
He's Gay, But I'm Into Him

Because of her recklessness, she made a mistake. It was ironic. She, who has been decieved, decieved another person. She thought they'd never meet, but fate must want her to suffer more. When their gazes met, she recognized him—but he didn't. With that, her guilt wanted to bury her whole. She was even more guilty when the guy was openly and innocently admiring her, not knowing she was the bastard who left him. The guy who she thought would have a mature disposition was a actually a cute and innocent little thing! Her heart was crumbling to pieces after witnessing him personally.

YOI_IO · Thanh xuân
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Please read

To whoever's reading this, I'm so sorry. Publishing this was an impulse and simultaneously, I thought this would be a nice test to see how fast this app promotes novels (I don't know how you found this though but I'll keep things generalized). Surprisingly, this app was faster than the other/previous app I used for more than a nearly a decade in regards to reaching readers. But the problem was the actual plot I planned on writing. I did publish 2 chapters or perhaps just one...? I don't remember.

Sadly though even though I gained viewership I didn't think anyone was serious about this novel-not-so-novel of mine. So I decided to not continue updating.

Y'see, if you've ever published anything in this app, you'll know, but if you didn't then I'll explain. There would be charts to record how many people read the novel and how much time they spend reading it etc. But for this novel-not-so-novel of mine, the maximum reading time was 20 seconds—as stated on the records. From that data alone, I could tell the readers just read the disclaimer—the first published part (I deleted it a long time ago, so it's not visible anymore). I even timed myself reading the disclaimer and it reached for more than 20 seconds. So I concluded that the readers might have felt disappointed—clickbaited even—after reading half of my straightforward disclaimer saying this was a female×male romance story. I'm sorry if you (the one reading right now if ever there is one) feel the same as the previous passersby.

Don't mistake this novel-not-so-novel of mine to be something with just a fake gay character though because the main male character is really gay, just that he fell in love with a girl. In the end of the story, he'll still be gay but in love with a woman. If that doesn't make sense to you, then please view gender as not just for romance but for indentity (it initially is).

If it still doesn't make sense, then don't make sense of it HAHAHA. I don't want to explain something that eventually won't reach you.

Still, I'm grateful you've reached this far.

Anyway... The reason I'm writing this is because I can't delete the story. I've searched and asked for help but the app itself said any story published is never going to be deleted. So, I wrote this as an apology to those who thought they found an interesting story or was just plainly curious. I'm so deeply, trully sorry everyone. I published this novel-not-so-novel of mine fully expecting I can delete it later after the test (because the previous app I used can delete published stories).

I'm sorry and thank you for reading this far. Bye...

Sincerely apologizing,

The impulsive and stupid person (or writer, if you recognize me as one)