
He's my Monster

A friendly girl from the not so friendly family meats this monster. He was originally going to kill her but after seeing her situation he puts petty on the girl and ends up adopting he and now she is learning about the world with eyes and not just words.

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38 Chs

High how are you...

When M woke up Lucy was still asleep. M looked at Lucy lightly sliding his hand acrossed her face. M never new what it was like to take care of a child but now that he dose he never wants Lucy to get hurt. M got up leaving Lucy to sleep. He desides to go out for a little walk hoping Lucy dose not wake up soon but just in case she dose he left a note.

Lucy ended up walking up about 15 minutes later. Lucy found the note and it said.

Lucy if you read this then I am going on a walk right now. I don't know if you can read this but if you can. Please don't go outside. there is food in the refrigerator.

Lucy still not abill to read it just sat down and thought of something. She new that he had a phone and didn't use it often and she was going to look up the words and have Goomle read it to her. She went back to the bedroom and found his phone. He didn't use it so much that she didn't even need a password. She went back to the note and had Google read it for her. Lucy was so happy when she could understand the note now. Lucy got in the refrigerator and eat some food she then decided to do a puzzle. In the middle of her doing the puzzle she heard the door open and close. Lucy thinking it was M.

"Dad your... home"layna slowed down at the end of her sentence because when she saw who was there it was the two boys. Without thinking about it Lucy's made her claws stick out of her fingers and her eye sight now showed her heat instead of regular colors.

"Why are you two here" she said pissed

"Lucy...well you see we-we just want to say sorry that's all" Zane said shaking a bit.

"well I don't want to hear your apologys so leave" she said taking a nuther step closer to them. The two boys scared out of there mineds gladly left the house. Lucy then heard M. She didn't see him but she heard him.

"Lucy can you hear me?" M said in her head.

"yes... where are you"Lucy said out loud not realizing she just needed to think it.

"coming home. Did something happen" M said concerned.

"Nuthing to big. why?" Lucy said not knowing why he was asking.

"Because you were in a aggressive state of mined for a second. I thought something was happening." M said telling her all he new.

"that was because the two boys that hurt me before came here and I just scared them off. It was funny and two easy" Lucy said giggling a bit and going to clean up the puzzle mess.

"oh well I'm glad your safe. I'll be home shortly" M said happy and proud of Lucy.

Lucy finashed cleaning up her mess and after words she decided to play around with what she could do. When M came home he saw Lucy looking at the fan as if she was high.

"hay Lucy... watcha doing" M said curiously

"Well I just realized that when I'm looking at the fan in my other eye sight thing... The fan turns from brown to dark blue like a blue Barry.... Wait dose that mean blue Berry's are brown in this eye sight." Lucy said and even sounds high.

"pfffff no Lucy. your other eye sight just lets you see heat. It's basically heat vishon. it helps you see people easier well let's you realize were they are.* M said laughing at how high Lucy looks.

"Dose that make me Sooper man" Lucy said sounding high as funk.

"pfff omg Lucy... Lucy how high are you" he said Trying not to laugh.

"that's an old question... oh do you mean. Hi how are you?" Lucy said still sounding high. M lost his shits and couldn't stop laughing his butt off after she said that. Lucy then strapped out of it and looked at M.

"uuuuuhhhhhhhh dad what the heck are you laughing at. I just said a question. Did you mean to say "Hi how are you?"" Lucy said so confused.