

Kaia Crestfall is the youngest CEO of Crestfall Industries, a leading business in the entertainment world. But despite being capable of such a high position, she still needs to constantly watch her back. Especially with a fiance who has ulterior motives… One day, after calling her mom to call off the engagement for the umpteenth time, she almost gets run over by a car. Narrowly escaping death, she is pulled into the arms of the last person she expected to meet. The one person who had broken her heart...the one person who will brighten her world...the one person she should never be with… Why? Because he’s her enemy. But for some reason, while she is stunned by the man in front of her, he tells her, “Marry me…” *End: Cliche synopsis plot (only as a set-up for the rest of the story!!!)* *Start: The storyline after they get together* Despite many hidden secrets along the way, the secret relationship between her and the love of her life—Alexander Sabor—continues to grow. But as fate may have it, due to a dangerous man playing a dirty trick behind the scenes she is once again torn away from Alex. This time not of a broken heart from betrayal, but one of love and endurance. As you read, get ready for some cute and heartwarming, as well as some heartbreaking scenes. But a good story will always have its heart-wrenching twists and turns! ***“FLUFF” WARNING (a.k.a “the birds and the bees”): Chapter 7: The First Time & more to come in the future ;) Special thanks to Editor/Proofreader TomoChinYan

IluvbloodNcookies · Thành thị
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80 Chs

The Rules and the Marriage

Alex nodded and waited for her to state her terms. Kaia looked at him and said, "For starters, this will be a contract type marriage. We're just using each other, so we don't have to marry the person our parents want us to marry." She took a deep breath. "Rule one, no touching without the other's permission. Rule two, we might stay in the same house and share the same bed, but that doesn't mean that we will have any sexual interactions," she paused, scratching the back of her head.

Alex nodded in approval. "Alright, I agree to your terms. Meet me at the courthouse tomorrow at noon and we'll get everything settled," he confirmed, before turning around and walking away. Kaia blinked. "Hey, wait!" she called after him. Alex turned to look back at her with a questioning look. "Why would you--?" She was going to question his proposal. In response, he smirked and merely replied, "You're cute, and it'll be a good toss in their face," before walking away.

Kaia stood there in shock for a moment before she shook it off and looked for her phone. She saw it lying demolished on the road. She made sure it was a white light before she walked out onto the road. She picked it up carefully before turning and walking back to her office.

That night, Kaia called her lawyer and got him to set up a marriage contract, paying extra for quick services. She carefully looked over the printed contract and let out a small sigh before going home to sleep.

The next day, she went to work like usual, looking over some papers for a while until Naomi notified her of the time. Kaia nodded and stood up, closing the contract in a folder and taking it in her arms as she walked out of her office. "Naomi cancel my appointments for today, I have something to do...I'll explain later," she added at the end, seeing her friend's worried face.

Leaving the building, Kaia borrowed Naomi's car and drove to the courthouse. She was used to taking the company car and was always accompanied by a driver, but this time she didn't since she wanted to keep what she was doing a secret.

When Kaia got to the courthouse, Alex was already outside the main entrance of the courthouse in a tux. She studied him carefully. He grew up to be even more handsome. She took a deep breath before stepping out of the car and walking up to him. "I've prepared everything we need, marriage license and all. All you have to do is sign it," she said as she handed him the folder that she held in her hands. "Also, I had a contract drawn up so you have to sign that too," she added.

Alex looked at her with a bemused expression as he nodded. "Alright then, let's go." He held his arm out, letting her entangle hers with his before walking into the courthouse. He also had everything prepared. He was pleasantly surprised that she went through the trouble of preparing everything herself.

After an hour of waiting, it was finally their turn. Going into the judge's office, they both stood in front of the desk. Alex handed him the documents needed before looking at Kaia.

The judge looked them over, then nodded. "Alright, let's make this quick and easy. Kaia Crestfall, do you take this man, Alexander Sabor, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Kaia blinked, looking up at Alex. "Ehhhh, Y...yes I...I mean, I do." The judge looked at her with a questioning gaze before looking at Alex. "And you Alexander Sabor, do you take Kaia Crestfall to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Alex grinned, glancing at Kaia, then at the judge, before nodding. "I do." The judge nodded. "Alright, do you have rings?" he asked, looking at them. Before Kaia could say no, Alex pulled out a glass box containing a set of two rings. "Yes, right here." He reached over and took Kaia's hand before slipping a gorgeous princess cut diamond ring accented with mini purple diamonds on the fourth finger of her left hand.

Kaia stared at him in surprise. He came even more prepared for this than she did. It took her a moment to recover from the initial surprise before she grabbed the other ring in the glass box and slipped it on his finger. The judge smiled. "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Sabor, you may kiss the bride," the judge stated, as he stamped their documents with the seal of approval. Kaia took a deep breath before looking up at Alex who was giving her a look that seemed to ask if he could. She slowly nodded and he leaned in, gently pressing his lips against hers. His lips were soft and warm. Something in her stirred and she couldn't help but blush. Just a kiss from him was somewhat nostalgic. When he pulled away, he grinned seeing her reaction. "Mrs. Sabor, is that a blush I'm seeing?" His smile widened as he leaned closer to her.

Taking a breath, Kaia pulled away from him and turned her head, embarrassed that he had noticed. She walked out of the room. Alex couldn't help but deepen his smile as he grabbed the papers saying, "Thank you," before following her.

Once they were outside of the courthouse, he gently grabbed her arm and said, "Hey! Wait up!" Kaia flinched slightly at his touch. She quickly turned her head to see that it was Alex before letting out a sigh of relief. Her reaction made Alex falter, his smile fading. She seemed to be...afraid of him? He looked her over before letting go of her arm. "I'll arrange for your stuff to come to my place," he said softly. Kaia slowly came back to her senses. Remembering something, she looked up at him before narrowing her eyes. "Sabor!" She walked up and poked him in the chest aggressively. "You know I'm your competition yet you went through with it, what are you planning?"

Alex waved his hands around with a small laugh. "Hey! Woah! Calm down!" His face softened. "I'm not planning anything and I told you my reasons. If you were so suspicious of me, why did you agree?" he asked with a small shrug.

Kaia looked at him once more before letting out a sigh. It didn't seem like he was lying, so she decided to just let it go. She looked around before looking back at him. "There's another condition now. No one is to know! It could create trouble if it were to spread that I married the rival company's CEO…" she looked down before shifting her gaze back up at him. He nodded in agreement. "Alright, but I have a condition as well…" Kaia tilted her head. "W--what condition?" she asked a bit nervously. He was a guy after all, and usually, men only seemed to want one thing. Alex hesitated slightly before saying, "Well, we are married after all and might be for a while. When we're at home or alone, I want you to rely on me like a real wife. Even if you don't want that type of relationship, work is work and home is home…"

Kaia blinked at his words. She didn't see that one coming. She recovered quickly and nodded. "Ok...I'll work on it," she said with a glance around the area. "I need to get back to the office and also get a new phone…" She sighed remembering the incident. Alex chuckled and handed her his card with his private number written on the back. "When you get your new phone, message me, and I'll send you the address to our home." He smiled and leaned in swiftly to kiss her forehead before walking off. Before Kaia could protest, he was gone. She blushed lightly with a scowl. "I told him not to touch me so freely," she mumbled to herself before reaching up to touch her forehead. But she didn't mind his gentleness, it was a good quality that Caine never had. She smiled to herself as she looked down at her ring. Remembering her phone, she let out a sigh. She got in her car and headed to the nearest phone store.

The story is fast-paced, I just hope it's not too fast for y'all. ^_^

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