

Sung Min's POV - He was quite into what he was watching, he tried to get his eyes pass me, he watched half of the screen as my body covered the rest, and as I disconnected the television from the circuit his attention shifted from the television to me,

"Hey what did you do?"

"What did it look like I did?", I said to him in a sassy way

"Just fix it back and let me watch my team while they play, if not they will lose", he said

"No I won't, if I can't watch my show then no one will watch something else on this television and beside you can go into your room to watch your football match, I'm sure you just want to trouble me", I said to him

"Hey look Miss. Korea, I don't have time for this rubbish, just fix it in and let me be", he said

"No I won't leave this place", I said

"Don't let me stand up from this couch, just leave there and fix it before you do that", he said

"I don't care if you stand up or even sit down, I'm not moving from here and that's final", I said to him rudely

"If I get up I will....", he said before I cut in

"You will what", I said

"I will push you away from there", he threatened

"You would not dare push me", I said

When I said that, he stood up from the couch and started walking towards me slowly, he had that his demonic facial expression on, he walked to where I was standing, looked at me in the eyes and pushed me away but before he did he collected the television wire from me, I was hurt from the way he pushed me, I hit my head on a table and I was bleeding but he didn't even care, he just walked back to the couch after he fixed the television and sat there staring at the television. I looked at him for a while, he was ignoring the fact that he had hurt me. I went to my room to wash the blood off my head, he was cruel, he didn't even feel remorse for what he did, I searched my room for a first aid but could not find one so I went to his room to use the one that I had used for him the other day, I bandaged it and covered the bandage with my hair. The television in his room was connected to a circuit so I decided to check it out, I took the remote control and switched it on, it displayed on the screen that it was not connected to an antenna, i switch it off back and just lay on his bed for some while. I came to my right senses when I turned to look at his picture that was on the wall, if he had come in and met me there he was surely going to make a fuss about it, so I just went straight to my room. Moments later he came to my room door and knocked, he shouted from outside saying;

"Hey Miss. Korea, you can go downstairs to watch your show now"

"Get out", I said to him

"That was rude Miss. Korea, don't forget who the boss is", he said

"I don't care who the boss is, all I care about is that you are disturbing me", I said

"A boss that doesn't know how to take care of his workers", I added

"I told you before I did it so don't blame me", he said

"Just get out please, get out", I said

"I won't go, in fact come outside now, its an order", he shouted

I chuckled, I knew he hated disrespect and if I continue disrespecting him, he will be forced to sack me without even thinking of it, so I kept on annoying him.

Hee Bin's POV - She kept on disrespecting me, she always did because of the bet, she forgot who the boss was, she was annoying and i was getting really angry, I thought of sacking her that moment but then I thought of it again,

"If I sack her out of anger, she would win the bet, okay I get what she is trying to do, she wants me to sack her out of annoyance", I said to myself

I stayed quiet for some moment and then I said to her;

"Okay you can stay there if you want, its not like I care", I said and walked away from her room

I went to the sitting room and an idea popped right into my head from nowhere

"She can only be disrespectful to her boss, she can't act that way to her boss, so I would be her friend instead of her boss for the next five months, Hee Bin, you are so smart", I said to myself

I waited for her to come downstairs from her room and when she did, I went to meet her halfway into the sitting room and I said to her;

"I'm sorry Miss. Korea, I did not know my actions would hurt you that much, I'm really sorry", I said

As I said that her eyes widened, she was shocked by what I just said, I knew if I wanted her to accept my friendship I will have to be nice so that was what I was playing, I would be nice to her so she would accept my friendship,

"Don't be quiet, just talk to me Miss. Korea, I'm sorry", I said to her

"And you expect me to believe you", she faced up after she moved away from me

"Yes, you should believe me, I didn't do it on purpose, I mean, I intentionally pushed you but I didn't know that you will hurt your head", I said to her

"Well I did, I hurt my head badly see", she showed me the injured place on her head

"Now I would like you to leave me alone", she added

I left her alone but it was for awhile, I left her because I was getting angry by her actions, I mean, that was the best acting I've ever did, and she didn't even believe,

"Like I want to be with you, you just wait, I'll become your friend and win the bet, five months, just give months", I said to myself.