I know you don't remember it as Gared but as Garci-" she replied

"I- do- and I did do again didn't I?- and I know it

doesn't make it right but I'm truly sorry- luci

what I did to you was awful- and I killed-

everyone you loved- except Luci- I don't know why but I couldn't kill her even though I said I would I never actually wanted to kill her-" he replied

"You didn't?" she asked

"I thought that I was jealous because lucifer chose her but- it was because you both ran away from me- and I wanted you both-

and when I realized- that I had been given that chance- I had to try again- and I did love drew too- and maybe that was the reason I thought that I only had to choose one of you-but I didn't-" he replied

"and that's what I think too- and I want to be with you all too-" she replied

"then we will be-" he replied

"But don't kill Victoria please-" she replied

"I'm not going to- I know you love her- just like how he loved Victor-" he replied

"he told me that misses him-" she replied

"of course he does-and you miss her-" he replied

"that's why I love Victoria- but- I want to love her as myself- not as lucifer- and not her as Victor-" she replied

"then-you should be with her-" he replied

"Yeah I should be- but I love you too-" she replied

"I'm glad you do- and I love you- both-" he replied

"we are both luci- so you can just call me Lucy-" she replied

"I know- and even though you share the same soul you are two different people- but I do love you both- and I don't deserve lucifer- you do and he ended up with you in the end-" he replied

"he belongs with Victor-" she replied

"You are right- they deserved eachother-

and they were happy together but I ruined it for him again-" he replied

"Well garci can't undo what she did and never can be forgiven- but Gared can-" she replied

"But he still made the same mistakes she did-" he replied

"maybe so- but you were able to change-

and she didn't-" She replied

"But she wanted too-" he replied

"Well-now she was given that chance but she isn't Garci anymore- and neither are you- you are Gared- and I am lucy- not lucifer or Lucia-" she replied

"then- we are- and do you think-that Drew would remember too?-" he replied

"he's the one who killed lucifer-" she replied

"she did it because she loved her- and I have to show him that I still love him-" He replied

"You should- so you go to him- if I could go to Victoria I would-" she replied

"I will-but- there's one thing I don't understand

how is Drew an soulmate of yours? she loved me- or Garci-" he replied

"it's probably because she felt bad for lucifer-

and she didn't meet luci- but when drew did I think he could understand why Garci loved him- and fell for me" she replied

"and what about Sebastian?" he replied

"Sebastian- was Sebastnete- and she loved Victor and charis- and but- Victor didn't love either of them and he loved lucifer-" she replied

"I never got the chance to meet them-but I'm glad that they love you-" he replied

"You did this time-and they still hate you-" she replied

"well- she doesn't deserve forgiveness-" he replied

"maybe not but you should apologize to Victor-" she replied

"he- hates Garci-and she might kill me-" he replied

"Well then you spend as much time as you can with drew-" she replied

"I will-" he replied