
Product 46 - Cliche Novel

Captain Q.

I had a taste even before getting involved in the game.

To be precise, it happened twice.

The first occurrence was during my time at the orphanage. I believe I was in my second year of high school at the time. Since I had to leave the orphanage right after finishing high school, I received an introduction to alcohol from the director, who had always been kind to me.

[This is a top-shelf drink. Finish it, Young-jin!]

[It seems a bit strong for me, Director.]

[Hey! A man truly becomes a man after finishing a glass!]

As Captain Q made the rounds, I whispered, "Don't drink. It could be lethal." My heart cried out for help, and I quietly muttered, "Have you lost your mind?"

After trying that Captain Q, or more precisely, the sticky chemical liquor with a distinct aroma somewhere between barley and coffee, I delicately set down the glass.

People really shouldn't be drinking this.

And then our director…

[Young-jin, work diligently. Do you understand?]

[…Yes, Director.]

[Alright, Young-jin, may you receive many New Year's blessings. I'll bow to you once.]

[Director, why are you doing that?]

[I said I'll bow!!]

After emptying half a bottle of Captain Q, the director bowed deeply to me.

It was in July.

The next time I indulged was during my active duty, likely when I held the rank of sergeant.

During a company dinner, I had the chance to share a drink with the platoon leader.

[Young-jin, what's your plan once you return to civilian life?]

[I'm thinking of doing some hands-on work.]

[Really? Why? Aren't your parents saying anything?]

[Actually… well, you see…]

Subsequently, I disclosed my orphaned status and shared some of my past experiences.

[…If you don't have parents, shouldn't you be exempt?]

[I heard you get an extra ten thousand if you come from the engineering battalion, right?]

[…Ha, you enlisted for that reason, you sly… Ugh, this messed-up world. How can it be like this…]

Then, the platoon leader downed a glass of Captain Q on the table and exclaimed.

[This infuriating world!!]

Out of nowhere, he laid his head on the table and began to cry.

This happened in November, with just three months remaining until my discharge.


Nevertheless, that Captain Q, which held such memories for me… or rather, after being renamed Captain Dew in this world, was an Easter Egg created by the game company.

An item only accessible in Wolfram's illicit warehouse.

In the main story, when using the interpretation scroll or Find Item skill, it's described as [A liquor that Student Council President Wolfram von Roengreen received as a bribe. Wolfram's mental state after drinking this is questionable. The type of alcohol is rum (or something similar), and it might be useful where hard liquor is required.]

It's quite an intriguing description that still lingers in my memory.

But, surprise! That Wolfram is me.

Knowing this tip allowed me to prepare the finest snack and the best liquor… well, a snack infused with liquor for the Fairy Queen. The Fairy Queen swirled the whiskey… no, the Captain Dew bonbon and grinned.

"Top-notch snack! Excellent! I love it!"

She then popped the finger-sized bonbon into her mouth and savored it.

"Oh, this flavor… the robust liquor essence that emerges when biting into a sweet treat… heh."


The Fairy Queen passed out. The wolf beside her let out a howl.

"Is it poison?!"

"No, the Queen simply can't handle her liquor."

"…What? The Queen has been tipsy for the past three hundred years! How dare you!"

He can't believe this.

"Then you give it a try."


Normally, you shouldn't give chocolate to a wolf, but this one's a spirit. In the game, it eats just fine.

However, this was intended for the Fairy Queen, so it feels like a waste to offer it to this simple creature. There are only 15 boxes of Captain Dew in this world, making it quite valuable.

Let's see…

"Scared? Think you'll pass out after just one?"

"…Ha. You talk a lot, should I pulverize you?"

"Promise with the ancestors."

"Ugh. Okay, okay."

"We can't be enemies."


Huh? The promise of becoming true allies isn't clear? Bark like a dog, buddy.

Anyway, I considered what I should roughly obtain, and it wouldn't be a bad deal for him either.

"Let's make a wager."

"A wager…?"

"Eat these five bonbons. If you faint, I win. I'm innocent. There's no poison, and you'll become my subordinate."

"What if I don't faint?"

"Then you don't. You'll just enjoy five premium snacks."

"Are you kidding?"

"If you're not interested, take your time to think it over. It's not a bad offer for you either."


The wolf paused in thought and then grinned.

"Interesting. Not a bad idea. Or rather…"

"If you say more, it won't be a fair bet. Keep your mouth shut."

"Fine. Give them to me now! Hurry!"

I handed five bonbons to the wolf.

"Ah. It certainly has a unique flavor. Hmm. Hm."

One bonbon.

The wolf's cheeks turned red.

"Oh, this is something. Hey, got more? Do you?"

Two bonbons.

The wolf started slurring.

"…Ah, the floor is picking a fight with me! Hey! Hey! Bring it on! Damn floor, I never liked you!"

Three bonbons.

The wolf began wrestling with the floor.

"…It's a bit tough, oh. A bit. I'll eat this and take you on. Come at me. Hey! Hey! Come here, punk…"

Four bonbons.

The wolf was smacked by the floor and collapsed.

"Hmm. One left. You held up well with four."

"What just happened?"

Eve, who had witnessed the spectacle, asked, and I shrugged.

"A Midsummer Night's Dream."

"Don't act cool. It's nauseating."

"You talk a lot for someone who did nothing the whole time."


We both laughed and raised our middle fingers.

Don't laugh.

I'm getting attached.

"Let's head back. If you follow the same path, you'll reach the Eastern Forest."

"Ah? Are we just leaving?"

"Two days from now, you can come over."

"…Not tomorrow?"


They won't wake up tomorrow.

But by the day after, they'll be up without any hangover.

"It's that kind of beverage."

"A magical liquor, huh?"


It possesses a certain enchantment.


After two days, we revisited the Eastern Forest, and the wolf guide was there, waiting for us.

The wolf appeared somewhat regretful as it gazed at us.

"…Did you happen to come yesterday? I was asleep all day, so I wouldn't know."

"No, we didn't come yesterday."

"I see. That's a relief."

"No hangover, I presume?"

"…Yes. Completely clear. Although a day has vanished. The Queen is also perfectly fine."

Guided by the wolf, we soon arrived at Queen Elpirane's palace. Almost immediately, a voice called out from behind the door.

"Enter, descendants of Hark."

"Excuse us."

As the door swung open, the world seemed to turn upside down once more.


It was an underwater scene.

The view was awash in blue, with fish and coral reefs gently swaying. Instead of a ceiling, there was a blue barrier, and sunlight softly illuminated the seabed from above.

It truly felt like we were breathing underwater. I instinctively checked if I could indeed breathe.

"It's breathtaking."

Having confirmed my ability to breathe, I expressed my admiration.

This was the pinnacle of mystery demonstrated by a magical creature who had manipulated space for 500 years.

Even Eve, with a magic power level of 22, couldn't see through such a sophisticated illusion.

"Hehe. Were you surprised? But remember, it's all just an illusion, so relax and join us."

"We will."

Following the queen's lead, we took our seats at a table. Eve also settled down carefully.

"So, descendants of Hark. I heard you've come to convey something to me."

"Yes. Queen Elpirane, to be direct, please cease your pranks on Jephryn."

"Pranks, you say?"

"Are we going to repeat our prior conversation? I'm referring to the deliberate release of pollen toward Jephryn."

"…A repeated conversation? This is the first I'm hearing of it."

"Are you suggesting we disregard our agreement? Captain Dew might be a potent beverage, but someone like you, who has honed their magic for 500 years, should remember everything even after a deep slumber."


"According to the records, your willpower surpasses 20 easily. Surely, you wouldn't falter over a single bonbon."

"Did Hark mention that as well?"


I know it from personal experience.

However, it is also documented, which should be convincing enough.

"It's in the official records. Once again, please halt the unilateral release of pollen."

"…Very well. I understand. Especially since I received a delightful treat."

She gestured towards the Captain Dew bonbon I had left in the corner.

"You enjoyed it? It's not precisely a premium beverage."

"Well, sometimes the more affordable ones are sweeter and more invigorating."

"And one more thing. My wager with that wolf has been settled."

"…A wager? What kind of wager?"

"If I won, that wolf now belongs to me."

"…So, you're saying the wolf lost and is now in your possession?"

"That appears to be the case."

The mood of the Fairy Queen underwent a transformation.

Initially, there was hatred, anger, confusion, then resignation. Following that, there was profound despair.

"You were aware of the consequences when you made that wager, correct?"

"That wolf will now follow my commands, and naturally, he can depart from Jephryn."

"And you're an accomplice?"

"…I apologize, Your Majesty."

Fairies are known for being free-spirited,



and most importantly, possessing a strong inclination to wander.

"I would love to eliminate you right here and now… But now that you've become the property of a descendant of Hark, I can't. It's unfortunate."

"I trust you comprehend."

"…Because it's a bet and a promise."

So, the wolf accepted the bet without hesitation.

If a bet is made under fair conditions and without manipulation, the defeated fairy becomes the property of the victor.

Thus, at that moment, we shared an unspoken understanding. Even though the odds of winning or losing were 50-50, I placed my trust in Captain Dew, and I emerged victorious.

It was a chance that came once in 300 years, an opportunity to escape from the realm of the fairies.

The bet was equitable, and the wolf accepted his defeat.

And as the victor, I assumed ownership.

Furthermore, the Fairy Queen was prohibited from interfering with the royal bloodline or endangering any royal possessions.

In essence, that mischievous fairy had outwitted the Fairy Queen.

The wolf and I exchanged glances and exchanged a knowing smirk. Our eyes silently conveyed the message of "we pulled one over on her."

"Sigh. It would have been preferable if I had a bet with you and lost, so I could depart."

"Command the Fairy Queen? Ha…"

I fixed my gaze upon her intently.

I still vividly recalled the stats of Fairy Queen Elpirane.

Strength 4, Skill 5, Stamina 8… Magic 21, Will 21.

Even if I brought this formidable entity with me, there was no way she would bend to my will.

"One day, a member of the royal family will come to release you."

"One day? When? Another 300 years?"

"No, perhaps in around 3 years?"


As I shifted my gaze toward Eve, the Fairy Queen also stared at her with keen interest.

Then, she appeared convinced.

"…I see. She may not be at the moment, but she possesses qualities superior to mine."


"Will she engage in a battle to the death with me? Just like how Hark and I fought as if we intended to kill each other from our very first encounter?"

"Absolutely. She detests defeat more than she fears death."

"…I anticipate her growth. Hehe. I can sense the excitement."

"So, rest assured."

"What are you two discussing?"

Perplexed by our cryptic conversation, Eve tilted her head.

"Oh, it's nothing. Haha."

"Yes, it's nothing. Hehe."

The Fairy Queen and I exchanged a firm handshake.

It wasn't anything significant; it was simply an agreement that when Eve graduated, she would engage in an intense battle with the Fairy Queen, one that would even involve her soul.

"Stay strong, Eve."

"You too, grow stronger, descendant."


Still not fully grasping our conversation, Eve looked puzzled as the Fairy Queen and I bid our farewells.

"I understand about the pollen."

"Yes, let's leave it at that."

"No, try to disperse it away from Jephryn."

"Very well. But do visit from time to time. If you bring good alcohol or snacks, I'll provide a suitable reward."

"…Alright, I'll drop by occasionally. I remember your favorite drinks and snacks."

"Was that also documented?"

"…Yes, it was."

I remember all of her hobbies and preferences.

After all, Elpirane is a hidden character who takes a side route in Eve's story.

"Take care, descendants."

"I'll come visit again, Elpirane."


As we exited the Fairy Queen's castle, it was Eve, myself, and the wolf. During our journey back, Eve suddenly spoke up.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For the pollen. Thanks to you, a hundred thousand Jephryn students got to experience, at least once, what it's like without class differences. You've… No, you've done even more."

Eve, saying this, seemed somewhat downcast, wearing a bitter smile filled with sadness and self-doubt.

"Why the somber look?"


"Oh, is it because something that you, Eve von Roengreen, couldn't accomplish was achieved by Wolfram von Roengreen, making you question your rebellion and feel foolish?"

"…There's a part of me that's tempted to stick a spear in your head right now and put an end to Wolfram von Roengreen."

Whoa, hold on. Hey, don't get so worked up!


I recall there was a route in the story where Eve would react this way.

I remember what Kelters told her during such times.

Oh, right.

"It's not about regret."


"Accept it and find a solution. Otherwise, you'll be stuck in the same place forever."

Upon hearing my words, Eve's eyes widened in surprise, but then she puffed up her cheeks.

"…Right! That's what I should do!"

With that determination, she walked ahead.

She's really impulsive.

"…You truly care for your sister, huh?"

"Why bother? If she sulks and mopes around, it's just draining for me."

"Alright, let's assume that's the case. So, do we part ways here? If we cross paths again, I'll repay the favor."


What are you talking about?

"So, I'll explore the human world for a while…"

"Don't joke. Who said you were free?"


"Review the terms of our agreement. You're my property."

"Wait, wait. The descendant doesn't even have the power to control me. How do you plan to utilize me? I am a battle spirit! The Red-Maned Wolf!"

I know. I'm well aware, having experienced it firsthand.


"Who said I'm going to employ you for combat?"


"Starting tomorrow, your destiny involves pulling my cart."


"Accept it."


"You'll need to assist with my business. It's straightforward. In the mornings, handle packages, make deliveries, pull the cart a bit, and occasionally provide protection."

"…So, in other words…"

"Is kibble-style food sufficient for you? If you have any specific requests, let me know."

"You're really going to treat me like a dog?"

I nodded.

"Wasn't that the agreement?"

"I thought that was just a figure of speech."

"Let's do our best, Partrasch."

"That name sounds even worse!"

"…Then, how about Woofie? Reddie? Whinie? Redhead? Mutt?"

"Just… call me Partrasch."

He listens well.

Such a good companion.