
Chapter 5


Mr. Sage, there is a bidding starting at 8pm sharp.

Don't be late, apparently there's a big surprise waiting for

us SAR. Make the best business man win.

~Sent at 7:40  PM

I'll be there

~Sent at 7:40 PM

"That's in 19 minutes, Tyse," This is intense. The race starts in a couple of minutes and they decide that they're going to have their bidding today? They couldn't just have waited until after the fact?! Tyse puts away a holographic screen, putting on his business persona. "What is this bidding even pertaining to anyways?" Tyse pops his head outside and closes the garage door once inside again. If I had to guess, he called the number that sent him that message but for some reason, I can't hear the ring on the other side of the call.

"This is Sage, I need more information about the bid tonight. Do you know who will be on the board tonight? I see...I'll be there." As he hung up, Tyse took a deep breath in and sighed.

"Talk to me Tyse, what happened?" I asked, showing concern in my voice.

"You're not racing tonight." He said Bluntly, looking right in my eyes.

Shocked, I gasped a bit in disbelief. "What? Why? This is the first race for tonight! Why can't I-"

"Zaylyn, that's an order."

"It's not a very clear order. You're not supposed to keep anything from your partner Tyse, what's going on?"

"This isn't the right time to get you involved." What is he hiding? He's not a very great partner if he's not telling me what's going on.

"Get me involved? I'm already involved. The last time that I checked, you guys need me and I'm not going to stand by and let you put me on the sidelines."

Tyse shot a glare at me while I stood my ground. No secrets will be aloud, especially if you're my partner throughout this mission. "Fine," Tyse started. "You want to know what's going on? There's a meeting in the SAR tonight and they're bidding on the chosen racer. Whoever bids the highest, that racer will go to them forcefully." Tyse tensed up as if he didn't want to say the next part.

"I see no reason forfeit the race tonight, unless they already chose the racer for." As I studied more of his expression, Tyse looked down at the ground, refusing to look me into my eyes. "Who is it?" I asked,

Tyse ignored my question and drove off to the garage door. "Tyse, don't you dare leave this room without answering my question first." I demanded.

"Like I said Zaylyn, I'm calling you out of the race tonight. I'm going to inform Finn and Holley about the situation. Don't do anything reckless while we work out this problem. An order is an order." With that, Tyse headed out of the pit room.

This is so unfair! My first race blown out of the sky because of this stupid bidding situation. What makes him think I can't handle myself? Granted, My gadgets are locked but I can still manage to get myself out of the situation. I'm not going to sit here and do nothing either. Tyse can't call me out of the race because it's not allowed but If I don't show up, I'll be disqualified so I need to sneak my way into the race. Either they're after me or they're after Jackson and I'm not going to let them get the chance to. I brought my attention to the clock; It's 7:54, that should be enough time to find Jack and head to the track.

Once I opened the door, I brought my attention to the pit crew. Tyse was talking to Rose. No doubt about it, He's telling her to keep an eye on me. Seeing as I have no plans for this, I have to wing it. That's right, I can challenge Jackson for a win. If I can get him to race side by side with me, I can keep the both of us safe.

I looked up, only to see Rose and the crew coming right towards my direction. It's now or never. I quickly closed the garage door and headed out through the back of the pit. Jackson should be in his pit getting ready to head out to the track. I rushed my way down the runway trying to find the IGNTR sign or anyone in that matter that represents the team. Seeing Ray, I got excited and rushed over to him.

"Hey Jackson, Thank God I found you! Are you heading to the track right now?" I asked a bit out of breath.

The only look that I got from him in return was a disgusted look. I'm talking about 'Who's peasant does this belong to and why isn't it on a leash.' type of disgust...which is very rude.

"What does it look li-" He was cut off by random yelling in the distance. This is the part where we make a run for it.

"Skye?! Skye get back here right now!" We both turned around and saw the Skalistics team driving full speed towards us. Yeah Like, right now.

"Great, let's go together." With Jackson right by my side, I rushed with him to the tracks and off to our spots. He was assigned to the front while I was stuck in the back. Being a rookie and all. I waited anxiously for the light above the racers in the front to turn green. The crowd in the background almost made me forget that I was scared. There's almost a million cars watching all of us race at this moment. Hearing the chants of their favorites knowing that I have yet to build my fan base. But it's not the right time to think about this...

Personal Mission:

Race alongside Jackson and-Hey look it's Dad! I turned my attention straight to my Dad completely infatuated with seeing his presence. He's racing for the first half of the race which is amazing. I'm proud! Out of nowhere, I hear tires screeching on the pavement once again tire smoke covers the area covering tty taking off gaining their speed. "Oh no." I took off after the others rushing towards the racers.

It feels great reaching past my high speed. Passing all of the racers until I get to Dad. I miss this look on his face. Not letting anything stop him from having the least bit of fun. He decides when he quits, and by the looks of it, he's not quitting anytime soon. "Hey, Mr. McQueen! Your blinker is on." I joked,

"Nice try, but I'm not falling for that." He chuckled, driving off now ahead of me. I laughed as I chased Dad down. I wonder how Holley is holding up being Dad's crew chief. It doesn't seem that much of a hassle...telling him what's going on ahead of him. Almost hard to see why Uncle Mater didn't just take off his headset and then go on his date but that's Uncle Mater for you.

I need to really make this count. I don't have a crew to work with if something does go wrong, There's three laps in the race, if I can just catch up Jackson, I'll stay with him for the rest of the race. As I passed dad, I started to slowly make my way up to Jackson, passing all of the racers. As we made our way around the rainbow bridge, medal to the pedal, I managed to swerve in front of Jackson.

"First place baby! Better keep up with the rookie Jackie!" I celebrated. I looked at my rear view mirror to see a scowl plastered right on his face. I couldn't help but to laugh, seeing him completely shocked that I came out of nowhere. We weren't even close to crossing the bridge until I felt an earthquake feeling underneath my tires. I looked up to see the two rainbow pillars shaking uncontrollably. The wires connected to the pillars started to break from each other, Leaving the pillars slowly falling. The one on the left fell right in the water while the one on the right fell right on the bridge. I quickly slammed on my breaks but at the speed I was going, I knew it was going to take a while to come to a complete stop. I can only hope the rest of the racers are stopping as well as I am. Once I came to a complete stop, Jackson and I watched as the road in front of me crumbled into the water below us. This doesn't make sense, I thought they were going to pick one of us off during the race. Not destroy the bridge while we're in the middle of racing.

"Skye...! Zay...lyn..." A chopped voice came through my intercom with the harsh sound waves interfering with the connection. It sounded like Tyse was trying to get a hold of me. "Zaylyn! ....Get out....there...Now!" he yelled. Right as I about to look back up again,

I listened a bit harder into the static intercom waiting for the next words.

"Zaylyn, Run!" He shouted.

A few bits of chatter started to emerge from the racers until the metal from beneath us started to rumble. I need to get in contact with Holley so she can at least unlock something for me.

"Nobody moves!" I looked up to see the same Henchmen that I saw at Jackson's hotel room. Maybe not the same one but, they all definitely do look the same. They're on all angles of the bridge starring me down. That's why Tyse didn't want me to race. He knew it was me. I have to get out of here now before they make me go with them willingly or save everyone including myself from a collapsing bridge that can most likely fail after one more hit.

"Jackson Storm, you're coming with us." One of the henchmen said. What?! How could this be possible? Did they change their mind? I gotta stop them! I averted my eyes to the rest of the racers behind me who were dismayed while Jackson was mostly vexed by the problem.

"Everyone, run!" I bellowed, driving around on the bridge while everyone else followed. As I looked around my surroundings, I could see all the other racers passing me up including Dad but where was Jackson. Hitting the breaks, I turned around on the bridge to see Jackson still in the same spot as before. Staring at the men with both guns drawn on him. What is he doing?!

"Jackson!" I screeched. Not once did he budge or move. The only time where I feel useless. I can't do anything but hope he doesn't go with them. I could block his path but we'd have to make a run for it right away from these flying freaks. Without thinking about it too long, I started to drive back down the road.

"Zaylyn, Come in Zaylyn," A familiar british voice came through my intercom. Thank heavens it's Holley. "Are you alright?" her worried voice chimed in my ear.

"By alright, you mean nearly about to either let them take Jackson willingly or try to possibly save him without worrying about the bridge falling in any second now? Because I'm doing dandy. Without help" Hint the sarcasm.

"They're taking Jackson instead? I thought-" Holley started before I quickly interrupted her.

"Think later, I need you to at least unlock a gun right about now. They're about to load Jacskson up."

"But Zaylyn-"

"Lives are on the line here. You can either live with regret or you can help me out." There was a bit of silence before I heard the computer lady speak. "Gun unlocked."

"Just make sure you're out of sight." Holley informed. Oh right, I forgot no one knows I'm a spy. I pulled back my power and pulled my gun, aiming it at the henchmen's wings. I've never shot a gun before, I can only hope that it's a clean shot. I pulled the trigger once watching the bullet disappear into the direction of the henchman. The bullet hits him straight in his wings causing a small explosion to erupt from his wing. The henchman lost control of his flight and knocked himself and his partner out of the sky. Score!

"Jackson!" I called out to him. He hastily turned around and stared at me with confusion. "Jackson, let's get to safety before more start to come back!" I retracted my gun back into my tire.

Moving on his own time, Jackson makes his way over to me. We both started to race back towards the starting point. "Hey," He started breaking the silence between us. "I had that handled back there." he said coldly. I silently gasped before turning to look back at him. You know, there's these amazing words that people say when other people who offer kind gestures to them called "Thank You." but you wouldn't know anything about that will you Jackson.

"I'm sorry, I don't quite follow." I ignored his words and kept driving.

"Blowing up those guys wasn't needed." Crap he might be on to me. Not a problem, I can revert this somehow.

"Has it ever crossed your mind that if we have any type of weapons what-so-ever in the race, we will be disqualified? It was most likely reinforcements."

"I didn't see them behind you." Well look at you Jackson Storm, suddenly having all the right answers.

"They were probably in the distance somewhere. Security has been tight ever since the last race may I remind you." I retaliated. For the first time, He actually accepted his defeat. Or so I thought,

"I still could've handled it. May I remind you that I am Jackson Storm and I could handle anything." He then sped off with the arrogant smirk on his face. I wonder if it's too late to maybe just turn him into the bad guys.

Once I arrived at my pit, I was welcomed with a displeased pit crew. Rose and Tyse stared daggers straight at me. This isn't going to go well. I quickly reversed out of the garage and drove off as quickly as possible. Oh! Maybe I can go chat with Holley. I made my way down the road to the guarges of the busy crowd. Even the paramedics are here and they've brought the whole team and they're all scattered around making sure the racers are alright.

I peeped around the corner to see Mom and Holley talking to each other. Perfect. "Hey, Mrs. Sally, right?" I greeted.

Grabbing her attention, she smiled. "Hey, Skye. Did the paramedics see you yet?" She asked. Holley turned around but kept a mutual face making sure she didn't react.

"Yeah. Once I got into my pit and they were there, is Mr. McQueen alright?"

"He's getting checked up on by the paramedics right now," She then glanced at the red Porsche then back at me. "Oh right, This is our daughter, Zaylyn." she perked. Holley then looked at me and smiled.

"You're the rookie that beat Jackson's top speed. I know who you are?" She smirked.

"You've been paying attention. I'm Skye from Skalistics. Are you interested in getting a tour of the rookie's built, If that is alright with you, Mrs. McQueen?" If I can pull this off with Mom, then I'll be able to get close to Holley without them worrying about her wandering off. I must say, She's very good at playing along.

"Well unlike your father, I trust that you'll be back before your Dad comes back and notices you're gone," She replied. "I'll keep watch."

Zooming straight to my side with a cheeky smile, She thanked her Mom and we were off back to the garage. She was telling me how she had to try to escape Cruz and Cherish because they were hot on her tail. That's expected from Cherish but I'm shocked Cruz would be keeping an eye on me. As soon as we entered the garage, The only person that we saw was Tyse. The team wasn't there. Tyse was looking at his hologram computer so I doubt that he noticed we came in.

"Hey Tyse..." I greeted. He grumbled in response. We drove in further into the garage and closed it. I looked down at the ground, Knowing that I'm in trouble.

"Alright so," Holley started as she pulled out her hologram computer. "I got more information about the incident. As we would have thought, Zaylyn was supposed to be the one to be taken but the bid was actually on Jackson due to an anonymous bid." Holley explained.

"An anonymous bid? Is that even possible?" I averted all my attention back to Holley.

"Unfortunately so. This bid was called over the telephone. I'm still working on trying to trace the call as we speak." Hearing another angry grumble from Tyse making me roll my eyes. "The race is still going to happen but it's going to be held at a different location. I didn't that will be updated later on tonight when they get word when everybody is alright. Finn also instructed us to wait until further notice."

"I suppose he knows about what happened on the bridge?" I asked.

"Yes, But it's alright. You did what you had to stay in the race. If it wasn't for our quick thinking it would have been a lot harder to deal with this," She gave a reassuring smile. "Now that's settled, I have to go before the McQueens send out a search party after me," She took a look at Tyse before she left the two of us alone. "We're going to get through this, Tyse."

Tyse sighed but didn't turn around. Once Holley left, I heard Cherish's calling out my name. How ironic of Mom and Dad. Tyse shut off his computer and stared at me with complete frustration.

In annoyance I went outside in the back of the garage. There were no other cars back here since everyone was all busy in the front. Tyse followed straight behind me. "Why didn't you wait at the garage?" He raised his voice slightly.

I winced hearing the almost rage in his voice. "You were supposed to wait there" I still don't answer him. "Answer me." He demanded.

"Zaylyn!" He finally yelled.

"You know why I didn't stay. If anything I helped us-"

"You endangered us. You put lives at stake, You made me miss the meeting because you snuck into the race, and what's worse, Jackson almost got taken."

"This isn't just my fault, You almost got me disqualified from the race Tyse.You heard Holley. This was probably already planned-"

"Zaylyn, hadn't you been so selfish about your own victory and worry about the mission, we wouldn't be in this mess." He protested.

I was speechless. There's no use talking to Tyse when he's like this. I helped us out. I got everyone safe. I stopped them from taking Jackson. I sighed and looked him right into his brown eyes, not breaking the eye contact between the both of us. His glare is strong. But I can't give in. "I know I'm new to this, But don't limit my abilities. I can do some much more than you think Tyse."

"Well, maybe we don't need you at all to finish this mission." He mumbled under his breath. He drove past me leaving me tongue tied.

                      Jackson's POV

"Zaylyn, hadn't you been so selfish about your own victory and worry about anyone else, we wouldn't be in this mess." He protested.

"I know I'm new to this, But don't limit my abilities. I can do some much more than you think, Tyse."

"Well, maybe we don't need you at all to finish this mission." He mumbled under his breath. He drove past Zaylyn leaving her tongue tied.

"Wait Zaylyn, is the rookie?" I whispered under my breath. Who would of thought.