
Product 57 - Cliche Novel

After a pleasant conversation with Eve,

While the student council executives were conducting an on-site verification, I covertly slipped away and ascended the mountain trail.

The destination I headed for lay beyond the collapsed mountain lodge, a ruin that had been pierced by Eve's spell.

Fortunately, several items had fallen near the wreckage.

There was a badge depicting a black hand shaking another hand, another badge adorned with two crossed flags, a scroll, and a piece of black ore.

"As expected, everything has been dropped."

These are items that one can acquire if they don't immediately leave the Act 2 Scene 1 Sleeping Mountain Range map after a battle. However, if you miss this opportune moment, someone else may claim them, so the timing had to be now.

I swiftly concealed the items and departed from the mountain lodge. No one spotted me, and the timing was impeccable.


The wind gusted and stung my cheek.

"Hmm. She certainly wreaked havoc here."

I briefly surveyed the aftermath left by Eve's spell. The destruction was far too extensive to have been caused by the expulsion of a single person. There were shattered wooden walls and a sea of debris beyond.

"If I fool around too much, will I be sent flying like that as well?"

I had been teasing Eve up until now, but if I were struck like that, I likely wouldn't even be able to gather my bones. Furthermore, if it were discovered that I possessed these items, it would significantly complicate matters.

The Black Cat Entry Badge. Three years' worth of black market currency. A shadow stone. And lastly, the badge of the black flag officer.

Literally, this grants me access to darkness itself. It's the 'clan' token that one can acquire when the Light Hero Kelters succumbs to corruption.

"However, it's not a bad thing to possess these items. Hmm, they're valuable items in their own right."

One reason I turned down the student council was because of these items.

These items are crucial for my future success and a happy ending.

"It's for me, and for the unwavering Student Council President Eve."

Well, setting that aside, these key items belong to me.


I returned to the convenience store and took three days off due to muscle pain.

Aila dropped by and asked for an energy drink.

I prepared one for her.

When I inquired why she needed it, she replied,

"The midterms are starting next week!"

Of course, I also have midterms.

I lamented the state of the world.


The following day,

As I strolled through the magic department, contemplating what to craft with my handy worker, I bumped into Eve.

We chatted as usual, she suggested that I consider graduate school, and she playfully raised her middle finger while talking. Eve chuckled and discussed tomorrow's exam.

"If you don't perform well in the midterm, you'll be in for a tax audit, really."


"Don't forget, your 'convenience store' also falls under 'extracurricular entrepreneurship for tuition funding.' In Jephryn, if your grades aren't a priority, you'll have to focus on them first. You know that, right?"

"I do. Isn't it similar to Nephty's hard work?"

"Do you know that Nephty has already aced all her exams and is focusing on her livelihood? She's doing better than you."

"···What, did you say?"

Am I performing worse than Nephty?

That can't be. The world is to blame here.

"Remember this well. If your grades drop, your convenience store will also vanish."

"······I understand."

Ha. Eve delivered a heavy blow. I couldn't help but smirk as I watched her walk away.

Now, what should I do?

The answer came quickly.

"I have no choice."

I need to hit the books.


When I returned to the convenience store, Aila was studying. I quickly joined her and opened a textbook.

The wizardry and battlefield classes would be ending with only assignments due to Professor Lantica Grace's personal reasons, skipping the midterm exams.

Either the professor had no energy to focus on undergraduates due to the need to retain graduate students after the human rights ethics bill for graduate students was passed, or maybe his health was genuinely deteriorating… In any case, there wouldn't be similar classes.

"So, the only subjects I need to worry about are magic and social development."

"Does Wolfram also take that?"

"Yes, but didn't Aila skip it? I haven't seen you in class."

"Instead, that irritating Regina Ciel attends."

"I see."

Even if I don't attend, I keep tabs on the classes my rival is taking. Much like Aila.

"Then, this time Wolfram and I will bring Regina down."

Aila's eyes sparkled as she giggled.


Regina Ciel, the renowned mage merchant.

"She's a nuisance."


In the main story of the Department of Magic, if you make a few choices and meet certain conditions, Regina Ciel's storyline becomes accessible. Now, Regina Ciel's character is… the definition of irritation.

While the Eve route involves a boy and a girl meeting and growing together on an adventure, Regina Ciel's story turns into something resembling a tiresome and gloomy romance.

Just a single line of her dialogue is enough to illustrate this: [Can you kill me for my sake? My love, Kelters.]

What's her deal? She's vexing. Of course, hardcore Regina fans may find this intriguing, but it's not my cup of tea.

I might be the only one who sees her character this way; perhaps I'm deluding myself. Regardless, I usually skip most of her storyline.

In any case, I'm not likely to engage with her. If Kelters messed up the Eve route, then I might as well explore Regina's route. Any route will do. If not, there are plenty of side and hidden heroines to choose from, so go ahead and pick one of the annoying ones, please.

"What's on your mind?"

"I'm thinking about the exam topics."

"Well, I can't be of much help since I'm not taking that course. Sorry."

No need to apologize. It's just something I have to handle.


And so, the midterm exams for the first semester began.

These exams are much more significant than a simple quiz, and performing well here can boost your reputation. The game system cleverly utilized this by increasing affinity levels with friends.


Now that I think about it, the sports festival event is up next. I should double-check the academic calendar.

As I pondered upcoming events, I heard footsteps approaching. The steps grew closer and halted right beside me.

"Prince Wolfram von Roengreen, I presume."

"Is it the young lady from the Ciel family?"

"Please, call me Regina Ciel."

"I can't do that. Nor do I wish to."


Well, I dismissed her earlier out of irritation, but now I'm not sure how to follow up.

"My fiancée is from the Tristar family. Considering Aila's reputation, I cannot engage in a conversation with you."

"I understand. I apologize for not considering your position."

"I'll let it slide. You may leave."

"Would you allow a few words of conversation if not for political reasons?"

I paused to think.

If I didn't delve too deeply into the game route or the character Regina Ciel… If I just knew her superficially, could she become a useful 'business partner'? Hmm. Perhaps.

"I can't do it. I don't want to be on friendly terms with you, both in terms of politics and personally. Step back. I don't keep those who have once been hostile to me close."

As they say, nip it in the bud. Don't let the seed of discord grow; if a weed is sprouting, uproot it.


Regina Ciel respectfully bowed her head and stepped back.

But, unless I'm mistaken.

… Around that girl's body, slightly, there… It had a hue that looked a little redder than white, didn't I notice something like that? According to the likability system, it's like that friendly likability… something like that.

"···It must be a glitch. It has to be a glitch."

It doesn't make sense. What reason could she possibly have to like me, haha.


And so, the midterm exams commenced.

"Please begin the exam."

The written part wasn't as challenging as I had anticipated. While the courses on magic and warfare emphasized theoretical writing for grading, the course on magic and social development focused on one's creative thinking.

In simpler terms, as Aila explained, 'You just need to come up with a magical concept that could contribute to social development.'

Aila mentioned that 'if you have a rebellious mindset, you can score well.' For the record, Aila isn't taking this course this year. She decided not to because the professors don't appreciate her rebellious thinking and tend to grade her poorly.


Could it be that it's not the professor's fault but a problem with Aila's way of thinking?

Anyway, there was only one question on the midterm exam.

[The Roengreen Empire has indeed entered a stable period lasting a thousand years; however, there is a stark disparity between the cities and rural areas, and the cost of living varies drastically. Discuss ways to address this.]

Oh. This question is blatantly critical of the monarchy. It's a risky move. Concerned for my own safety, I shrugged my shoulders.

"A question that criticizes the monarchy in a monarchical system, do they have a death wish? …But it's a good question."

Interestingly, the professor for this course is someone I also know.

"That's the kind of professor he is. No, that's the kind of character he is."

It was an interesting question, and it suited me well. I actually enjoyed writing rapidly for the first time in a while.


Three days later, it was time for the practical exam for the same course.

Since it's the Magic Department, the focus is on how much your self-created magic or theories can contribute to social development.

As I contemplated what to submit and how to impress everyone to secure good grades, I heard a young woman's voice next to me.

"Ha, haha. Are you Wolfram von Roengreen?"

"Yes, I am. Do you know me?"

"Ah, haha. I've heard a lot about you. We've crossed paths a few times!"

"Hm. What kind of rumors?"

The woman had a large head and was wearing horn-rimmed glasses. Her eyes sparkled brightly even behind her glasses.

"I've actually seen the items you submitted for the competition. They were really, really amazing!"

"Is that so?"

"···However, the unfortunate part is that they were all designed for combat. I believe they could be put to better use elsewhere."

"I agree."


"First and foremost, it's medicine. It can replace painkillers, slow down mana backdraft in patients, and, above all… young children would adore it."

"Ah, ah… yes. Children suffering from illness would be delighted with such a tasty treat and forget their pain. As expected, you're spot-on."

The professor grasped me tightly, almost as if she were about to cry.

"Let go of me, will you."

"So, what will you be presenting today? I assume it's going to be something astonishing? Will you surprise me? Even if you bring out the same treat as last time, I can still give you a good score."

"Don't worry, just look forward to it."

"Yes, understood!"

Saying so, the professor chuckled and turned to leave.

Oh, speaking of which.

"Professor Isilote."

"Yes, yes?"

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good! I might seem fragile, but I'm tougher than I look!"

"Never mind, it was a pointless question."

"Then, I'll get going. Best of luck on your exam!"

Well, if you say you're doing well, then I'll take your word for it.

Anyway, given that, I'm once again contemplating how to excel in the exam on magic and social development and still have points left with just a magic power of 3. Then, another irritating voice chimed in from beside me.

"I greet His Highness, Wolfram von Roengreen."

"Just go."

"I would if I could, Your Highness, but our exam order is adjacent."


"Given that, may I have your permission for a brief conversation?"

Ugh, really irritating.

Fine, if you're asking up to this point, I'll listen at least once. I will.

"What is it?"

"Today, I absolutely will not lose. However, there's something I'd dare to ask of Your Highness."

"I'll act like I didn't hear that."

Why is she suddenly delivering lines as if she's at a crossroads in her storyline?

Was there such a subplot?


Conditions for triggering Regina Ciel's route.

[Enter the Department of Magic and raise your favorability level with Eve von Roengreen to a friendly level.]

[Then, you must decline the offer to join the student council. The moment you join, you'll be locked into Eve's route.]

"Please, defeat me this time."


[Win against Regina Ciel in a head-to-head competition 3 times before Act 5.]

[You're free to choose Regina's route, but the flag for it will be raised like this.]

I desperately avoided Regina's gaze, which was fixed intently on me.

Don't look.

Don't look in this direction.