

Kaia Crestfall is the youngest CEO of Crestfall Industries, a leading business in the entertainment world. But despite being capable of such a high position, she still needs to constantly watch her back. Especially with a fiance who has ulterior motives… One day, after calling her mom to call off the engagement for the umpteenth time, she almost gets run over by a car. Narrowly escaping death, she is pulled into the arms of the last person she expected to meet. The one person who had broken her heart...the one person who will brighten her world...the one person she should never be with… Why? Because he’s her enemy. But for some reason, while she is stunned by the man in front of her, he tells her, “Marry me…” *End: Cliche synopsis plot (only as a set-up for the rest of the story!!!)* *Start: The storyline after they get together* Despite many hidden secrets along the way, the secret relationship between her and the love of her life—Alexander Sabor—continues to grow. But as fate may have it, due to a dangerous man playing a dirty trick behind the scenes she is once again torn away from Alex. This time not of a broken heart from betrayal, but one of love and endurance. As you read, get ready for some cute and heartwarming, as well as some heartbreaking scenes. But a good story will always have its heart-wrenching twists and turns! ***“FLUFF” WARNING (a.k.a “the birds and the bees”): Chapter 7: The First Time & more to come in the future ;) Special thanks to Editor/Proofreader TomoChinYan

IluvbloodNcookies · Thành thị
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80 Chs

Our Song

[[This chapter dives into their past a bit! Well, high school. About Halfway through the writing will be different, I hope it doesn't mess you up to much! <3 ]]< p>

Kaia swayed slowly to the music. She didn't know when or how Alex had pulled her into his embrace, or even when she had started dancing along with him. Her chin rested on Alex's left shoulder, while her left hand rested on his right shoulder. She could feel Alex's warmth through the palm of her right hand, which was placed in Alex's left hand. Her cheeks started to tingle with warmth as her mind stirred with the realization of what was going on. The area around the small of her back also started to feel warmer by the minute as she continued to sway along.

Alex looked at her and softly exhaled. Dipping his head down next to her, he suddenly whispered, "Kaia...look at me, please…" Startled, Kaia looked up. Kaia gazed up into Alex's mesmerizing blue eyes. His eyes looked like they did back in the old days. It only reflected her, like she was the only one in the world. Except for this time, there was a trace of longing and something else, which she couldn't entirely make out. Kaia slowed down as she heard the song ending.

Noticing Kaia's attempt to break free from his embrace, he gently tightened his grip on her hand and pulled her closer. With a wistful smile, he said, "Let's keep dancing. I don't think we ever had a chance to dance since we married. Plus, the next song is our favorite..."


*NOTICE*, Please remember that the setting is mainly in the U.K. where the grade school system is different.

[1] According to Wikipedia, "Middle schools in South Korea consist of three grades. Most students enter at age 12 or 13 and graduate at age 15 or 16 (western years). These three grades correspond roughly to grades 7-9 in the North American system and Years 8-10 in the English and Welsh system."

[2] Upper Secondary School (in the U.K.) = high school (in the US)



It was during Year 12 of Upper Secondary School (3rd/junior year of high school).

After almost 9 years overseas because of a study abroad program, Alex finally returned to the U.K. He originally planned to come back to the U.K. after finishing middle school (9th grade in terms of the U.S. or Year 10 in terms of the U.K.), but his parents insisted on having him attend at least one year of high school in South Korea before making a final decision to return. So reluctantly, as per his parents' wishes, he stayed in South Korea for another year. He never would've expected that following his parents' demands would be the best decision he ever made, as well as the reason why he wanted to return to the U.K. even more.

That was because the summer after his first year of high school, he indeed became hesitant to return to the U.K. His parents who had plans to pair him up with Mi Sung—a hailed goddess at her middle school due to her beauty, brains, as well as family backing—were thrilled by their son's change of heart. Little did they know that his plans would not only change again, but he would fall in love with the "wrong" girl.

Kaia and Alex officially met again during summer break in Korea. Kaia wanted adventure, and since her father had a business meeting with some directors for a movie contract deal. She decided to travel with him, making it out as if to learn the business.

Kaia took every chance she had to sight see and walk around Seoul,where she was staying at. Her final destination being the beach a little aways, Songdo beach in Busan.She slowly walked on a cluster of boulders standing at the end. Watching the waves crash over and over.

The darkness closed around her. She heard someone speaking behind her, but it was Korean, so she didn't pay any attention. Then the voice started to get louder and closer. Kaia raised a brow and turned to see what was going on, only to be face to face with a guy. The main features being, beautiful blue eyes, and blonde hair. He wore a black wetsuit and carried a red beach towel.

Kaia blinked looking at him then around her, wondering if he was actually talking to her. She read a few books, and her Korean wasn't that great. Only picking up a few words, Kaia shook her hands in front of her with a confused expression. "Wait! Slow down. My Korean isn't the best, "she explained not entirely sure if he'd understand. He didn't look Korean, so she hoped.

The male stopped and cleared his throat, "I was saying the waves become rougher at night. You shouldn't be on the rocks."

Kaia smiled lightly.His accent being strong and sticking out.

Surprised, Kaia smiled with a nod, "oh-- okay, thanks."The wind blew her soft curls around and over her face. Brushing some stray hairs behind her ears, Kaia began to climb back to the beach.

Now standing beside the male, she looked over him. "Are you from the UK?" she asked tilting her head. The male nodded, "yea, from the sound of it you are too. Let's see; you have to be from the city. You don't have a country twang to your words."

Kaia nodded a big smile appearing on her face."Yes! I didn't expect to meet someone from the UK here, "She rubbed her arms lightly. Nodding, the male watched her. Kaia felt a bit awkward, so she held her hand out, "I'm Kaia."

"Alex. "The male said, a smile finally forming on his face as he shook her hand.

It didn't take long for them to bond. They met at the beach almost every night, taking turns listening to each others iPods and talking. Every day they got closer and closer. Towards the final week of Kaia's stay in Korea, Kaia received a note to meet Alex on the boulders.

Kaia stood there for hours. The night was chilly, and the wind from the sea didn't help. A depression fell upon her around the time she figured Alex wasn't coming. Kaia let out a sigh, but just as she did, she felt a hard shove as she went face first into the water.

Kaia emerged with a gasp flailing her arms, only to be knocked back under by another wave. She was always sheltered, so she never learned to swim. The salt water made her eyes burn, wasn't as if she could see anyways. She tried to come back up, but another wave rolled her around underwater until she was slammed against the rocks. Then everything went dark.

While unconscious, the person who pushed her called out for help after a few minutes. Alex and a few school friends where little ways across the beach, so when he heard a cry of help in that area he quickly sprinted.

While waiting for emergency vehicles to arrive he done CPR. He didn't stop until she was in an ambulance.

Alex went to the hospital, where they took Kaia and waited. Her father arrived shortly after. Seeing Alex, he was ready to explode, but the doctor came out with a report. Kaia's father turned to Alex, " Thank you for saving her, but leave and don't come near her again." His voice was harsh and deep. Alex had no other option but to leave.


It was the day before Kaia had to jump on a plane and fly back to the UK. She was dressed in a sparkly blue evening gown, and her hair was pulled up in a curly updo. She wore crystal-studded earrings that twinkled in the lights.

Kaia accompanied her father to his business conference/event. There were many stars, directors, and other CEO's. One of them being Alex's father, who was followed by Alex.

Kaia walked around with her father meeting different people. Alex caught sight of her first. He did a double take at first, shocked. Alex tapped his father lightly on the back of the arm leaning in."Father, who are they?" he asked pointing towards Kaia and her father.

Alex's father turned his head and groaned, a look of disgust coming to his face."That's the Crestfalls; They own the rival company in the UK, "he explained before walking up. He pulled Alex with him as well. Even though Alex wants to protest, he followed.

His father smirked, "Crestfall! Have you met my boy, Alex! He's been studying to take over." Just the name Alex made Kaia's head jerk up to look. Her eyes widened, and she stood once again, face to face with Alex. Their fathers went back and forth, but the two just stood. Staring.

After the event, Kaia was put on a plane and was firmly told to keep her distance from the Sabors. He knew they met each other often, and he swore to put an end to it.


School started back two weeks after she returned. She didn't expect to see him again and yet; there he was in the front of her classroom as a transfer student.

At first, there was avoidance between the two. Kaia was lectured many times to stay away from him, especially after they spent time during the summer.

Kaia found it hard to stay away; sometimes she even caught herself staring at him. She sighed and leaned on her desk holding her chin up with her arm.

Naomi who was seated next to her poked her in the side. "Kaia…" She whispered, breaking away Kaia's gaze. Blinking, Kaia turned her head to look at Naomi who was smirking. "You have eyes for sabor?" Just hearing this Kaia blushed sitting straight in her chair. "I don't know what you're talking about.."She said as she cleared her throat. Naomi couldn't help but to laugh a little before she stood as the bell rang.

Naomi quickly grabbed her bag. "Are you coming?" She asked as Kaia stood from her desk. Kaia smiled slightly shaking her head. "Not today, It's my turn to help with the class chores." She said as she stuffed all of her books in her bag. The students didn't waste time leaving; soon the class was empty. Kaia walked to the front of the class to begin cleaning off the chalkboard.

Naomi walked up beside her. "Well, I have to head out. I have a date tonight! I will call you after."She said with a small hug before skipping out the door. "Bye!" she said before fully leaving the scene. Kaia sighed softly with a smile. If only she could feel like that about someone… In the open. Her mind traveled to Alex, biting her lip as her hand circled the board with the eraser.

As Kaia cleaned the board, she hummed a particular tune. One that she and Alex had listened to so many times together.

Alex stood at the classroom door, leaning against the frame as he watched Kaia. He had one of his earplugs in his ear, listening to the same song she was singing. He couldn't help but to smirk at the thought. She still thought of him, and this was proof. Alex slowly snuck into the classroom and up behind Kaia who was struggling to reach the top of the chalkboard.

Alex smiled and reached up his hand taking hers as he leaned in speaking softly in her ear. "Boo." Kaia let out a screech as she shuddered and turned while holding her chest. Kaia took a deep breath looking at Alex who now cornered her to the wall. She blushed deeply, her eyes searching over him. "A..lex.."She muttered lightly, his name almost coming out as a whisper. Alex leaned in softly kissing her lips.

Kaia's eyes widened as she gently clutched his school blazer pushing him back a little. "Alex! We can't do this!" She exclaimed, even though her heart ached for him. Alex leaned in closer, his arms wrapping around her. "Kaia, That's our song… Don't act like you don't have any feelings left," He whispered as he grazed her lips once more with his. This time she gave in and kissed him back. The song from his earphones could be heard louder as the room was really quiet.