


I woke up with Clay's light tap in my face. I blushed remembering what happens. He! He carried me until he find a good place to build the tent. The he layed me carefully and we...we slept together!! I mean there's pillow between us but still!

As our mana and energy is in it's maximum percent killing monsters become an easy task for us. I think we both have more than ten thousand diamonds each.

My forehead creased when a soothing beautiful voice suddenly resonate in my ears. Its so beautiful to the point that's it's intoxicating.

My eyes widened when a naked woman suddenly appeared. What the heck?!

The beautiful voice came from her and as she walked towards us naked she continues on singing.

But my forehead creased more when I turned to Clay. He...his eyes are not ruby red anymore it's now black and he isn't moving he's just staring intently at the naked woman. What the f*ck?!