

Kaia Crestfall is the youngest CEO of Crestfall Industries, a leading business in the entertainment world. But despite being capable of such a high position, she still needs to constantly watch her back. Especially with a fiance who has ulterior motives… One day, after calling her mom to call off the engagement for the umpteenth time, she almost gets run over by a car. Narrowly escaping death, she is pulled into the arms of the last person she expected to meet. The one person who had broken her heart...the one person who will brighten her world...the one person she should never be with… Why? Because he’s her enemy. But for some reason, while she is stunned by the man in front of her, he tells her, “Marry me…” *End: Cliche synopsis plot (only as a set-up for the rest of the story!!!)* *Start: The storyline after they get together* Despite many hidden secrets along the way, the secret relationship between her and the love of her life—Alexander Sabor—continues to grow. But as fate may have it, due to a dangerous man playing a dirty trick behind the scenes she is once again torn away from Alex. This time not of a broken heart from betrayal, but one of love and endurance. As you read, get ready for some cute and heartwarming, as well as some heartbreaking scenes. But a good story will always have its heart-wrenching twists and turns! ***“FLUFF” WARNING (a.k.a “the birds and the bees”): Chapter 7: The First Time & more to come in the future ;) Special thanks to Editor/Proofreader TomoChinYan

IluvbloodNcookies · Thành thị
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80 Chs

The First Time

When Alex walked through the door, Kaia was sitting on the couch, curled up in a blanket. She glanced up, looking at him. A blush returned to her face as she thought about what they were about to do before they were interrupted. He had sparked something in her that she didn't even know was there.

Alex wanted to speak, but before he could, Kaia spoke. "I'm not against it," she said, looking at the coffee table in front of her. Alex blinked, he wasn't expecting her to be so open to it. After all, it was her that made the rule that they wouldn't be having any sexual interactions with each other. A grin spread on his face, as he walked over, sitting on the couch beside her. He scooted closer, pulling the blanket over him as he stared at her. Alex knew what she meant, but he wouldn't pressure her. "It's ok. We can wait until you're ready," he said softly, his hand reaching over to fix a piece of her hair, putting it back into place. Kaia turned her head to look at him. She studied his tender expression carefully before nodding and replying, "O--ok…" Kaia made a split-second decision in her head before she scooted closer to him. She maneuvered swiftly to straddle his lap. Adjusting the blankets to wrap around them still, she looked down at him. "I have no regrets…" she whispered softly before leaning in gently to place a kiss on his soft lips. Hearing this, Alex didn't hesitate to kiss back, pressing his lips closer, wanting to devour her whole. Kaia had been engaged to a scoundrel like Caine for two whole years yet Caine never showed her this kind of tenderness and patience. Truth be told, it was addicting.

Before she could kiss him any deeper, Alex swiftly stood up, one arm under her legs while the other arm was used to support her back as he princess carried her to his room.

Even though he almost tripped over her long and elegant dress, he was able to securely make it to the bedroom, placing her carefully on the bed. Propping herself up with her elbows, Kaia watched him unbutton his shirt a bit before slowly climbing over her. One of his legs rested between hers and his arms were on either side of her body. He looked at her once more. "Are you sure? Because after this, you're really truly mine," he whispered, trying not to show how much he wanted it. Kaia gazed at him, her eyes meeting his. She bit her lip and hesitated before slowly nodding. With that, Alex pressed his lips onto hers, his hands working swiftly to slip her dress off. With a bit of help, her wine red dress was over her head and abandoned on the floor. His body pressed down onto hers as she fiddled with his shirt to get the buttons undone.

Finally, with both of their clothes thrown onto the floor, they closed the gap between them. Of course, making sure to wear protection. However, just as Alex was about to enter her, he felt an obstruction. Kaia cried out in pain at the strange and unfamiliar sensation within her. Alex froze, not moving even a centimeter further, his eyes widened as he stared at Kaia, stunned. Kaia tried to endure the pain in her lower body. Noticing that Alex had stopped, she frowned slightly. "What's wrong?" she managed to gasp out. Alex looked down at her." You're still a virgin?" he asked in awe, surprised that a beautiful and desirable lady, such as Kaia hadn't already been taken. Kaia blushed, averting her gaze. "Y--yea. Why? Am I not good enough?" she questioned, panic rising within her. Should she have done it with him once she was experienced?

Alex smiled tenderly, looking at how cute Kaia was when she was anxious. "You should've told me before so I would know to be more gentle," he whispered, caressing her face. Kaia gently tilted her head up to look at him."You're supposed to be a ruthless CEO. Besides, why would anyone announce something like that?" He gently brought his hand up to stroke his fingers through her hair. "To everyone else I am, but you're my wife. Only you will see this side of me," he whispered, leaning in to kiss her forehead softly. "Since I know now, I'll be gentle…" he whispered, before leaning down and slowly thrusting in.

The two spent quite a while wrapped around each other.

Later that night, they lay cuddled on the bed. Kaia was fast asleep while Alex was awake looking up at the ceiling. At first, he thought it was all going to work out fine. But now...this pure woman gave him more than what he had bargained for. Although it was his fault for hurting her in high school, it shouldn't have stopped her from being in a relationship with other guys. Even though she probably hated men, she still gave her first to him of all people. He sighed, gently detangling himself from Kaia's slender body before quietly getting out of bed. When he was out of the room, he went to the second-floor study. He reached into a hidden compartment after fiddling with a few mechanisms and pulled out a hidden binder. His eyes scanned the papers carefully, even though he had practically memorized the contents of the binder like the back of his hand. His heart slowly sank at the thought of what Kaia would do if she found out.

The next morning, Kaia woke up alone again. She felt sore in her lower body which caused her to remember what they had both done last night. Something about last night stirred up some unwanted feelings. Some good and some bad. She sniffed the air, trying to catch a whiff of her beloved blueberry pancakes. But there wasn't a hint of the aromatic fragrance in the air. She blinked, trying to wake up as she sat up. The blankets shifted, revealing some of her slender and nude figure. She listened but heard nothing. She blinked again before she carefully rolled out of bed, wrapping herself in the soft and warm blanket. She waddled out of the room; the blankets trailing behind her. She walked through the living room and into the kitchen in search of Alex's tall figure. Kaia looked around, but there was no trace of him. She turned to walk back into the living room but stopped when she noticed a piece of cream-colored notebook paper taped on the fridge. The paper read: Had to run into the office early, text me if you need anything. See you later tonight. - Alex.

Pulling the note off the fridge door, she read it before placing it on the counter. She went back upstairs to take a shower and get ready for work.

Today, she wore a black long sleeve dress that had buttons up the front. The dress resembled a coat but of thinner material. Under the dress, she wore a pair of grey leggings along with high-heeled suede boots that went up to her ankle. She left her hair down and added in a few curls.

Once she made it to her office, she looked at Naomi. "Naomi get me everything you can find on Alex. But keep it on the down-low…" she said with a meaningful glance as she sat down at her desk. Yes, she had succumbed to her body's desires last night, but that didn't mean she had given her heart back to the very man who had broken it. Her sixth sense was telling her that something was up and she would not stop until she found out what it was. She also needed to know where Alex stood in all this. Would he betray her again?

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