
Having You Near Me (BL)

[Warning! Mature Content, R18] "Readers must broaden their understanding when they want to read a book about homosexuality." #HOT #STEAMY #WILD #ROMANTIC #LOVE #LUST #TWISTS #BL #ACTIONS While I was cooking an omelette, Mat wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder blade, he's being clingy at that moment. " Babe stoppp! I'm cooking, here help me slice the tomatoes." I uttered. " Uhmm babe I love you, can we stay like this for awhile." Mat replied sweetly and clingy. Then he started sniffing and kissing me on the neck. " Babe, control yourself okay? Maybe after the competition I'll give you what you want." I bit my lip and started staring at him seductively and amorously.But I'm just teasing him to see his reaction. ***** Matthew Adriano is the son of a rich CEO of an empire called "Techno"(A company who creates advance technologies). His father was one of the former leaders of a mafia group called "Bastardos" but it had been disbanded a long years ago since the discovery of the "Blood Diamond" they have stolen from another group of terrorists.It is a super rare treasure that costs billions of dollars. The person who possessed this treasure will have the power to control the black market or maybe even beyond. Mat met Mike Davis, also son of a former leader of the same mafia group. With unexpected circumstances, Mike and Mat got involved with their family businesses which will put their lives in danger. Will beyond that danger is a heaven or still a hell? Well, start reading and find out more exciting twists and turns. "All the characters are fictional and were created for entertainment purposes only." Stay tuned for more chapters.❤️

Angelo_Hullana · LGBT+
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23 Chs

CHAPTER 09: The Blood Diamond

Mat started the car's engine and we're on our way to his dad's house. While I was scrolling through my phone, dad suddenly called.

" Hello, dad what's up?" I asked

" Ha-ha-ha what do you mean what's up, I should be the one asking that." He replied teasingly

" Dad! please...!" I exclaimed

" So how's your butt!? ha-ha-ha" Dad asked teasingly while laughing out loud.

" Dad! Stop...!" I exclaimed

Mat was just smiling and continued driving.

" Why are you smiling huh!?" I asked

"Nothing babe! it's just that you're so cute when you're being teased." He replied

" Ah I see...so you find it cute huhh!?" I replied and smiled teasingly then started pinching his waist.

"awe! babe I'm driving!" He exclaimed then we both laughed like crazy.

We have arrived at Mr. Ashir's Mansion, Mat parked his car, one of the guards opened the car's door.

" Thank you." I uttered.

"Welcome back! young master!" The guard greeted Mat with confidence.

We entered the house and witnessed the beauty of Mat's dad's mansion. An expensive spiral staircase and a long chandelier in the middle of it. I saw some expensive paintings with the artists signatures on it.

" Wow! your house looks amazing!" I uttered

" Don't worry love, the owner' s son is your boyfriend anyway" He uttered teasingly.

"Babe I'm not after about your money! or whatever okay? Being with you is enough already." I replied

Then he smiled at me so sweetly and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

" So you're finally here!" Mr. Ashir uttered while he's walking down the staircase with a glass of bourbon on his hand.

" Yes dad we've just arrived." Mat replied

"Belinda! get these two glasses of bourbon please." Mr. Ashir commanded

"Who's that!?" I asked Mat

"She's our most trusted maid in this house." Mat replied.

" Oh! I see." I uttered curiously

" We'll just wait for your dad for a few minutes" Mr. Ashir uttered.

Dad arrived with his two bodyguards. Mr. Ashir seemed thrilled by my dad's presence.

"Just guard here okay." Dad commanded his bodyguards to guard on the door's entrance.

"Alright! follow me then!" Mr. Ashir uttered.

He revealed a secret chamber of his mansion. The security of that room was so insane. He turned off all the sensors for us to be safe. There were traps like lasers and advanced sensor guns. One step on it and we're dead. Intruders don't have the chance to survive even dead rats scattered on the floor.

We entered the room and I witnessed Mr. Ashir's collection of precious stones like rubies, sapphires, emerald and diamonds. His collection was placed on a sealed fiber glass with blue led lights and high quality black silk.

" Wow! didn't know you've stolen a lot" Dad teasingly uttered.

" Ha-ha-ha of course, I won't let Bradley take everything that we had worked for." Mr. Ashir replied.

" Wow dad! you owned all of these! You didn't tell me anything about it!" Mat exclaimed surprisingly.

" I do not own all of that, I called Mike's dad today to share some of it because he didn't even have his shares yet after all these years." Mr. Ashir explained.

Dad raised one of his eyebrows and said;

" Are you sure you want to share it with me!?" Dad asked teasingly

" Of course I'm not greedy like that bastard Bradley!" Mr. Ashir replied then they laughed while Mat and I were curiously staring at some of the precious stones.

" But that's not all of it Stan!" Mr. Ashir uttered

Four of us were surprised and curious when he uttered those words.

"What do you mean!?" Dad asked

"I'm here to show you the real deal!" Mr. Ashir replied

He walked us through a large box covered with black silk. He pulled off the black silk and revealed a 32 carat red diamond. We were astounded by its beauty.

"The blood diamond!" Mr. Ashir confidently presented.

" Wow! I cannot believe you obtained it! But how? I thought Bradley stole it?" Dad curiously asked.

" I won't let him do that! we all deserve to have our shares of course!" Mr. Ashir exclaimed.

"Wow! Dad it's beautiful!" I uttered in amazement.

" Yes it's beautiful indeed." Mat replied.

Mr. Ashir was planning to auction the blood diamond and share the money with my dad. But Bradley was so greedy and he will do anything to stop us. He's so obsessed about it. While Mr. Ashir and dad are having a discussion about the blood diamond. One of the guards called Mr. Ashir. by phone.

" Boss! we're under attack!" He exclaimed

" What! who are they!" Mr. Ashir replied furiously.

" They're Bradley's gang Boss!" The guard replied nervously.

" Shit! alarm everyone in the mansion!" Mr. Ashir replied.

The maids and butlers panicked and hid themselves.

"You guys stay here, we're just gonna finish these bastards!" Dad uttered.

"But dad! " I exclaimed

" No Buts! I'm after your safety" He replied

" Don't worry Mr. Davis I'll protect Mike no matter what!" Mat uttered.

Mr. Ashir turned on his secret chamber's security on the highest level. Mat took one of the magnum pistols and grabbed my right hand and led me to his room. We heard a lot of gunshots outside the mansion. Mr. Ashir and dad started fighting against Bradley's gangs together with their gang. Mat was wearing an earpiece device to communicate with his dad.

" Dad is everything okay there!?" Mat asked

"We got this son! stay there and protect Mike!?" Mr. Ashir replied while shooting one of the gangs.

"ahhhhh!!!!!" Mr. Ashir exclaimed, He was shot on his right arm.

"Dad! are you okay!?" Mat asked with worries in his eyes.

Mat rushed in and shot one of the gang's heads while he saw his dad's right arm bleeding.

" Mat I told you to stay there! we got this!" Mr. Ashir exclaimed.

" But dad! you've been shot!" Mat replied.

Bradley's gang retreated because they were outnumbered.

"Wait, where's Mike!?" Dad Asked

"I left him in my room." Mat replied

"What!" Dad exclaimed with worries in his eyes and he's getting furious.

"Why? he's safe there" Mat replied

" Oh boy! Bradley's gang won't attack without any plans!" Dad exclaimed furiously.

[Back At Mat's Room]

I was about to get out of Mat's room but when I opened the door, I saw the guy wearing a black mask again. I was about to run but he injected me something. My sight got blurry as I fell into the ground.

They rushed in at Mat's room but I was not there anymore.

"Son of a Bi*ch!" Dad exclaimed furiously while kicking the stool in front of him.

"Stan! calm down we'll get Mike back" Mr. Ashir replied.

" How am I going to calm down!? My son was abducted and we were outsmarted by those bastards!" He exclaimed while dabbing his hand with the gun.

"I swear we're going to get him back" Mr. Ashir replied

Dad glared his eyes to Mat

" You! you're useless! I thought you're gonna protect my son no matter what!" He exclaimed furiously.

" I'm sorry Mr. Davis, dad got shot but I shouldn't have left Mike alone." Mat replied with worries in his eyes.

" It's not your fault son." Mr. Ashir uttered.

Dad shook his head and smiled sarcastically.

"Of course it's Mat's fault!" Dad exclaimed

" Hey don't blame Mat about this!" Mr. Ashir replied in a furious tone.

"If anything happens to Mike! I will not forgive your son! Don't forget that I've saved your life once, you owed me one. No bloody fuckin' diamonds we'll pay that! I suffered a lot just to save you." Dad uttered.

" I'm sorry if that's what you still feel Stan! I'm thankful that you saved my life! But I'm here to help you out. So do not put all the blame on Mat" Mr. Ashir replied

Both of them were flustered when Mat was not there anymore.Mat already left, while two of them were arguing. Mr. Ashir tried calling Mat by the phone.

" Hello? Mat!? Where are you!?" He asked then put the speaker on.

"I'm on my way to save Mike dad he's still wearing the tracking device that Mr. Davis gave him. I hacked that before and connected it to my phone." Mat replied

" Okay but please be careful" Mr. Ashir uttered

Dad walked out without saying goodbye to Mr. Ashir.

I slowly opened my eyes as I witnessed this guy wearing a black mask in front of me. I was wondering where I was, it seems like I was at some sort of an old factory warehouse. My hands were tied behind my back while I was sitting on an old dusty chair.

" So you're finally awake!" The guy in a black mask uttered while holding a gun in his hand.

" Who are you, why are you doing this!?" I exclaimed.


"shut up!" He exclaimed furiously

" I never told you to speak." He uttered as he pulled my chin closely.

" Please, what do you want?" I asked as I mumbled in fear.

He was about to punch me but suddenly his phone was ringing.

" Hello, who's this?" He asked

" This is Bradley, now, do you have what I want?" He asked.

"I'll hand him over to you as long as you send me the money." Vortex uttered then he looked at me ominously.

Hello, BL fans! I'm open to any suggestions and ideas for the novel's improvement. Don't forget to comment and add it to your library.

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