

"So you are Maessha. I can see why Alara is smitten. You are pretty, child. But to be the Warrior Queen's consort, you will need more than an attractive face."

In Ellamir's home, Queen Ysbeil sat dignified with her legs crossed. Although atop a couch instead of throne, her posture remained that of a royal. Upright and regal.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Queen Ysbeil." Maessha timidly bowed.

"Give Maessha a break, Mother. She can fight, she's a formidable mage, mind you."

Even though they are a tribe that exonorated martial prowess the Amazoness did not neglect the benefit of magecraft. They have shamans, healers that can provide succor after battle. Still, the fact remains that there are only a few practitioners of the arcane among Ysbeil's people. The fact that Alara championed Maessha's skills could be attributed to the fact that she is indeed a talented sorcerer...or Alara was simply buttering up Maessha towards her.

"Do you want to give it a try?"

A question from the Queen bewildered Maessha.

"Try what, your highness?"

"I am giving you permission to call me mother." With a gaze that remained piercing, Ysbeil's lips bent into a mischievous grin. A sort of test on how Maessha can react to pressure.

"I...ugh...it is a pleasure to m-meet you, m...m...mother!" Stuttering from the shame, Maessha stammered the words out. Stuck in her throat initially, uttering the word felt smooth to the point it was refreshing. Here was the kind of mother that appeared to actually care about her daughter, and most of all, sane.

Queen Ysbeil laughed. This dark-elf truly was different as Alara said. Although stoic in her bearing, she sensed in Maessha a bubbly spirit. With Maessha's kind, this was as rare as finding a grain of rice in the desert. Maessha and Ellamir being the sole exceptions.

This time, it was Antani that stepped in for her mother to cease her teasing of the young dark-elf.

"Mother, I believe Maessha must be tired now, I could only imagine what went on at the high-elf's manor during her rescue."

"Yeah, about that." Alara chimed in, gazing at Ellamir and Antani. "Maessha has something to say to you both."

"What might that be?" Ellamir questioned.

There is trepidation in Maessha's bearing. One different from her earlier hesitation with Ysbeil's teasing. What she was about to impart can be interpreted as a cruel jest. Risking even Ellamir's trust, and that was something Maessha did not want to lose.

Maessha gulped, "Sister, promise me you won't get mad."

"Silly girl." Ellamir smiled. "I can't be mad at you even if I tried."



At the top of her lungs, Ellamir spewed her anger towards her little sister. Of course, Antani was there to soothe her rage. Antani caressed her lover's back, urging her to calm.

"Love, you promised you won't get mad."

"I can't just not get mad, Antani! This is our daughter we're talking about! I'm not going to hand her to my mother on a platter!"

"Sister, listen. It is only a matter of time before mother does something drastic just so she can meet her granddaughter. Let us set the terms, this way mother will not catch us by surprise. Ellani will be well-guarded, I insisted upon it."

Wonderful. Ellamir scoffed at Maessha's suggestion, it's like swallowing a poison but you get to choose when and where. In Maessha's own way, Ellamir acknowledged that she is simply trying to help but the fact remains that...

"I NEVER want to see mother again! You know this!"

"I am aware, sister. It's just that I think Ellani should see us together, even if it's just this one time. This way, mother will have no more reason to reach out to you once she is back in the underdark."

For Maessha, the ties of blood that bound them together must be honored even at lest once. All so Ellani would be aware of her heritage. For Ellamir, it was bond she wished to sever, with her mother alone. Even with the stupidity of her sister's plan, Ellamir cared too deeply for Maessha to cut her out.

"What an interesting development. I, too, wish convene with Zorrla about certain matters." To everyone's surprise, Ysbeil spoke. "I am volunteering to guard Ellani in this meeting with Zorrla."

What Ysbeil wished to discuss with Zorrla was a mystery. Perhaps a past grudge about their dispute over land? In any way, Alara noticed it would be the perfect moment to voice her agreement.

"I stand with Maessha. No harm will come to Ellani with me by her side."

They can band together all they want, it was still Ellamir's call at the end of the day. As long as she and Antani forbades shall never meet with Zorrla.

A hand crept up on Ellamir's shoulder. It was Antani wearing an wry smile that she had seen far too many times to not realize the meaning behind.

With Antani siding with her decision, she felt like a Queen under her own roof. Without Antani, she was a pariah. Still, Ellamir has been an outcast before, she will gladly become one again for the safey of their daughter.

"Ellani WILL NOT meet my mother. End of discussion!"

Walking out in front of everyone, Ellamir let her emotions guide her back into their room.

Ysbeil raised her brow, the audacity of Ellamir to go against her decision. Still, this was her home and remained the mother of Ellani.

Antani smiled at everyone, doing her best to diffuse the tension, "She just cares for Ellani a lot. I will do my best convince her. Let's all call it a night, I'll inform you of our decision in the morning."


Right between Antani and Ellamir, a dark-elf child slumbered peacefully. Ellamir gazed at her daughter, even while sleep, the innocence of a child shone through, one that Ellamir would risk everything to protect.

Ellamir's hand caressed her daughter's chest, a gesture to say that there is nothing to worry about as long as she was by her side. Antani then caressed the hand that caressed her daughter.

"Love, Ellani is our daughter and I get where you're coming from but why don't we reconsider Maessha's decision? That way, she will learn who to watch out for."

Heaven knows how Antani would be worried sick if one day Zorrla suddenly showed up in front of Ellani without either of them to watch over her.

"Not you too." In a defeated timbre as to not awaken their daughter, Ellamir expressed her disbelief.

Antani giggled, "Don't be silly. Even though I agree with Maessha, I'll always stand by your decision, I'm only reminding you to take our family's suggestion into account."

At the very least, it was a weight off Ellamir's chest that Antani will stick with her through whatever she decides.

"Thank you. Give some time to think."

Given the chance, Ellamir would simply kill Zorrla and be done with it. If only that would spawn a whole slew of succession issue with the throne.