
Heart Deck: The Missing Ace

In a world where awakening powerful cards determines one's fate, Torin Aldric's life turned upside-down when his best friend, Silas Rourke, awakens a mythical card. Forcibly taken by a powerful deckbearer, Silas' capture shatters Torin's world. Driven by an unbreakable vow to save his friend, Torin discovers his own unique ability—the power to upgrade card rarities. With this newfound power and an unwavering determination, Torin sets out on a perilous journey to rescue Silas and uncover the secrets behind the mythical cards that shape their reality.

ReaderAlpha · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Tapestry of Fusion

Sewers, Aldeshi

The hidden pathway in the sewers was just as dark and smelly as I remembered. The stench of stagnant water and decaying waste assaulted my nostrils, making each breath a struggle. I moved quickly, aware that I had limited time before the lack of oxygen became a serious problem.

As I navigated the twisting tunnels, memories of my childhood exploration with Silas surfaced unbidden. I recalled how we had ventured into these same passages years ago, driven by a mix of curiosity and the desperate need to escape adoption. We had been so young, so unprepared. The lack of oxygen had nearly caused us to pass out before we found our way out.

Now, older and carded, I found that I could withstand the harsh conditions better. The physical boon granted by my awakened origin card made the journey more bearable, though no less urgent. I pressed on, my analytical mind working to map out the route based on my memories.

Eventually, the tunnel opened up into a cave, and I immediately sensed that something was wrong. The cave was inhabited, not by people, but by carded creatures. I recognized the Verminous Swarmers - carded rats that were individually weak but dangerous in swarms. However, there was another creature lurking in the shadows, its beady eyes gleaming in the dim light.

It was a Giant Sewer Mole, a carded monster that had adapted to the underground environment. Its claws were sharp and its hide was tough, making it a formidable foe. I knew that if I could defeat it, its card would grant me the ability to dig through solid earth and stone, a valuable utility in the wilderness.

I mentally reviewed my combat points and calculated the odds - they didn't seem good. With no real combat skills and just a knife, trying to fight both the swarm and the mole would be suicidal.

Thankfully, the pungent odor of the sewers masked my scent, preventing the creatures from detecting my presence immediately. I backed up into the tunnel, waiting and watching for an opportunity.

As I waited, I pondered on the nature of these carded creatures. Heartdecks, the manifestation of a person's inner power, could only be expanded by those who had awakened their origin card. But adding a common card, especially one from these creatures, was considered a poor choice by most. The benefits rarely outweighed the cost.

But I didn't have the luxury of choice. With my unique ability to upgrade card rarities, even a common card could eventually become something powerful. I just needed to acquire them first.

My chance came when a single rat scurried out from the swarm. I lunged at it with my knife, managing to land a fatal blow, but not before the creature let out a shrill squeal of alarm. The rest of the swarm stirred, alerted by the noise.

As I tried to retreat, my movements disturbed the Giant Sewer Mole. It let out a fierce growl and charged at me, its claws slashing through the air. I barely managed to dodge, the creature's claws grazing my arm and drawing blood.

The commotion drew the attention of the rat swarm, and soon the mole was engaged in a vicious battle with the Verminous Swarmers. I watched from a distance, clutching my bleeding arm, as the monsters fought.

The mole was a whirlwind of claws and teeth, tearing through the rats with savage efficiency. But the swarm was relentless, their numbers seeming endless. For each rat that fell, two more took its place, biting and clawing at the mole's tough hide.

I knew this was my chance. While the monsters were distracted, I could make my escape. But the thought of the valuable cards I could acquire held me back. I gritted my teeth, preparing myself for what I had to do.

I waited until most of the rats were killed off before I charged into the fray, my knife flashing in the dim light. I aimed for the mole's eyes, hoping to blind it and further bloody its face to mess with its sense of smell. But underground, the creature was too quick, its head snapping around and its teeth sinking into my shoulder.

I screamed in pain, my vision going white. But through the haze, I saw my chance. The mole's neck was exposed, its jugular pulsing beneath its fur. With the last of my strength, I plunged my knife into its throat and twisted.

The mole let out a gurgling cry and collapsed, its blood mixing with mine on the cave floor. The rats, sensing the mole's defeat, turned their attention to me. But I was already moving, dragging myself towards the tunnel entrance.

I barely made it out before I collapsed, my body aching and my blood dripping onto the sewer floor. My pack had been torn open, its contents scattered and ruined. The food I had brought was now inedible, trampled and covered in blood and sewage. But in my hand, I clutched the card shards I had retrieved from the fallen monsters.

With trembling fingers, I assembled the shards, watching as they formed into two distinct cards.

The first was the Verminous Swarmer card, a common utility card that granted a defensive ability.

[CARD] Verminous Resilience

[SET] Sewer Dwellers

[RARITY] Common

[DESCRIPTION] Grants the wielder slight resilience against poisons and toxins.

[LEVEL] 1/10

The second was the Giant Sewer Mole card, a common combat card that enhanced the user's piercing attacks.

[CARD] Mole's Piercing Strike

[SET] Sewer Dwellers

[RARITY] Common

[DESCRIPTION] Grants the wielder the ability to perform a piercing strike, dealing bonus damage when using a sharp weapon to target an enemy's weak points.

[LEVEL] 1/10

I stared at the two cards, [Verminous Resilience] and the [Mole's Piercing Strike]. They were both useful in their own ways, but I wondered if I could make them even better. With my unique ability to upgrade card rarities, I decided to combine them and see what happened.

As I contemplated which card to upgrade, I weighed the pros and cons of each. The existence of the [Verminous Resilience] card implied that there was a significant amount of poison in these sewers, enough to make the rats develop a specific defense against it. It was a testament to the harsh environment down here, where even the creatures had to adapt to survive.

On the other hand, my physical boon from being awakened seemed to offset the effects of the poison to some degree. I could feel the enhanced resilience coursing through my body, protecting me from the worst of the toxins. While the [Verminous Resilience] card would undoubtedly provide an extra layer of protection, I wondered if it was truly necessary given my current abilities.

In contrast, the [Mole's Piercing Strike] offered a valuable combat ability. In the battles to come, both in the sewers and beyond, having a means to deal extra damage to enemies could be the difference between life and death. The ability to target weak points with a piercing attack was not to be underestimated.

After careful consideration, I decided that the [Mole's Piercing Strike] was the card I needed most right now. While the [Verminous Resilience] would be useful, my awakened boon provided enough protection for the time being. The combat potential of the mole card, however, was too valuable to pass up.

With my decision made, I focused on the [Mole's Piercing Strike] card, channeling my [Thread Of Ascension] into it. To my surprise, not only did the rarity change, but the card itself transformed. The mole image shifted and warped, merging with elements of the discarded rat card. The result was a new creature altogether, a fusion of the two. The card now read:

[CARD] Viper's Strike

[SET] Venomous Tactics

[RARITY] Uncommon (Weaved)

[DESCRIPTION] Grants the wielder a venomous strike ability. Each successful attack with a sharp weapon deals bonus piercing damage and has a chance to inflict a poisoned status on the target. The poisoned status deals additional damage over time.

[LEVEL] 1/10

I stared at the newly created card, my mind reeling with the implications of what had just happened. According to the ability description, using [Thread Of Ascension] should have only increased the rarity of the card, not fused the abilities of the sacrificed cards. 

As if in response to my confusion, a message from the Nexus appeared in my mind:


Tapestry of Fusion: When upgrading a card using Thread of Ascension, there is a small chance that the Rank Weaver can fuse the sacrificed card's abilities with the upgraded card, creating a new and unique effect.

[Tapestry of Fusion]. The name itself hinted at the intricate interweaving of card abilities, creating something greater than the sum of its parts. It seemed that this was a hidden facet of my [Thread Of Ascension] ability, a rare occurrence that could potentially reshape the very nature of the cards I upgraded.

The implications were staggering. If I could master this ability, I could create entirely new cards with synergistic effects, tailoring them to specific situations and challenges. The strategic potential was immense, allowing me to craft a deck that was truly unique and powerful.

However, I also realized that [Tapestry of Fusion] was not something to be relied upon. The message had stated that it was a small chance, meaning that it wouldn't happen every time I used [Thread Of Ascension]. I couldn't base my entire strategy around the hope of creating fused cards.

Furthermore, the creation of these fused cards was likely to be unpredictable. I might not always get the desired combination of abilities, and some fusions could potentially have drawbacks that I hadn't anticipated. I would need to be cautious and thoughtful in my use of this power, carefully considering which cards to fuse and when.

Despite the uncertainties, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. [Viper's Strike] was already a testament to the potential of [Tapestry of Fusion]. If I could create more cards like this, carefully choosing which ones to fuse and when, it could give me a major edge in the challenges to come.

I stared at the card, considering my options. People didn't just insert any card into their decks because it took a toll. Putting a card in your heartdeck made it a part of you. The longer it had been a part of you, the greater the toll. That was why people didn't just put any cards in their heartdeck.

But [Viper's Strike] was too valuable to pass up in my current situation. With its poison effect, it could give me a significant advantage in combat. After a moment's hesitation, I decided to insert it into my heartdeck.

I felt a sudden rush of power as the card merged with my being. It was a strange sensation, like a part of me had been altered on a fundamental level. I could feel the venom coursing through my card, ready to be unleashed when I willed to.

With my new ability, I continued on my way, leaving the sewers behind and venturing into the wilderness. It wasn't long before I encountered more rats, their eyes glinting with malice in the shadows.

But this time, I was ready for them. I drew my knife and focused on the power of [Viper's Strike]. As the rats lunged at me, I struck out, my blade flashing in the dim light.

To my satisfaction, several of the rats immediately recoiled, the poison from my strike taking effect. They twitched and convulsed as the venom worked its way through their bodies, weakening them.

I pressed my advantage, striking again and again until the rats lay dead at my feet. I collected their card shards, using them to channel essence into my origin card and heal my wounds.

As I continued on my journey, I couldn't help but marvel at the power of my new card and the potential of [Tapestry of Fusion]. If I could learn to harness this ability effectively, it could be a game-changer in my quest to save Silas.

But I also knew that I had to be careful. Each card I added to my heartdeck would change me in ways I couldn't fully predict. I had to choose wisely, balancing the benefits against the costs.

And with that thought driving me forward, I stepped deeper into the wilderness, ready to face whatever fate had in store.