
He Is More Than Just A Billionaire

Coming from a poor background with no parents, Alex was a boy one would say has no future but being blessed with supernatural wisdom and being a step ahead of everyone together with supreme blessing, Alex is someone you wouldn't want to understand estimate. Even money and fame means nothing to him but for some reason Alex seem to have one thing his really passionate about and that it ....

ThatAuthor_Xander · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

There Could Be War

They walked into the meliodas room and saw him sitting close to the windows while staring

" Sir meliodas!" Both Vain and bram bowed while gesturing for Elsa and Aden to do the same which they did

" Now's not the right time Bram , vain" meliodas said as he turned around. Which shocked Elsa and Aden as they saw a young boy

" Whose child is this" Aden said while looking at vain. Everyone was shocked at what Aden just said and with that he said it out loud .

" Did he just call lord meliodas a child" some of the demons around said

" Does he wish to die" another demon said

The paragon who had recover seem to be even more upset as he couldn't stop shouting at Aden but meliodas who heard this simply laughed to calm everyone down and suddenly directed his aura at Aden who feel under the pressure.

" I'm sorry" Aden said as he had no idea this was the greater demon lord, he thought it was his child or something.

The paragon seemed pleased with this and wanted to see Alex suffer even more. meliodas then took the pressure off as he decided to tell vain and bram what he was worrying about.

" Anos has made it clear that he wants to dominate this part of the paragon realm" meliodas said

" lord anos, but why would he want to do this" vain said as he couldn't understand why anos would want to take over. But he and meliodas are in charge of the entire paragon realm as they were to watch over other greater demon lords to ensure that non of them shake the order the demon king established

" He wants to rule alone and he even has 3 of knight of sin on his side" meliodas said

" What about the other four?" vain asked

" They set out on a journey with two of the former demon kings, void and Lucifero" meliodas who was the former leader of the previous knight of sin couldn't do anything, he couldn't even call his former knight squad as some of them died in battle. Right now he did not know what to do

" Well we can be able to even the fight with this two" Bram said painting at Elsa and Aden " Bram has the sin of hate, you are the former leader of the knight of sin, the sin of wrath. You can teach him how to grow his hatred into wrath while that one" bram said pointing at Elsa

' did he just call me that one' Elsa said inwardly as she felt insulted but anything that has to do with money she doesn't mind being a fool ....even tho she already is.

" She has a sin of lust, and you know how helpful that sin is not only to paragons or humans but also to demons too. We can indeed even the fight" Bram and vain couldn't interfere in this fight, since it's a fight between greater demon lord

The demon paragon who was displeased with how he wasn't even brought into the fight decided to express his displeasure but this resulted to them ignoring him as they started strategizing their next move. He decided to show them that he wasn't just king kong on steroids as he immediately released his aura and from that aura he showed two fragment of sin which was green and brown, they recognize that seen as that of greed and gluttony.

They were shocked at this because a demon hardly have two different sins. They started to rethink how this will make him come in handy after all.


{ Congratulations you have learnt the last book Malachi}

{ Congratulations you have received Peak Master endurance}

{ Congratulations you have learnt the old testament of book of life}

{ Congratulations you have received the shoes of the gospel of peace}

{ The New testament of the book of life is located at the northern region of the paragon realm}

Alex woke up after this and inspite of the fact that he passed out he was still able to remember everything

As he opened his eyes he could see a golden belt, a golden breast blate and a pair of golden shoes

" What's happening system" Alex said

{ put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against power , against the rulers of darkness in this age, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places}

{ You must equip the now}

" Accepted to equip them and immediately they appeared on his body but then turned invincible" Alex found it amazing to be putting on an armor and his clothing at the same time, even tho his clothes were torn, the system then told him to take a cloth from a tree and Alex was even more amazed.

{ You still need to get the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit from the new testament of the book of life}

" Thankfully the new testament location is in the same city as the 2 commandments" Alex said as he could clearly see the location of the commandments and the new testament

The red bear followed Alex and now that Alex looked closely he was surprised as he could see the body of strong beasts with red aura laying dead on the floor. They tried attacking him but breezly took them out. Breezly was really strong and was quite smart, Alex knew this because of how breezly has explained to him that before he ran into the wilderness he lived closed to the paragon realm and had learnt how to talk like them. He had to make a run for his life tho when some of the demon lords invaded that place and even slaughtered his parents he has been angry ever since but some how he doesn't feel any anger any more.

Alex was grateful as his anger was closed to turning into hatred, if it had he would have recieved a sin of hate which might have resulted in Alex killing him.

hey guys I decided to release two chapter today if you want me continue releasing double chapters everyday, please let me know and if you find any error please also let me know. appreciate your support and please don't forget to vote with power stones and please don't forget this < you are loved by the Most High always>

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