

Kaia Crestfall is the youngest CEO of Crestfall Industries, a leading business in the entertainment world. But despite being capable of such a high position, she still needs to constantly watch her back. Especially with a fiance who has ulterior motives… One day, after calling her mom to call off the engagement for the umpteenth time, she almost gets run over by a car. Narrowly escaping death, she is pulled into the arms of the last person she expected to meet. The one person who had broken her heart...the one person who will brighten her world...the one person she should never be with… Why? Because he’s her enemy. But for some reason, while she is stunned by the man in front of her, he tells her, “Marry me…” *End: Cliche synopsis plot (only as a set-up for the rest of the story!!!)* *Start: The storyline after they get together* Despite many hidden secrets along the way, the secret relationship between her and the love of her life—Alexander Sabor—continues to grow. But as fate may have it, due to a dangerous man playing a dirty trick behind the scenes she is once again torn away from Alex. This time not of a broken heart from betrayal, but one of love and endurance. As you read, get ready for some cute and heartwarming, as well as some heartbreaking scenes. But a good story will always have its heart-wrenching twists and turns! ***“FLUFF” WARNING (a.k.a “the birds and the bees”): Chapter 7: The First Time & more to come in the future ;) Special thanks to Editor/Proofreader TomoChinYan

IluvbloodNcookies · Thành thị
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80 Chs

Don't Wait Up

The day went from signing and reviewing contracts and other documents to making a trip to an important venue to review the setup for a music festival. Three of the artists under Crestfall Industries were booked and scheduled to perform at the festival, so she wanted everything to go seamlessly. She personally checked in with the technicians to fix some of the lighting and special effects. While standing on the stage, she used her hand to protect against the harsh lighting as she looked out into the empty venue. If everything went as planned, those who were carefully eyeing her position as CEO wouldn't be able to hold her capabilities against her. She might still be considered the baby of the industry but after this, maybe they would keep their nose out of her business. After all, the music festival was one of the biggest events of the year, similar to Coachella or Sydney Festival. Getting one artist booked would be hard enough already, but Kaia managed to use her connections with various people, including some of the event holders themselves, to get three top talents in her company to perform. She also sponsored part of the festival as well, which was a good investment on her part.

Once she was finished, she checked the mics before going to the piano and sitting down on the bench. She loved the piano and even took lessons when she was young. She took it as her personal job to check and make sure everything was perfect. A small smile appeared on her face as her fingers grazed the keys softly. It was as if just the thought of it alone brought the music back into her fingers as she started to play a soft tune. Everything seemed to be in tune so she was happy. Satisfied, she stopped and stood up from the bench, checking it off her checklist.

Hearing the side door creak open, Kaia looked over and saw Naomi walk in. Kaia walked over to her, holding out her hand. "What did you find out?" she asked, taking the documents Naomi passed to her. Naomi looked at her. "Turns out, Alex has been in contact with your parents numerous times in the past three years," she replied with a tinge of disgust. "Also, even though he's a very private man, I managed to find out that he had hired a few private investigators after the first few calls from your parents." She flipped through a few pages pointing at certain places. "It doesn't mention what it was for, but I can only guess one thing. I'm pretty sure he's spying on Crestfall Industries."

Kaia looked over the documents as her expression darkened. "He's either spying on the company...or he's spying on me..." she murmured her thoughts aloud as she clenched her jaw and closed the binder. "I wonder if it was merely just a coincidence that he had conveniently been close by that day. Or if he already knew I would be there and was lying in wait." Her eyes turned somewhat glassy as she got lost in thought. But then, she snapped out of it and turned to look at Naomi. "Thanks, Naomi. One more thing. Continue digging further and gather whatever dirt you can find in relation to Sabor Sites. Just in case I might need to take some extreme measures," she said, before walking out the door with Naomi at her side.

Naomi had been carefully taking notes as she nodded. Hearing Kaia's words, she started to get a bad feeling. What exactly happened? She didn't dare to question it though. She figured Kaia would tell her when she was ready. Naomi looked at Kaia."Alright, you take care and I'll do what I can." She hesitated, before continuing, "Also rest a bit you look feverish." Naomi gave Kaia a concerned look, patting Kaia's back gently before getting into her car. Kaia nodded before walking to her company car and climbing inside. What was Alex up to? Was he also the same as everyone else? Did he also think she was incapable of keeping her position as CEO? She couldn't believe how stupid she had been to let her guard down and give in to the momentary desire.

First things first, she knew she didn't want to go home. She didn't want to see him as of right now. She took a deep breath, pulling out her phone. I have to work late. Probably won't make it home. Don't worry. She hit send and went straight back to her office.

Upon receiving her message, Alex wasn't pleased. He placed his hand on his chin thinking to himself. Kaia had been evasive the whole day. He thought that after yesterday night, their relationship would've returned to the way it had been years ago. A thought flashed through his head. No, she couldn't have found out, Alex remembered using his connections to cover up his tracks. Except, he didn't know that he had been careless at one point and Naomi managed to use her company's connections to fish for details. Shaking the thought from his head, he stood up from his desk. "Zac, you can leave. I'll take my own car."

With a nod, Zac left while Alex got into his car, driving to Crestfall Industries. He sat in a parking lot across the street watching the entrance. Why was she suddenly so busy? CEO's didn't usually work overtime, at least not in their offices until almost midnight. He sat there staking out the building all night. He even had Zac try to dig up some information for him.

Letting out a deep yawn as he looked at his watch, he decided to get a coffee. Kaia didn't come out all night. He wondered what she was doing. It was almost 4 A.M. when Alex decided to go to the corner coffee shop that was a few buildings down from her workplace. On the way back, he took a sip of his coffee, then stopped when he noticed Kaia's figure walking out of the building. He blinked, thinking that he was imagining things when he saw her stumble a bit. Was she drunk?

Kaia tried to steady herself as she attempted to refocus her vision. She should've listened to Naomi. Everything was starting to blur. She stumbled again, her world starting to warp. She squeezed her eyes shut a few times, trying to get her vision to clear again.

Groaning, her legs felt like they were going to buckle from under her. But before it could happen, she was scooped up. She was quick to fight it, not sure who grabbed her up. "Stop moving, or I'll drop you!" She stopped, hearing the familiar husky voice. She wanted to get off but his chest was too warm and comfortable. "W--why are you here?" she asked, closing her eyes. She was planning on leaning her head against his chest for just a moment to regain her balance. She would get off as soon as she felt alright. Alex walked to his car, gently placing Kaia in before getting in himself. "I was worried that you would overwork yourself. Good thing I did come or else you would be laid out on the sidewalk," he replied in a stern tone as he started to drive.

Kaia rested her head against the headrest. "Where are we going?" she asked, a headache was starting to come on. Alex sighed. "To my office, I'll call the doctor to come check you out there." Kaia didn't have the strength to fight back, so she just relaxed in the seat and slept.

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