I cringed while reading my old synopsis. This book was written by ne when I was absolutely garbage at writing and too horny to measure. If you wish for your sanity to remain in tact do not read.
After feeling the power of being a TX flowing through my veins? Soul? Eh, who cares. After eating Aizen I didn't even think I would need to eat any of my future harem from bleach due to the Hogyoku-infused Aizen I was already T9 during my base and after my power was restored. I would be T10 in base.
And thus TX in my giant Wendigo form. That would make me the most powerful being in Bleach because the soul king was sealed.
Well anyway, time to capture Harribel, all the Espada, and take the Hogyoku. I de-transformed from my giant Wendigo form and walked out of Aizen's room finding a wall I could carve on. On the wall, I carved company-instructed runes so I could capture everything in Los Noches.
Carving the runes made me pretty annoyed so I called out Unmei, "Unmei Manipulate!" My average sword turned back into the 1.5 meter red monstrosity. I used Unmei's ability in quick succession making me finding any cannon Espada 30% more likely. I suddenly felt a feeling in my gut that I should turn left, forward, right, forward, left, and forward if I wanted to find something interesting. And thus I did. 5 minutes later I was standing behind a Tier Harribel. My presence was currently unknown to her. I watched as with every step she took her massive breasts jiggled slightly. She suddenly turned in my direction for a brief moment before looking away. The moment she looked at me I had already went to the other side of the planet before running back again a moment later. After that close call (not really) I going 1000 times the speed of light I walked up to Harribel and stood in front of her. I stood there for what felt like 1 minute to me but was like 0.0000000000000000000000001 seconds.
I said earlier that I didn't want to go Ultra mass rape man mode but.. just looking at Tier made me want to go back on my words. Well it wouldn't hurt for a little Ultra undress that girl man to come out right? It probably would but being a 16 year old wasn't helping my case. But no I refuse I will not become.. that. After walking behind Tier for 3 minutes I checked how long untill she was captured, 3 minutes. At the one minute thirty (30) second mark ran in-front of Tier and stood their long enough for her to see me. About 0.001 seconds. I then immediately ran behind her and blew cold air into her left ear with my mouth, after doing is I laughed mischievously. Tier drew her sword in about 0.00956 seconds after she saw me and slashed at her left side. Tier then jumped to a wall with back facing it. She stood there for 45 seconds before speaking. "I know you there. Come out I can sense you with Pequisa." That was a complete lie. Right now she was weaker than Nell due to cannon not happening yet; my hiding abilities were far greater than her detection abilities. 35 seconds later Tier sheathed her sword and continued walking to her destination. For the next 10 seconds I watched as soon she was turned into my newest retinue member. After seeing tgat she was successfully captured I teleported away. It was time for some action on my part. It was time to find either my rival contractor, Yhwatch, or the soul king. Preferably the soul king then Yhwatch and finally my rival contractor.
After realizing I could only find my rival contractor in hueco mundo I decided to leave and go to the soul king's palace. How you ask? Through seer overwhelming power of course! That was the only thing I had. Besides all of Nell and Aizen's powers. Speaking of which should I check on the Hogyoku in my soul due to eating Aizen? Nah It will be fine.
Opening up a Garganta I walked into Soul society. I marveled at the new surroundings from the lifeless Hueco Mundo to the much more vibrant Soul Society. But a mere three seconds after I entered, I was surrounded by all of the Gotei 13 well 10 because of Aizen and company defecting. There was Shunsui Kyōraku, Suì-Fēng, Byakuya Kuchiki, Sajin Komamura, Tōshirō Hitsugaya, no Kenpatchi probably because he hasn't found his way here, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Retsu Unohana, Jūshirō Ukitake, and last but certainly not least, Captain Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto.
It feels like 15 minutes have passed for some reason, maybe because the author of this book had to get all of the captains names from the pre-Arrancar ark. Nah probably not.
"Ryoka leave this instant or face the might of the Gotei 13 in its current entirety!" Shouted Yamamoto while spiting out heaps of saliva. "Well that is not a very nice way to introduce yourself you know. Since I am the visitor here I will introduce myself first, my name Is Ben Kunigle." I said with the most cheek imaginable. After I spoke my sentence the whole of the Gotei 13 looked at each other like I was some sort of idiot. Yamamotio having enough of my cheek for the next 35 years activated his bankai; the rest if the captains jumped back as far as they could before Yamamoto sent fire as hot as the son at me. Time froze from my perspective as I walked around the fire and right into Yamamoto's face. While the crazy thing to me was that Yamamoto's face actually moved as he saw me walk in front of him. He immediately tried to shunpo away but I grabbed his Zanpakutō from his arm as well as his leg. Seeing me grab him effortlessly he tried to think of a way to escape but I didn't let him. Using Caja Negación I sent him to another dimension. I resumed time from my perspective.
All of the captains seeing me "kill" Yamamoto made them freeze in horror. Soifon being the first to break out of her shock shouted at me, "Yo-you killed him!" Instantly replying to her communication, "No I didn't kill him, I merely sent him to another dimension. And besides he was planning to kill me, so why say that? All is far in love and war." Soifon being the ever fast communicator replied with, "But you entered the Seireitei un lawfully!" Oh yeah I forgot they segregated their people. "You realize what your saying is because I entered a place I should die for it? And even if you overlook that you are basically segregating the people."
Of course my words had no effect whatsoever because every single captain had been indoctrinated for hundreds of years. And also they witnessed the potential murder of their captain at my hands. You can tell I wasn't making a point. All of the captains had enough of my games so they all in unison attacked me. The ground turned to a blood like substance due to Unohana's bankai, Toshiro using his bankai sent hundreds of little shards at me, Soi-fon activating her Shikai rushed at me, Byakuya using his bankai sent thousands of pedals at me, and everyone else also rushed at me.
Deciding it was time to show my power I took a DEEPLY inhaled before letting it all out in one gigantic scream.
The scream broke the sound barrier and went 100 times beyond that even. All of the Gotei 13 blown into the nearby houses. The dust from mu scream settled and for a long while there were no movements. Until a certain Kenpatchi arrived. Adter he arrived he stood still for a moment before drawing his Zanpakutō. He attacked me quite fast, probably mid T7. But it was to of no avail as I caught his sword with my hand and took it into my pocket space before kicking him lightly into another building. After doing so I heard the pitch scream of a little girl. I looked over to find Kusajishi Yachiru. The little pink haired girl Kenpatchi adopted.
Feeling bad about doing that to Kenpatchi I quickly fled the scene taking all the captains that were unconscious. After fleeing I quickly captured all of the captains before eating then all. I also knocked out Yachiru for the next 100 days by using Unmei to increase its probability. I did this so she didn't suffer immense emotional pain due to Kenpatchi's "death". Even though she was like hundreds of years old. After eating all of the Captains I decided to go into the Soul kings palace and eat him. Doing so with the only way I know how to, brute force. Smashing through dimensional barriers was an easy feat for me. Teleporting into the sky I smashed the air with my hand repeatedly until the air cracked open. I then proceeded to jump into the crack and look around at my surroundings. It was a place that could not be described by words only sight. To be honest it would probably break the mental barriers of weak willed humans and disable them. Wow I just described this place with words damn.
After walking around for what felt like hours, much to my excitement, I found a doorway. I rushed over to the door and opened it. Inside the door I found a dimension with several layers stacked on top of each other. Going my maximum speed at my current T10 (speed of light) I ran through all of the 72 barriers that guarded the soul king and into his palace. I found inside the castle of the soul king his pod and It was currently being watched by another person. It looked like that other person was about tk go into the pod. Oh wait thats my enemy contractor! Shit! I dashed at the figure standing at the soul kings pod. Drawing my Zanpakutō and calling out Unmei. The figure dodged my attack before transforming into something that resembled lightning but not. It was blue and sparky but not lightning, perhaps energy? Yeah that's probably it.
In my giant wendigo form which was now about 500 meters tall I broke through the ceiling while trying to grab the soul king. The figure seeing through my plan, threw a giant blade of energy at my hand. My reaction time was very slow so the sword cut into my hand leaving no wound? Oh yeah I have high speed regen. Continuing to grab the soul king, I succeeded? Wow that was easy. After grabbing the soul king I threw him inti my grand manner. Clearly enraging the blob of energy as its color turned red. It appeared the soul king was part of its plans.
The now red blob if energy started ti change, to morph. Wait didn't a heritage have the ability to copy well, abilities? What was that called? Oh yeah transhuman.
Suddenly I was face to face with another 500 meter tall Wendigo. The power it exuded was on the T10 level. My current power level. My conterpart grabbed my shoulders and pulled my head down into a knee. My skull fractured and healed instantly at the same time. It hurt a shit ton for the briefest of moments while my skull was fractured. Knowing I had met my match, after feeling the pain due to the kick, it was time time to think strategically. Remembering I had a hunting zone along with my ritual circle perks made my head spin with ideas. I could maybe trap my opponent in my hunting ground with warding ritual circles! But how would I get him there? Ah yes of course my garganta! If he dashed at me while I opened my Garganta I could trap him.
But me catching him didn't seem lik- my long inner monologue was cut off by another knee slam. That was getting annoying I reached for my sword only to realize it was human size. But suddenly it scaled up and for some reason I felt a wink coming from the sword. Drawing my Zanpakutō that was still in Shikai made my power increase my a decent margin. I swung my sword at my new max speed 2 times the speed of light. The sword made a gigantic cut into my enemy but it quickly healed. Right I need to finish this in one shot. And also I need a true damage skill or weapon.
I suddenly felt a gut punch from behind as I saw another one of me. This must have been a clone of my opponent. Realizing I was going to get my ass whooped I started swinging my sword rapidly in a spin motion with me at its center. The two Wendigo around me were sliced repeatedly but I wasn't able to hit any organs due to the tough skin of… me? Anyway after a few minutes of me getting drop kicked and me spinning my sword in retaliation we both realized this was going nowhere. So decided to use Unmei. Increasing the chances of me finding out a new ability of my Zanpakutō by 30%. After doing so I of course felt exhausted my power decreasing to 0.7 times the speed pf light. Which caused my ass to get fried into the most unhealthy dish on the planet. But during my ass getting beat I realized that Unmei had holes in its Shikai form. Those holes weren't holes but gaps from 2 curved swords being put together! It probably represented some symbolic shit like 2 different paths you could choose. And the curves meant that there are road bumps in your path or something.
After thinking this my Zanpakutō split in twine. My energy suddenly recovered and even enhanced itself to 2.5 times the speed of light! The fight completely turned around as I had two swords for two Wendigo's ti get impaled on. After impaling both of the enemy Wendigo's I summoned two Garganta and threw them both into separate Garganta. I quickly dashed into the Garganta feeling my power increase to TX in the process. My speed had reached 1000 times the speed of light! I quickly found a gigantic rock and carved runes on it so that there was an enormous barrier that covered 500,000 kilometers out.
Now, it was time for the hunt.
The end.