
Having Fun in Naruto

On his birthday, Our protagonist wished for something unrealistic which is to be in the world of fiction called Naruto where danger can lurk in any corner. After supposedly "dying" he realizes that he is now inside the said world. What will he do now that his wish has been granted? Will he do wants and mess with the characters? or will he live his life to the fullest? I will be using this fanfiction as a stepping stone in becoming better at writing. PS: English isn't my first language.

DrBow · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

(3) The Fox Kid

(5 Years Later)

It has been five years since I was reincarnated into this world. Now that I have lived in this place for five years, I am now a hundred percent sure that I am inside the world of Naruto.

If those stone faces weren't a big hint already, There are also ninjas wearing headbands with the symbol of the hidden leaf village on it jumping across rooftop to rooftops.

To say that I was happy was an understatement, I was absolutely having a blast.

Not only is this world fictional that I could only watch behind a screen. It also gives me the chance to use my own justus. I did say I want to cast fire in my hands like a wizard but in this world I might have a chance to create a sea of fire from my mouth. Like how cool was that.

"Kisuya come down here breakfast is ready!"

Hearing my name get called by my biological mother in this world, I quickly went down the stairs.

I'm still not used to hearing my name in this world since originally I was not japanese and hearing names like this kind of messed with me but I got used to it after a two years of being here.

-Stomp! Stomp!

My loud footsteps echoed from the wooden stairs as I passed by a nearby mirror showing me my reflection.

At first when I saw my reflection I would just be astonished. My face wasn't the same as before and it felt like another person was in the mirror but as time passed, I was able to adjust to it.

I have light red hair almost the same as my mother who had red hair only a bit lighter. Now was the absolute banger which were my eyes. My iris were yellow with multiple dark rings surrounding the pupil.

My mother said I was the spitting image of my great grandmother and we looked exactly the same except for the fact that I was male.

But all I thought about my appearance was that I looked like Makima if she was a man.

Arriving at the dining table, I sat down on a chair that was right beside me.

Across the table was my mother who was done readying the food. Her name here Kazumi Maki and of course as her son, I also inherit the surname Maki.

Apparently she wasn't an Uzumaki even though she has her red hair but I guess its normal since the hair color in Naruto is a bit random.

"Good morning Mother." I greeted her with a smile as I grabbed the chopsticks on the table.

"Good morning Kisuya. What did I tell you about calling me Mother. I told you call me Mom. Okay? Mom."

"Okay M-mom."

"There you go, wasn't that hard was it?" She says with a satisfied look.

Sometimes I forgot that I keep calling her mother instead of mom. I used to call my past mother as "Mom" so it felt a bit confusing whenever I called her mom.

My mother who was eating her food silently glanced at me and unexpectedly asked.

"By the way Kisuya, have you made any friends lately."

"No... Why? Is that bad?"

Truthfully, I wasn't able to make any friends in the past five years. I was too focused on memorizing hiragana, katakana, and kanji since every time I tried to read or someone talked to me, I wouldn't be able to understand a thing they would say unlike when there was a subtitle.

"Not necessarily but having friends would be nice don't you think?"

"I guess so, but they're too scared to come play with me when I tried once." What I was said is true. At first when I tried to befriend others they would just run saying my eyes look too scary.

"I'm sure once they get to know you, they'll change their minds." My mother smiled towards me then continued on eating.

I also ate my food while making sure to clean the plate.

"Mom I'm gonna go outside and go to the playground." Wearing my slippers on my feet, I head outside to go to the playground.

"Alright sweetie, Have fun!" I heard my mother yell as soon as I got out of the house.

'This view really doesn't get old.' I thought to myself.

The streets were filled with people, kids, elderly, and merchants which gave it an aesthetic beauty as a person from another world.

Looking at the site ahead made me wonder if all this was a fantasy.

Walking a block away from my home, I finally saw the playground filled with kids who are playing with other kids alike.

It looks like they were having fun except for the other kid who was alone sitting on a swing.

It was Naruto.

Looking at him from a distance really made me feel bad for the guy. I know what it means to lose your parents and how hard it was to be alone. The worse part is, He grew up without even knowing who his parents were.

'As a fellow orphan... Well, used to be. I'll try to talk with him since he looks so depressed. I know that me talking to him won't do anything to the story since he did grew up to and became a hokage himself.'

Slowly walking towards his direction, I felt my heart beat fast as I had many plans that I would like to accomplish such as summoning a meteor or making a gigantic tornado and one of my plans was to be able to converse with the characters I knew of.


Naruto who is sitting on a swing all alone stared at the other kids who were playing with each other.

Maybe because he never had someone to call friends but he wanted to know what it would feel like to have one.

It was his average day as always. All alone with no one to talk to, It was until he heard footsteps getting closer to him every second that he decides to look towards where it was coming from.

There he saw a kid, most likely the same age as him walking towards his direction.

The kid had light red hair and strange yellow eyes, it was Kisuya. The kid's identity didn't matter as Naruto had an even bigger question.

Why was someone walking towards a person like him who people called a monster.

As Kisuya sat down to the swing next to Naruto, there was an awkward silence between the two up until Kisuya finally spoke up.

"Do you want to be friends?"