
Having Fun In The Anime World

Amatu- Novic- Beginner writer here! (A/N: I made this just to put my ideas in a story. Plus this my first time writing a fan-fic story. I'm just writing for leisure.) Disclaimer: The other character in the story is not mine. It's from there rightful owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark save two kids before he die and meet the only god he believed and ever believed in. God given him the chance for a second life. At first reluctant but in the end he got his second chance in the world of anime!

ArcTachibana · Tranh châm biếm
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35 Chs

Magic and Skills

[Name: null(former name: Mark Lesney)

Age: 4 months old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strength: --

Magic: 50

(Other stats locked)

Inventory: 1

Skills: 4]

"Open the skill tab system."



-You can see the information and details of people and things]

[Super Growth

-Maximize grow rate of skills, mastery and learning speed]

[Creation Magic

-Gift from the creator to his only believer. Create anything the caster desired. Things, skills and even life. As long you have the MP for it to create.]

[Sleep: Max stats reinforcement

-Helps with sleeping. Makes sleep more comfortable. Sleep like a baby. Helps improve stats while sleeping.]

[The [Sleep: Max stats reinforcement] is one of the things creator promise to give you. While the [Creation Magic] is bestowed blessing from the creator to you. And the other is just the a default skill from the system.]

"He really give me magic that can create anything. Thanks old man."

"System open my inventory."

[Yes host!]


[Training Manual

-The creator gives this training manual for you to become more powerful. It have many types of training! Each chapter have many parts of the training program you chosen, it will be a gut wrenching experience so get your mind and body ready!

Training Manual Chapter 1: Magic Training

Training Manual Chapter 2: Strength Training

Training Manual Chapter 3: Endurance Training

Training Manual Chapter 4: Speed Training

Training Manual Chapter 5: Weaponry Training

Training Manual Chapter 6: (Locked)

Training Manual Chapter 7: (Locked)

Note: Only Magic Training can be used right now.]

"System use Magic Training Manual."

[Yes Host!]


[Magic Training Part 1

Increase mana by using it all up and naturally fill the mana back or meditating.

Warning! Using your mana until there's none is not recommended just yet!

Magic Training Part 2 (Locked)]

"System explain to me everything to know."

[First of all Magic Training Part 2 will be unlocked if you have more than enough mana and the mana we are talking about is the magic stats you have.]

[Next, host as you know mana is a kind of energy that came from the human body. And like running out energy you'll either past out or worst when push comes to shove you over extended your use of mana you will be using your life energy in exchange of the mana energy, and the chance of dying is high and your just an infant right now host, you'll immediately die.]

[I recommend sleep meditating because of the skill [Sleep: Max stats reinforcement] will help you to improve your stats more in this case your Magic stats. And with the use of your [Super Growth] and skill your will double the efforts you make.]

"So that's how it is and I almost do it if not for the warning I'll be dead again. Thanks system!"

[No problem host!]

"Set a timer system. Wake me up when 2 months already pass"

[Yes Host!]



After 2 months of sleep meditating...

[Host wake up! 2 months have pass.]

"Hm? System? It's already 2 months? I feel like minutes just pass by. System open status."

[Name: null(former name: Mark Lesney)

Age: 6 months old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strength: --

Magic: 20000

(Other stats locked)

Inventory: 1

Skills: 4]

Mark was shocked "Oh my god! System is that really my magic stats?! It's already in the five digits! Am I still sleep meditating or something?"

[No host you're already awake. That's pretty much what to expect of your magic stats to be because of the two skills you have.]

"Don't be nonchalant about that! Am I the only one of as is shocked?!.... Ah yes your a powerful system of course you think this something that is simple." Mark sighs as he thinks how dumb he was thinking right then.


"*SIGH* let me see the part two of the training manual."

[Magic Training Part 2

Learn one element!

Magic Training Part 3 (Locked)]

[Magic Training Part 3 will be unlocked if host learn a element. Recommending life magic to learn since you are in the place where life being made and born and this place can't handle any kind of dangerous form of magic. It will also help your birth process to be smoothly.]

"Thanks system for the explanation~~~. Then lets start the training!" Mark is pump up to use magic.

After two months of training Mark successfully learns life magic.

[Life Magic (Beginner low level) Acquired!]

"Didn't know that it will take months before I learn it. And system can you explain the 'beginner low level' in my skill?"

[Of course it will take longer to learn that kind of magic. Life, Death, Time, Space, Creation and other special magic are that hard to learn normally those people who are learning those kind of magic will take then decades to learn or even comprehend. But don't worry the learning part is the hardest but leveling your skill will be easy for you.]

[About the level of the skill, it have 4 level and every levels it also have 4 stages.

Levels: Stages:

Beginner Low

Novice Middle

Master High

Ultimate Upper

There also a chance that the skill will evolve to a new and strong one.]

"Oh wow there's many level, thank god I got [Super Growth]. There other special magic that have the same difficulty as life magic.

[Well your in a place where life bear fruit, that's also the reason why you learn it fast.]

"Which means I will take more time to learn the life magic if I'm not in a place abundant of life or a place of life?"


"That means, other special magic will hard to learn if I can't find a place to learn it faster... Well... theirs no helping it then. Let's do the part 3 of training manual."

[Magic Training Part 3

Learn 5 different skills in the Life Magic skill branch.

Skills can be learn:


-Active skill

Uses mana to makes up with the HP lost.

Life Transfer

-Active skill

Can transfer HP to other person.

Life Siphon

-Active skill

Draws life from other life forms.

Life Magic control

-Passive skill

Increase control of life energy in the surrounding.

Breath of life

-Passive skill

Have great influence in the air and the surrounding you breath in. Every breath that comes from your mouth makes the place full of energy.

Eternal Garden

-Active skill

Can summon a bed of deadly flowers and vines, making the people who are trap or step inside of the flowers to be stones that can never leave until the caster decided to.

Mana Cost: Depends on the caster mana pool. The higher the mana cost the bigger the bed of flowers and vines.]

Tell me if there is something wrong about anything and I'll take a look and change it!

ArcTachibanacreators' thoughts